Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone.
Wake n Bake

I have a puker in my house too. I am going to start putting signs up...I hate when I am half a sleep and 'splat'....ruins the morning for me.



New Member
I have one that chews on my Spider plants and then ralphs them up all over the place. It's such a nasty thing to wake up to. I hate finding those big hairballs too, ack.


Well-Known Member
Cats are cool but I wont have one in my house again.. No litter box's no cat puke, not me .. My dogs are a pain in the ass already I dont want no freaking cat .. nope ..


Well-Known Member
This sounds terrible, but, here it goes....
I am counting down my cats days....I look at the one and I say 'maybe 2 more years'
I feel guilty, but, I am done with animals. I am so tired of cleaning up after them all and listening to them fight with one another at night...I am done once they die.


Well-Known Member
I ask myself, 'self why do you bite when he throws you a bone?'
answer ' I dunno'

Lets see....Are you a penis?

Funny .. I go into a box before bed and usually as soon as I wake up that box is right next to me so I go in again,,, Funny thing is EVERYTIME I go into this Box .... I puke ........

WHO AM I .................?


New Member
I'm counting down days for pets too. We've already decided no more. I've saved all 5 from the streets and can't adopt anymore. I found out I'm allergic to cats, but won't give them away, have to ride it out. I love my kitties but sometimes I want to strangle them.


Well-Known Member
I feel you. I know. I rescued all mine too. I am just tired, but, I will ride it out until the end. No more when they are gone. I fantasize what it would be like to wake up and only have to take care of myself. Kids are gone, husband is gone, waiting on the pets to be gone.
I'm counting down days for pets too. We've already decided no more. I've saved all 5 from the streets and can't adopt anymore. I found out I'm allergic to cats, but won't give them away, have to ride it out. I love my kitties but sometimes I want to strangle them.


New Member
I can't wait for pet hair free days. When I buy something new to wear the first thing I consider is "how much cat hair will end up sticking to this, it's a dark color, cat hair will show" blah.