HLG vs HGL Side By Side Take 2

Who do you think will win?

  • HLG

    Votes: 63 85.1%
  • HGL

    Votes: 11 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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At the half way mark now.
I like what i see on both sides. Breaking the manufactures recommend distance of 30" with the Trinty @ 20" &1400 umol if 525w so i downed her to about 500w to get 1250. If i lower her, being as stocky as she is then i feel it won't get the full trellis bennifit but ill prob will lower her tom. & go back to 525w. Trinity plant is now drinking a little faster then the 84x plant due to such high & even ppfd.
The HGL is pumping right along & is very big, taking up its area & a lil inyo the 96's zone underneath. Slightly larger buds then the Trinty & more stretch but the Trinity buds are stacking closer & will fill out. Directly under each light gets around 1100 ppf then drops to 350 before climbing again but I've been moving them around every other day or so to help with that n it seams to be working.
The Trinity is deffinetly as Efficient a board as i can imagine it can get.
The HGL spectrum has something special to it i think. Deffinetly allot more then i thought coming into this & has changed my opinion on their spectrum & RGB. When i first saw it i thought most other burples have a better spectrum. KIND was Kinder , lol! Now i see why certain proportions of nm's are necessary to get optimal growth from rgb. Looking forward to seeing what the XB boards can do @ almost double the efficiency & a much better spread.
I have a bunch of update data on the XB boards coming up tom. @Stephenj37826 , if you have any info on the Trinity you'd like for me to share, dont hesitate to pm me bud!..
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Trinity board appears to be stacking a bit better, but pretty even overall. Will the buds growing into the other side still be counted?? ;) I think in the end the HLG board will still beat out final yield.
Nothing has really changed as for parameters. Same feed line, co2, CoCo, 4x4-5x5 plants. Pretty sure I've shared w/ everyone the changes i made to dial into CoCo with LED already.
Trinity around a 1100 ppfd & 500-525w
X4, 84x's around a 700 ppfd, 580ish w.
Used SNS 203 & 209 early in flower to prevent & rid some gnats. Ended up clogging up the works so flushed them out & chased with a high ppm (unfortunately epsom carries), to have an end result if 1050-1250 drainage. Since then all plants have gotten darker green & in better health. Tend to refer to the garden as a whole. Comp plants are doing their thing & I'm very happy with both. Oh, since last grow beenbuppimg ph from 6.0-6.2 to 6.4-5. Reason being is it comes out lower then it goes in so im balancing it back. Not sure if that's a CoCo thing or the added Mag/Epsom doing it as it breaks down.?.
Runoff is generally about 1/2 gall a plant drain to a long tedious waste.
Back in the day with hps I'd fill the fuckers so the saucers were 1/2 full n just let them drink it. When i started drain to waste, i thiught OMG, What a Waste of $$$ , literally down the drain. It would Usually be gone w/i a 1/2 hr., all drank up. At the time i was coco & could feed, feed, water, feed, which is similar to what the feeding chart recommends anyways but yeah, i don't do that now & Stay Magging it up. That kept me within reason for the most part.
Bought Pro-Mix yesterday so next side by side which will be the Bar-8 vs the XB- Boards vs the Trinity will be in that instead of CoCo. Just used it this past time because i felt i almost had it nailed down last run & apparently i did (almost) as i just converted a pale garden to a green one in mid flower which was nearly impossible for me last yr.

I really appreciate all the positive vibes & support guys Thnx!
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Stacking the Nugglitos! Glad i did that last De-Fo which was day 26 or so i believe. Lil late but better then not doing it at all. The Trinity side had a solid Roof over it.
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Everything is nice but i dont like a owner much,its pretty obvious people started to understand what that person does...

I will never buy light from any producer that snitches on their testers..

Its really unbelivable and i belive its truth cause i have personal messages from Rab C...
i can show you something that you will have hard time to belive,i need to react cause
i have alergy on snitches and thats why i come here in thread so the other folks will
know what is happening... maybe they are also in danger..
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How you will know me..,am was only 6 years active on board that right now your boss derails with threating
with snitching to goverment their own tester growers.. and am here under same handle like i was there..

On another hand am not your enemy.. but you sound so corporate,its looks to me you are deep in HGL

How to say that short.. i dont trust you.. at all..
How do you even think you know anything about me?
Everything is nice but i dont like a owner much,its pretty obvious people started to understand what that person does...

I will never buy light from any producer that snitches on their testers..

Its really unbelivable and i belive its truth cause i have personal messages from Rab C...
i can show you something that you will have hard time to belive,i need to react cause
i have alergy on snitches and thats why i come here in thread so the other folks will
know what is happening... maybe they are also in danger..
You did good on the vitamin c brother.
The majority around here have no skin in this big witch hunt game and are only interested in the tech.
If you have some kind of "evidence" to the claims you make I suggest you post it and protect the rest of the community if that is truly what is going on.
If someone put their hand up and agreed to do a grow journal in exchange for a light and then bounced - they get what they got coming for stiffing the person they made the agreement with.
It basically becomes stealing merchandise when you don't hold up your end of the deal.
Most who have interacted with HGL have not seen these issues you are trying to blow whistles about :peace:
You did good on the vitamin c brother.
The majority around here have no skin in this big witch hunt game and are only interested in the tech.
If you have some kind of "evidence" to the claims you make I suggest you post it and protect the rest of the community if that is truly what is going on.
If someone put their hand up and agreed to do a grow journal in exchange for a light and then bounced - they get what they got coming for stiffing the person they made the agreement with.
It basically becomes stealing merchandise when you don't hold up your end of the deal.
Most who have interacted with HGL have not seen these issues you are trying to blow whistles about :peace:

Wrong bro.. otherway people will not made threads on Rab C. on ICMAG.. its a fishy game and people smelled it well.. now they try to contain damage but some stuff is obvious...

also now i cant post PMs from Rab C. as am banned forever.. it was so fast after i told
i will unveil their "black ops"...

And if you wish to have something with snitch those is not of mine interest.. that part i live
to you.. but dont expect i will have crazy wish to hang with guys that support HGL..
i know what i was read from Rab C. PMs.. you will not decive me..
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Lol I've never seen a side by side that gets as derailed as often as this one. Is HLG ever planning on relasing this light for purchase?
Kinda curious how the new HGL light would stack up to the trinity... also I agree with you 100%, but at worst any info would be nice at this point
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