Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

Alright will do!. still no difference in the colloring I'm really starting to worry it's not stoping growth at all but you can tell there sick and one has it worse then the other the green is fadeing into Yello from the bottom of lefs up I think I'll take pics of the hole plants so you can really see what's going on
The buddy that had them before me didn't Kno what he was doing so they already had stunt issues but I brought eem put of it then this happened
You need to take pics of whole plants so we can see where this issue is and if there are any other signs that might help us diagnose.
Don't take leaves off a plant when they are alive, once you remove them if its a mobile deficiency it will move to other leaves quicker to strip the elements needed.
Couldn't figure out how to post need help. What's wrong with my girls? Lol. The only thing I've dun different is not usejng epsion salt in every feed and I can definitely tell the difference in growth rate. With out it. Is this a mag deffncy? I'm getting epsion salt tommaro my pH is on point every feeding.
How old is the plant, is it already in flowering? Are the white leaves on the bottom and slowly moving up, or are the white leaves on the top...and bottom leaves are green? And what are you otherwise feeding your plant and how often you water?

Just from the pics it looks like typical N deficiency which is normal in flowering.

(N deficiency is always old, bottom large leaves, moving up. When it happens I flowering, don't worry. If it's Calcium/Iron (top leaves more, and also younger leaves white), or Mg or Phosphorus or whatever, doesn't really matter: Means SOMETHING is wrong with your watering and/or nutrient regimen. Overwatering == 99% of problems or pH. So if that's the case, flush the plant and then give normal nutrients in the recommended dosage. CalMag rarely "hurts", as most CalMag also has iron in it so it addresses lots of problems....but know that CalMag is just like an emergency solution. You need to know what *causes* the problem)

Deficiencies == possibly from overwatering, too much nutes accumulate over time in the soil== nute lockout from too acidy soil. (FLUSH!) Overwatering can also fuck up roots, mould etc, root rot == all kinds of problems. Bugs are another possibility eg. spider mites. Take a loupe and check for mites.
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How old is the plant, is it already in flowering? Are the white leaves on the bottom and slowly moving up, or are the white leaves on the top...and bottom leaves are green? And what are you otherwise feeding your plant and how often you water?

Just from the pics it looks like typical N deficiency which is normal in flowering.

(N deficiency is always old, bottom large leaves, moving up. When it happens I flowering, don't worry. If it's Calcium/Iron (top leaves more, and also younger leaves white), or Mg or Phosphorus or whatever, doesn't really matter: Means SOMETHING is wrong with your watering and/or nutrient regimen. Overwatering == 99% of problems or pH. So if that's the case, flush the plant and then give normal nutrients in the recommended dosage. CalMag rarely "hurts", as most CalMag also has iron in it so it addresses lots of problems....but know that CalMag is just like an emergency solution. You need to know what *causes* the problem)

Deficiencies == possibly from overwatering, too much nutes accumulate over time in the soil== nute lockout from too acidy soil. (FLUSH!) Overwatering can also fuck up roots, mould etc, root rot == all kinds of problems. Bugs are another possibility eg. spider mites. Take a loupe and check for mites.
The plant is about 6 months and in 2nd week of flower . I fed a 60 day feed so it's likely ate all nutes .. replenish? The leaves started turning yellow on bottom to middle of plants then they started to work it way up to fresh growth . I hope it's not a lockout my friend was watering them when I wasn't home and he did say he water the hell out of them .... So over watering could be a factor . I have fed once with calmag no result . I'll feed calmag again when leaves are down and soil is dry
Uhm...don't worry. Looks like the typical N deficiency in flowering, especially if it starts with the lower, large leaves. It's normal! But yes, let them dry out between waterings...but I don't think it's anything to worry.