Yet another mass shooting.


Well-Known Member
i personally do not make any distinctions regarding innocent victims regardless of race or economic status...
And that's fine.

My point is that if the powerful found themselves in the crossfire, we'd see a lot more than 'thoughts and prayers' happening.

Now tell me I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
And that's fine.

My point is that if the powerful found themselves in the crossfire, we'd see a lot more than 'thoughts and prayers' happening.

Now tell me I'm wrong.
i really do not know, but their philosophy has always been "you cant fix an omelette without breaking a few egg's"


Well-Known Member
Now they're saying 19 dead 40 wounded.

Suspect in custody is 21 years old named Patrick Crusius.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of thoughts and prayers (not to mention a little gratuitous grandstanding), here's 'Beto' O'Rourke;

Vacuous self serving drivel.
If anybody is an authority on vacuous self-serving drivel, it is you.

Did you get @schuylaar's Beto "piss-shiver" cleared up? You Progressives were all about Beto until he ran against Bernie.

And hey, remember the last time you dragged your sorry ass in an laid a deuce in here... You claimed that I would "sing Biden's praises" if he took 15 diabetics to Canada like Barnie did. I asked you to back that up by posting just one time I praised Biden. You didn't. You ran away like a coward after claiming that several other people's posts that you didn't like were lies.

But you are the real liar, Tyler. Your family knows it. We all know it. Even Padraper and ORW know it and are smart enough to be embarassed.


Well-Known Member
If he shot up a fundraising dinner full of millionaires, would you like to bet the conversation about him control would change?

Shooting poor people is fine, though- especially if they're minorities.
Hopefully he would miss Bernie. He's old and couldn't handle the shock.


Well-Known Member
But no one looks at the big picture?

Sure looks like a society coming apart under extreme stress to me.

Class warfare? Vast numbers of people thrown under the bus in pursuit of corporate profits?

The social safety net cut to shreds in the name of tax cuts for billionaires?

Nah. Couldn't be any of that.

Thoughts and prayers!
People are being spammed from every angle with hate propaganda that they are being told is true, even though at best it is a radicalized version of reality that can be constructed by selectively ignoring facts that counter the narrative. It doesn't matter who it is or what they believe, if a person with bad intentions gets their hooks in the people that are not able to understand they are being used, they can be used to devastating ends. It doesn't matter the race/creed/wealth if they are manipulatable it is dangerous for them online.


Well-Known Member
El Paso, Texas. Several dead. Nobody knows yet how many.

More shootings under Trump than any other two presidents combined and he's only been in office 2.5 years.

Good job rallying the right wing, racist, homophobic nut jobs, Trump!
Who really give a fuck, because the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear assault weapons, right?
The GOP and the fucking NRA have blood on their hands every week now it seems.
But, it's a mental health issue right, not the guns themselves, whereas we just happen to have like the most available access to firearms in the fucking world.
Supporters of the 2nd can suck my dick, and I hope THEY get shot,
It won't be the gun's fault, right?