Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

She was the STATE attorney general.

The only time the U.S. District Attorney deals with a field office is typically when something goes very, very wrong. (Which is happening right now.)

When something like this happens, it's not your run of the mill legal everyday. It could have been an ugly smear on the office. People were alerted. The judge told the deputy attorneys to address it with their supervisor. The state still appealed the judges action and Gage is literally in jail on a technicality. Kamala Harris most definitely was aware.

Jamal Truelove was wrongfully convicted under her tenure as the DA of SF. She is described by her peers as fighting to uphold wrongful convictions. Its not an outlier. She has no remorse.

The State District Attorney handles state business,
This is commonly reffered to as the AG.

But for the record, the conviction took place 12 years before Kamala Harris was the DA of California.
You said it was indefensible. You said it was before her time. When I pointed out that it was most definitely during her tenure, you switched up your angle to, "she had nothing to do with it." What's next?

I'd love to see a interview done where they ask her about these things.
Jamal Truelove was wrongfully convicted under her tenure as the DA of SF. She is described by her peers as fighting to uphold wrongful convictions. Its not an outlier. She has no remorse.

This is commonly reffered to as the AG.

You said it was indefensible. You said it was before her time. When I pointed out that it was most definitely during her tenure, you switched up your angle to, "she had nothing to do with it." What's next?

I'd love to see a interview done where they ask her about these things.
Yeah, I used to get the same way when taco Mac wrecked my butthole

Put some cream on it.
Who cares what a Trump voter thinks, learn to spell, it’s “our” not “are”
Im an Indpendent that happened to vote Trump in 2016. There was no other choice than Hillary. And already knew what she was about. So took my chance with Trump as the wild card. The issue I brought up is bipartsian issue. You should also be flaming mad the federal reserve refuses to be audited and is a private bank. This is much more important than the lesser reguritated clown issues! Im using a cell phone and can have autocorect bugs. By the way I'm not writing an essay so chill out bromie.
Im an Indpendent that happened to vote Trump in 2016. There was no other choice than Hillary. And already knew what she was about. So took my chance with Trump as the wild card. The issue I brought up is bipartsian issue. You should also be flaming mad the federal reserve refuses to be audited and is a private bank. This is much more important than the lesser reguritated clown issues! Im using a cell phone and can have autocorect bugs. By the way I'm not writing an essay so chill out bromie.
“Audit the fed!” and “I love rawn pawl!” are things that pretty much only white suprrmacist stormfront losers say
You mean the good 'ole days when there was a recession every two years on average.

When the wealthiest people in the country could wait for enterprising Americans to work hard and start up new industries, let them work to build up their buildings and cities, then rip out the carpet from underneath them by bankrupting banks in the region and buying up the loans/land/businesses of the people as they have nobody to turn to when they can't pay their bills.


The Federal Reserve doesn't have anything to do with gold in Fort Knox, nor does it make new currency that is the Treasury and is not connected to the Federal Reserve.

The Fed is the blend of how little we trust each other, Government chooses the board members, Banks pay the bills, Citizens choose the government and get paid by the banks and borrow from them to be able to do things like buy houses (imagine having to save a hundred thousand before you could buy into the housing market) and start businesses.

The garbage about the Federal Reserve you will find online usually is just conspiracy theories. The groups that would like to scare people to their causes like a boogy man that doesn't really try to sway public sediment.
The federal reserve being created by the banking families is not a conspiracy theory. I advise you study your history especially the Rothchilds and the Robber Barons. Also the warning from the founding fathers to never allow a private bank. Several other warnings from other presidents during the civil war because the Rothchilds tried than and failed. You got to remember England was very sour anout losing the Revolutionary war and they wanted to retake monetary control for a long time after. They got what they wanted in 1913. A famous quote from Thomas Jefferson,

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
The federal reserve being created by the banking families is not a conspiracy theory. I advise you study your history especially the Rothchilds and the Robber Barons. Also the warning from the founding fathers to never allow a private bank. Several other warnings from other presidents during the civil war because the Rothchilds tried than and failed. You got to remember England was very sour anout losing the Revolutionary war and they wanted to retake montary control for a long time after. They got what they wanted in 1913. A famous quote from Thomas Jefferson,

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
Ah yes

Where else have I heard this “GLOBALIST BANKERS!!!!!!” canard before
Ah yes

Where else have I heard this “GLOBALIST BANKERS!!!!!!” canard before
Doesn't matter who you heard it from. If your intelligent enough person and you study the history for yourself. Your not gonna have to hear it reguritated by another person.
Go kill yourself jew hater
Oh wow lets go straight to calling me a jew hater. I don't give crap if most the bankers are jewish. Plenty of innocent jewish that are in the same boat as you and me. Race and skin color makes no difference to me. I'm sure the banking families hired other races to spread their evil. They groom leaders in all around the world with all types of skin colors and races. Race and color is irrevelant to evil.
He said Jews secretly bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 and penned and an article about how to plant guns on the corpses of dead black kids you shoot
Ill have to double check your claims. Like said I dont trust anyone I just research the issues.
Ill have to double check your claims. Like said I dont trust anyone I just research the issues.
Obviously you’re not doing well in the research department

But when you do look it up and see for yourself that he said those things you’ll find a way to justify it anyway

This is because you’re a deranged right wing white supremacist jew hater whose mental condition would render you unfit for gun ownership in any nation with sane gun laws
Obviously you’re not doing well in the research department

But when you do look it up and see for yourself that he said those things you’ll find a way to justify it anyway

This is because you’re a deranged right wing white supremacist jew hater whose mental condition would render you unfit for gun ownership in any nation with sane gun laws
Obviously you’re not doing well in the research department

But when you do look it up and see for yourself that he said those things you’ll find a way to justify it anyway

This is because you’re a deranged right wing white supremacist jew hater whose mental condition would render you unfit for gun ownership in any nation with sane gun laws
I actually am a proud gun owner and NOT a right wing white supremacist. I am for the 2nd amendment but I'm also for gay marriage. And love cannabis and mostly a hippy! So i wouldn't fit into your stereotype. Yeah I looked up your claims. I don't see a problem that he's not pro Israel. Jews do not just reside in Israel. I also did not see anything about planting guns on dead black kids.

Why is most of our taxes going to Israel? Why is almost all congressmen dual citizens to Israel? What so fucking great about Israel? And why can no one criticize them for legitimate concerns without being called a jew hater? Ron Paul has some pretty sane concerns doesn't make him a jew hater.