I am scared of my crop

Seriously, this thing is either going to out grow me, roll up and smoke me like scary movie or eat me like little shop of horrors

I am growing seedsman jack herer with a couple of free cheese seeds in there and they're 4 ft tall without becoming flimsy

They were vegged for about 6 weeks and have just started week 7 of flower

The trichomes are almost all still clear there is barely any cloudy trichomes yet and I'm guessing that means I may have another week or two until ambers start to form

When I fitted the netting and ties (nothing had fallen but I did as a precaution) I had to do it one bit at a time because if the tent is open for more than 20 seconds it stinks out the whole block

My last grow was with these LEDs which was great I think it's due to the lenses on the LEDs (240watt) but with this grow also having my 660watt hps is ridiculous, i think this strain of jack from seedsman can take up to 9 weeks.. do not mix lights, I repeat. do not mix lights.

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Well-Known Member
i found good ones for 150 or less. will filter roadkill for about a year. Nothing wrong with mixing lights , makes um better.
They aint going no 5 weeks....folks on this forum just dont want you pickin shit i guess? The most done photo on this site will yeild you a :"two more weeks at least" "id go 4 weeks"
Thats just rediculas . "DONE" is an opinion ....."MATURE" is a fact...
I always pick mine with foggy trics. amber is too mature for my liking and my genetics.
Yours appears to be very close .... i could see two weeks but i highly doubt youll go more then that.
i looked again. no they dont look as close as i thought but i still say two weeks ish.
I already have a decent filter guys but it does not stop smell escaping when I need to open the tent
If I didnt have one my whole zip code would be high right now lol

It's not as bad when I open the bottom of the tent to water but when I open the top to check the trichomes even if just for 2 minutes I then need at least half hour with every window of my apartment open to dim it down and I have to scrub my fingers before I go to work as its extremely sticky and if I dont people are still pointing out the smell at the end of my shift

Just adding a photo of something I've done which I think is really cool opinions?
Ionizer function I havent used, should I?
Yes that is my dehumidifier filling up my reservoir, i wish it worked faster but now only about 20/40litres of feed is from the tap


Well-Known Member
i found good ones for 150 or less. will filter roadkill for about a year. Nothing wrong with mixing lights , makes um better.
They aint going no 5 weeks....folks on this forum just dont want you pickin shit i guess? The most done photo on this site will yeild you a :"two more weeks at least" "id go 4 weeks"
Thats just rediculas . "DONE" is an opinion ....."MATURE" is a fact...
I always pick mine with foggy trics. amber is too mature for my liking and my genetics.
Yours appears to be very close .... i could see two weeks but i highly doubt youll go more then that.
i looked again. no they dont look as close as i thought but i still say two weeks ish.
Those are for sure more than 2 weeks away your little childish rant was entertaining. And mixing lights isn't really beneficial you end up with a ton of ir heating up half your canopy it's much harder to have proper temps dialed in when you mix lights


Well-Known Member
I already have a decent filter guys but it does not stop smell escaping when I need to open the tent
If I didnt have one my whole zip code would be high right now lol

It's not as bad when I open the bottom of the tent to water but when I open the top to check the trichomes even if just for 2 minutes I then need at least half hour with every window of my apartment open to dim it down and I have to scrub my fingers before I go to work as its extremely sticky and if I dont people are still pointing out the smell at the end of my shift

Just adding a photo of something I've done which I think is really cool opinions?
Ionizer function I havent used, should I?
Yes that is my dehumidifier filling up my reservoir, i wish it worked faster but now only about 20/40litres of feed is from the tap
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No offense but your filter isnt awesome if you smell it at any point...

I know it's easy to think everything is wonderful because you already spent money and you dont want to spend more but fact is you can already admire there is a problem so dont ignore the solution.
No offense but your filter isnt awesome if you smell it at any point...

I know it's easy to think everything is wonderful because you already spent money and you dont want to spend more but fact is you can already admire there is a problem so dont ignore the solution.
You're joking right? So my filter isn't good because it has removed the smell from my room when the tent is sealed but hasn't removed the cannabis smell from my cannabis plants?


Well-Known Member
You're joking right? So my filter isn't good because it has removed the smell from my room when the tent is sealed but hasn't removed the cannabis smell from my cannabis plants?
Not joking at all. If your saying that when the area is open then smell escapes then you need more filtering.

In my area I have 2x filters and a filter in the area outside the room.

Zero smell can be detected at any time. If you care about personal security you do what's required for actual odor filtering.


Well-Known Member
Still wasn't a statement on when the plants would be done. Truth is none of us know except the op. Unless we're the ones seeing the plants firsthand, smelling them, checking the trichs, all we have to go on is the pics.
It's like a guy expecting help with his plants problems based on a written description, without pics of the problem.
I'm 100% guaranteeing the OP those plants wont be ready to Harvest until at least October 6th.