Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

Actually been proven false in court! I guess just too scary to watch the last hearing of Mueller for you! Robert Mueller is a disgrace and his resignation shows his guilt. He's a piece of shit Bush Jr dick sucker anyway. As a Democrat you should be very concerned with that. And he transported uranium one to the Russians, it's proven in the wikileaks. He's a crook and you know it!
What horrible propaganda

Manafort shared internal polling data with Russian spies. That’s in his sentencing memo. He got more time in prison for lying about it

Mueller never resigned

Wikileaks is unverifiable Russian propaganda

You’re a fucking clown
What horrible propaganda

Manafort shared internal polling data with Russian spies. That’s in his sentencing memo. He got more time in prison for lying about it

Mueller never resigned

Wikileaks is unverifiable Russian propaganda

You’re a fucking clown
Robert Mueller didn't resign you ass clown? https://www.vox.com/2019/5/29/18644319/mueller-resignation

Wikileaks again never was proven Russian, but please keep on lying! Your warmonger that wants war with Russia, Your playing the same stupid game the elites want. You're a tool.
Robert Mueller didn't resign you ass clown? https://www.vox.com/2019/5/29/18644319/mueller-resignation

Wikileaks again never was proven Russian, but please keep on lying! Your warmonger that wants war with Russia, Your playing the same stupid game the elites want. You're a tool.
nobody said Wikileaks was Russian. Wikileaks role in Trump's campaign's conspiracy with Russia is well documented. Too funny that you are trying to re-write a history that is so well known.

Mueller came out of retirement from his government job to conduct this investigation. Of course he would return to the private sector after he was done. There is nothing in his resignation that even implies "guilt" nor is anybody with a half a brain accusing him of being "guilty" of anything.

Speaking of people with half a brain, what do you claim Mueller is guilty of in this investigation?
You got worked over hard by the Russians propaganda machine man, it sucks my family got roped into it too. Just keep digging at the stuff you read, ask around and try to see if there is not more to the story without having to immediately react to what it is saying. Because I have yet to see you post anything not propaganda. Here is a good video to help see a little bit of the bigger picture on what is going on that is making everything seem so bad.

Here's a pic of your hero Robert Mueller AKA, "Camel face"!


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Look at this slimey fucker all butt buddies with douche bag Bush Jr!


  • Mueller sucking Bush Jrs dick.jpg
    Mueller sucking Bush Jrs dick.jpg
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That's some tight research, diaper-boy.

Just showing what a bunch hypocritical douche fucks you are for liking a guy who had lots of same policies as Bush JR! A REPUBLICAN by the way! And you give him a free pass on helping fuel the Iraq War.

That's what makes me sick. I stopped giving a shit about Trump a long time ago. Instead the obvious fake russian investigation you guys should of been demanding an investigation on Epstein a long time ago.

And why Trump and Bill Clinton flew on that airplane. Wikileaks told you all the way back in 2016 about Epstein. If Trump and Bill Clinton did in fact engage in pedophilia, I want both their dicks on a stake! And that goes for anyone involved with that sick shit regardless of political party! Your concerned with a proven FAKE Russia investigation. I'm concerned with Trump and Bill Clinton's involvement with Epstein.

I'm not biased cause I can honestly judge both parties.

During Bush Jr era, I voted against him. In college I wrote an essay about the dangers of the Patriot Act. I stood up for the Iraq people for a lot more than you fucks.

But not stupid enough to support flooding the gates with pissed off people who hate what Bush did in the American peoples name. And I can honestly say, I don't blame that they want to kill us. I would too if I was in their position.

United States did some real fucked up stuff over there and killed and maimed a lot their family members and friends The shitty thing is not everybody voted for it, like me. First they piss these people off and displace them, than they flood them into our country to kill us. It's actually a very old time war strategy.

Again an example of playing both sides!
Donald Trump is going to look like a little bitch in prison.
Yeah maybe for being involved with Epstein NOT for your fake Russia baseless investigation though. Hell like I said before If Trump also committed Pedophilia. I'd wanna see his dick on a stick too. I don't pick sides like some people around here! I
care about the TRUTH!

I don't care about allegiances to stupid political parties or hollywood celebrity corporate hoars like the general population. Or to fit into your little monkey see monkey do clique groups.
Just showing what a bunch hypocritical douche fucks you are for liking a guy who had lots of same policies as Bush JR!.....During Bush Jr era.....United States did some real fucked up stuff over there!

lots of THE same policies as

during THE bush jr era

THE united states did

Inability to use the definite article, dead giveaway here

folks, we got a virgin boi from St. Petersburg here
Yeah maybe for being involved with Epstein NOT for your fake Russia baseless investigation though. Hell like I said before If Trump also committed Pedophilia. I'd wanna see his dick on a stick too. I don't pick sides like some people around here! I
care about the TRUTH!

I don't care about allegiances to stupid political parties or hollywood celebrity corporate hoars like the general population. Or to fit into your little monkey see monkey do clique groups.
What fake Russia investigation?

The one where mueller proved trump colluded with Russia?
I am still tired from when Russian losers pretending to be Americans in 2016 accused me of “You are war monger who wants war with Russia!” in atrocious accents

And now it’s happening again

Russia is a bankrupt shell sucked dry by Putin and his cronies. They have one sad little aircraft carrier that has to be pulled around by a tugboat. Almost 50% of Russians under the age of 30 want to leave that squalid shithole

We would wipe out Russia in a few minutes if we didn’t have Putin’s pedo puppet
Yeah maybe for being involved with Epstein NOT for your fake Russia baseless investigation though.
The Russia investigation already resulted in a bunch of prison sentences. Primadonald is facing charges for 10 counts of obstruction of justice when we vote him out.

Skinheads will still be getting their faces punched often as well.
I am still tired from when Russian losers pretending to be Americans in 2016 accused me of “You are war monger who wants war with Russia!” in atrocious accents

And now it’s happening again

Russia is a bankrupt shell sucked dry by Putin and his cronies. They have one sad little aircraft carrier that has to be pulled around by a tugboat. Almost 50% of Russians under the age of 30 want to leave that squalid shithole

We would wipe out Russia in a few minutes if we didn’t have Putin’s pedo puppet
Funny how both Russians and illiterate white diaper-wearing crackers do that. I would lament the difficulty of distinguishing the two if it mattered.
How did Diaper Doofus 687 go from neutral to right wing in 50 posts?

Yesterday he didn't like either side, right Diaper Doofus?
You idiot i said Trump was on the Epstein plane too. I attacked Bill Clinton and Trump! They both could hang for all I care. I'm just NOT stupid enough to believe the Russian propaganda bs! I want Trump to go jail for something he really did! I don't want another warmonger war with Russia based on propaganda. Again I want war with REAL ENEMIES, the "banking families". I'm not interested in fighting with their stupid minions, it won't solve the root problem.

I just wrote several paragraphs on how i voted against Bush Jr and was against the Iraq War, and the Patriot Act. So sorry again I'm not alt right. It's not black and white, people can be in between the two! How is that so hard for people like you to grasp? Balance is the key man! The principle can be used in almost every faucet of someones life.

Fucking Trump hasn't said shit about auditing the Federal Reserve or going after the banking families. The fuck probably owes the banking families money bailing him out of Atlantic City. And his disgusting defending Acosta that gave Epstein a free pass the first time around. Stabbing Julian Assange in the back was my last straw.

Trump will NOT be getting my vote again nor will any of the plastic wrapped fakes! Picking warmonger cabinet positions and finally building that stupid fucking pipeline that's gonna pollute all those Native Americans lands. Oh and something none you idiots probably figured out his little bitch boy that looks like Damien and the antichrist Jared Kushner. Well seems like he used to work or currently working for George Soros. Trump either already knows about this and is playing both sides OR Kushner is doing this on his own. All i'll say is Jared Kushner is one creepy motherfucker and something's not right with that guy! And I advise everyone to keep close eye on him. The most dangerous people are the ones behind the curtain!

Now thats REAL issues to judge Trump on! Mmmkay?
You idiot i said Trump was on the Epstein plane too. I attacked Bill Clinton and Trump! They both could hang for all I care. I'm just NOT stupid enough to believe the Russian propaganda bs! I want Trump to go jail for something he really did! I don't want another warmonger war with Russia based on propaganda. Again I want war with REAL ENEMIES, the "banking families". I'm not interested in fighting with their stupid minions, it won't solve the root problem.

I just wrote several paragraphs on how i voted against Bush Jr and was against the Iraq War, and the Patriot Act. So sorry again I'm not alt right. It's not black and white, people can be in between the two! How is that so hard for people like you to grasp? Balance is the key man! The principle can be used in almost every faucet of someones life.

Fucking Trump hasn't said shit about auditing the Federal Reserve or going after the banking families. The fuck probably owes the banking families money bailing him out of Atlantic City. And his disgusting defending Acosta that gave Epstein a free pass the first time around. Stabbing Julian Assange in the back was my last straw.

Trump will NOT be getting my vote again nor will any of the plastic wrapped fakes! Picking warmonger cabinet positions and finally building that stupid fucking pipeline that's gonna pollute all those Native Americans lands. Oh and something none you idiots probably figured out his little bitch boy that looks like Damien and the antichrist Jared Kushner. Well seems like he used to work or currently working for George Soros. Trump either already knows about this and is playing both sides OR Kushner is doing this on his own. All i'll say is Jared Kushner is one creepy motherfucker and something's not right with that guy! And I advise everyone to keep close eye on him. The most dangerous people are the ones behind the curtain!

Now thats REAL issues to judge Trump on! Mmmkay?

giphy (62).gif
What fake Russia investigation?

The one where Mueller proved trump colluded with Russia?
He never proved Trump concluded with Russia. The only thing he was trying to get him for is bogus claim about Obstruction of Justice. It's total shit stop embarrassing yourself! It's dead and let it rot where it belongs!

Instead attack Trump on REAL issues maybe like the pipeline, his cabinet picks, Jared Kushner, and hell even the fact he flew on Epstein's plane once! i'm really trying to raise you guys IQ in this room! I just get tired of every place I go hearing the same broken record over and over again. And people like you land up ignoring the actual IMPORTANT stuff.