Are clone machines worth it?


Well-Known Member
so I suck major ass at cloning. It’s been 3 weeks since cutting clones and still not a freakin root. They’re in rockwool.
I was thinking about saying screw it and making a aerocloner.
Anybody have experience with these and thing it might be a good idea since I can’t seem to get the 7-10 day roots :(


Well-Known Member
Gobs of peeps do excellent!

Frustrating for sure! I had nothing but trouble with temps, slime, never grew roots for chit trying to use cloners.
After some practice, I can do rockwool with some confidence.
For me keeping medium around 80f seemed to be key. And no misting the plant. Dome only.

Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
so I suck major ass at cloning. It’s been 3 weeks since cutting clones and still not a freakin root. They’re in rockwool.
I was thinking about saying screw it and making a aerocloner.
Anybody have experience with these and thing it might be a good idea since I can’t seem to get the 7-10 day roots :(
Ditch the rockwool and clone in coco. Or spend money you don't have to and buy a cloning machine. But if you look at posts there are many that can't clone even with a cloning machine.

My new method is cut, dip in honey, and then in 100% coco. Roots in under a week. It's not the method but the grower. You're doing something wrong. Figure that out and you can clone with any method. I like coco because it's easy and I don't have to deal with something that requires a bunch of water, pumps, and electricity.


Well-Known Member
Build your own cloning machine. I have 100% success rate. I cut. Drop in. And boom roots in less than 2 weeks. And I veg them for a bit in it.

Get a small rubbermade tote. Drill holes in the top. Put the foam insert collars to hold your cuttings. Get an air pump from the pet store for aquariums and then get two air stones and boom. You good


Well-Known Member
I've been cloning in coco for a long time but this was my first time using honey. Cut was taken from a sativa already in flower. I saw root tips coming out the holes in the bottom of the small nursery pot in under a week. These pics were taken after I first noticed roots. I'm sold on honey. I'll never buy a rooting solution/powder again.



Well-Known Member
Build your own cloning machine. I have 100% success rate. I cut. Drop in. And boom roots in less than 2 weeks. And I veg them for a bit in it.

Get a small rubbermade tote. Drill holes in the top. Put the foam insert collars to hold your cuttings. Get an air pump from the pet store for aquariums and then get two air stones and boom. You good
I built one a long time ago. Haven't used it in years and now it's just another tote used for storage. Too much hassle and takes up too much room. I like coco because it's so simple and I get 99.9999% success rate. A small container of coco takes up very minimal space and it's easy to move things around if needed. But as long as you get successful clones it doesn't matter what method you use. They all work. Like I said previously it's not the method.



Well-Known Member
I built one a long time ago. Haven't used it in years and now it's just another tote used for storage. Too much hassle and takes up too much room. I like coco because it's so simple and I get 99.9999% success rate. A small container of coco takes up very minimal space and it's easy to move things around if needed. But as long as you get successful clones it doesn't matter what method you use. They all work. Like I said previously it's not the method.

Yeah man, I can’t think of what I do wrong. It blows my mind. I’m going to search on here for cloning and see what all people doin for step I guess. Maybe I’m missing something. Idk.


Well-Known Member
Build your own cloning machine. I have 100% success rate. I cut. Drop in. And boom roots in less than 2 weeks. And I veg them for a bit in it.

Get a small rubbermade tote. Drill holes in the top. Put the foam insert collars to hold your cuttings. Get an air pump from the pet store for aquariums and then get two air stones and boom. You good
I saw a video on YouTube that I was gonna try. Hopefully this works. Just maybe make it simple. Idk

Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
Build your own cloning machine. I have 100% success rate. I cut. Drop in. And boom roots in less than 2 weeks. And I veg them for a bit in it.

Get a small rubbermade tote. Drill holes in the top. Put the foam insert collars to hold your cuttings. Get an air pump from the pet store for aquariums and then get two air stones and boom. You good
I do almost the same thing, but instead of an air pump, I use an ultrasonic fogger in my tote. Very close to 100% success.
20190313_062000.jpg 20190313_062022.jpg

Phat J

Well-Known Member
I have ben using an aero cloaner of some sort, purchased and homemade for over 7 years. 100% success. Plain water changed every 3-5 days. I have used clonex liquid fertilizer without much difference. Most strains take 7-14 days. I like to veg them in it an extra week before putting in hydroton baskets.


Well-Known Member
I love my ez cloner. If you buy/make an areo cloner remember that you can fit like 3 clones per pod. just get them out as soon as they root or they're gonna be tangled. usually roots in about a week. and they grow very fast in it so you could veg them a little in it


Well-Known Member
I only clone 4 at a time in my unit. And I let them veg for a good few weeks in the cloner before going in soil.


Well-Known Member
The problem with cloners is that some people don't have the space or the desire to maintain which is why cloning using other methods is appealing and just as successful if done properly. I can fit 12 clones in a one square foot area in small pots of coco. I can move those around very easily. A cloner takes up much more space, isn't as easy to move, is full of water, needs to be powered, and maybe a dedicated light. Just something to think about before buying a piece of equipment that doesn't really fit your needs. I'm not saying they don't work because they do. I just found I didn't need one to clone with and it was easier to just set a couple small pots of clones on the floor of my veg tent.


Well-Known Member
I always struggled with regular methods that’s why I opted for the cloning machine. You can also use a real small tote. Don’t need a big one. I use an LED screw in bulb on a desk lamp for the lighting.


Well-Known Member
Here is my thought on cloning machines.

Most won't need them. A simple tray of rapid rooters and a dome if you have low humidity is all you need.

However, many have problems rooting clones so I say whatever works for them. If a bubble cloner works then use it.

Whatever it takes to get good solid clones because thats a major leap in growing capability. The ability to maintain a known good mother plant and reproduce excellent and consistent results every run is much better than growing from seeds every run, never knowing what you will get and having extra veg time and plants that grow inconsistently depending on how stable the strain is.


Well-Known Member
Plus one on the Clone King. Mine is the smallest 25 site model.

I like the way you are running those, never thought about ditching the baskets...looks like a better plan. What are those white collar inserts? Not stock.
I DIY'd a lid out of a black plastic cutting board, hole sawed 2" holes for standard 2" collars, bought assorted color puks for different strains.