FISA Abuse by FBI


Well-Known Member
Correct, no Russian collusion found as stated in last sentence above.
Did not establish is not the same as the Trumpbastic "No Collusion" nonsense. 10 counts of obstruction, plenty of interactions between Russians and Trump's campaign, but the time it would take to deal with the president we are witnessing now what Mueller was dealing with behind the scenes.

He clearly says he has all he needs to throw Trump into cuffs as soon as he is no longer president.


Well-Known Member
So the joke is that you’ve been wrong this whole time?

I guess it’s healthy to laugh at your own stupidity


Well-Known Member
Who will be laughing when the Durham investigation is wrapped up, MSNBC or Fox? Lucky us, we get to watch and see!
Oh the conspiracy theory you guys are going to have when Barr gets his ass impeached for Trump's screwing up his covering up of this in the first place.


Well-Known Member

According to a source familiar with the matter, Barr and Durham traveled to Rome in September to meet with Italian intelligence officials about Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese university professor who, according to Mueller’s report, had contacts with Russian intelligence officials and told Papadopoulos that Russia had potentially damaging Clinton-related emails.
Also visited UK, Ukraine, blah blah blah.... How many of Putin's puppets is he going to get to throw out some smoke? I am sure he will get some, but he is on a ticking clock now I am guessing.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, Buggery, when the Horowitz report fails to come up with anything factual, there will be more investigations. Maybe the Snickelfritz Commission.
The law offices of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe has been replaced by Barr, Giuliani and Gowdy, LLP. This is gonna be bigger than the Nunes Memo!!


Well-Known Member
I really haven’t seen any impeachable offenses... a lot of posturing as dem leadership feels it may be our with incumbents if they don’t act.


Well-Known Member
I really haven’t seen any impeachable offenses... a lot of posturing as dem leadership feels it may be our with incumbents if they don’t act.
If trump wipes his ass with the wrong hand it's an impeachable offence according to the snowflake brigade lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah apparently I'm such a genius I created a lawn mower that can run on milk long enough to mow half of my 40 acres
I think you would have had to mow the first half before you ran out of gas for the milk refill. I may be over thinking it though, but pretty sure it works out that way. Shit I know I am likely to spark a bowl when my gas runs out.