Radiation in Canadian Weed?

It's true and GRAS, (Generally Regarded As Safe), but still something I try to avoid. Same with a microwave. I'll heat water in one but not anything with food including coffee.

I'd be more concerned with all the sprays they are allowed to use. Safe for food they say but for something we smoke? Same stuff used for veggies etc but nobody smokes cucumbers. lol

I've never bought any gov't pot but have seen some friends bought. Total crap imho and the black market has nothing to fear!

Health Canada has approved irradiated ground beef. Irradiated food products will have this logo on the packaging. They should have to put it on their weed too.

I've never seen that symbol on anything here in Canaduh but haven't been looking for it either. Lots of fruit and veg gets irradiated for sure. Got a bag of raw cashews from Vietnam here and says no GMO but nothing about irradiation which I'm sure was done to them as they do it to raw cashews from California.

Going to watch for that one thanks!

I have trouble believing an article that doesnt even bother proof reading the first sentence.
It may be true, but they lost my attention at irritation.
I have trouble believing an article that doesnt even bother proof reading the first sentence.
It may be true, but they lost my attention at irritation.

They don't make a secret of the practice. Link below is from Aurora, the second largest cannabis producer in the world.

Bacteria and mold can affect almost any plant crop, marijuana is no exception. Exposure to bacteria and mold may lead to infections, which is a particular risk for medical users with immune-related conditions. This is one of the reasons CanniMed® products are treated with gamma irradiation. We take measures to control mold and bacteria, but irradiation fully eliminates their presence. Irradiation is a recognized and reputable control process that does not alter the chemical properties of dried marijuana. Many of the food products Canadians consume every day, including meats and spices, are treated with gamma irradiation.
They don't make a secret of the practice. Link below is from Aurora, the second largest cannabis producer in the world.

Bacteria and mold can affect almost any plant crop, marijuana is no exception. Exposure to bacteria and mold may lead to infections, which is a particular risk for medical users with immune-related conditions. This is one of the reasons CanniMed® products are treated with gamma irradiation. We take measures to control mold and bacteria, but irradiation fully eliminates their presence. Irradiation is a recognized and reputable control process that does not alter the chemical properties of dried marijuana. Many of the food products Canadians consume every day, including meats and spices, are treated with gamma irradiation.
Good to know
It's true and GRAS, (Generally Regarded As Safe), but still something I try to avoid. Same with a microwave. I'll heat water in one but not anything with food including coffee.

I'd be more concerned with all the sprays they are allowed to use. Safe for food they say but for something we smoke? Same stuff used for veggies etc but nobody smokes cucumbers. lol

I've never bought any gov't pot but have seen some friends bought. Total crap imho and the black market has nothing to fear!

What sprays are they using in the legal Canadian bud that we should be concerned about?
They don't make a secret of the practice. Link below is from Aurora, the second largest cannabis producer in the world.

Bacteria and mold can affect almost any plant crop, marijuana is no exception. Exposure to bacteria and mold may lead to infections, which is a particular risk for medical users with immune-related conditions. This is one of the reasons CanniMed® products are treated with gamma irradiation. We take measures to control mold and bacteria, but irradiation fully eliminates their presence. Irradiation is a recognized and reputable control process that does not alter the chemical properties of dried marijuana. Many of the food products Canadians consume every day, including meats and spices, are treated with gamma irradiation.
Irradiation compensates for shitty growing and shitty growing practices. It has been tested on food. How many tests have been done on combusted and inhaled irradiated materials? Not to mention how it kills most of the terpenes rendering the cannabis useless in effect, flavor, and smell.
What sprays are they using in the legal Canadian bud that we should be concerned about?

Like all the sprays.. and it's fine if they are on the finished product, up to some limit the government just pulled out of the air.

They really failed on the legal weed thing.
Food crops are IRRADIATED not shit you smoke..
It takes shit away from the herb. BUrns it really.
Its to rid the LP shwag of any MOLD and if it doesnt pass the first time Its gets irradiated AGAIN>
There are no terps left. no smell, and it's brown dirt weed that NO ONE IS BUYING IN CANNADA:idea::clap::hump::bigjoint::p:D:spew:

have you not seen the stocks??:p:bigjoint::hump::idea::mrgreen: THEY ARE CRASHING DUE TO THEIR IGNORANCE with HOW TO GROW THE SIMPLEST WEED THERE IS
All due to their greedy thoughts of grandeur in a market................................... THEY DON'T OWN.....WE DO IT'S THE PEOPLES PLANT!:idea::finger::weed::hump:
ITS OURS and THEY CAN HAVE IT :lol: The sooner they realize ......................the fast they will understand and see first hand........

THEY ARE BEAT!:idea::clap::weed:

Irradiation destroys herb!!!!!!! plain and simple!!!!!!
its only done so they can make it for sale..
No one is buying it.....

it has anywhere up to 30 different sprays on it as well..No medical person can use this shit...

concentrated poison once made into meds from sprays that cant get washed off. Health Canada feels that POT and FOOD are the same.. lol
Im not sure the last time you washed your herb before you ate it lol but ya cant wash any of the sprays off the shit thats for sure..

Like all the sprays.. and it's fine if they are on the finished product, up to some limit the government just pulled out of the air.

They really failed on the legal weed thing.
its ONLY an issue if you are medical like the reason why this is what it is today lol
besides..Anything on the herb becomes a CONCENTRATED POISON WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR MEDS.
they gotta learn HOW TO GROW PROPERLY!
What sprays are they using in the legal Canadian bud that we should be concerned about?

There's a list of 16 or so sprays they are permitted to use. Various pesticides and anti-fungals mainly. All are permitted for use on foods we eat but there's never been any studies to determine if they are safe for a plant that is smoked other than tobacco maybe. I would think it's fairly problematic to determine whether poor health outcomes are because of sprays or the tobacco itself which is already slightly radioactive from the phosphate fertilizers that they started using on it in the 30s and still use. Lung cancer started showing up big time in the 50s where it wasn't a big killer before. Again problematic as there are around 6000 different chemicals allowed to be used on tobacco while growing, curing and processing.

They can use the sprays right up to harvest time and that's a damn good reason to stick with a local grower if you know one or grow your own. I haven't had to buy street pot in 30 years and sure ain't buying gov't schwag! :)

There's a list of 16 or so sprays they are permitted to use. Various pesticides and anti-fungals mainly. All are permitted for use on foods we eat but there's never been any studies to determine if they are safe for a plant that is smoked other than tobacco maybe. I would think it's fairly problematic to determine whether poor health outcomes are because of sprays or the tobacco itself which is already slightly radioactive from the phosphate fertilizers that they started using on it in the 30s and still use. Lung cancer started showing up big time in the 50s where it wasn't a big killer before. Again problematic as there are around 6000 different chemicals allowed to be used on tobacco while growing, curing and processing.

They can use the sprays right up to harvest time and that's a damn good reason to stick with a local grower if you know one or grow your own. I haven't had to buy street pot in 30 years and sure ain't buying gov't schwag! :)

It's the dozens of additives in tobacco that make it far more poisonous. Mmmmmm benzene and formaldehyde. Gotta make sure that cig burns evenly and doesn't go out after all.....
Pretty stringent testing requirements on residual pesticides too.

Lot of misinformation here, the only way you're going to get 100% clean weed is if you grow your own to whatever standard one likes. And irradiation doesnt help with alfatoxin/mycotoxins, something the licensed guys must test for. I a guarantee the you bubba down the street ain't testing for shit and he is using whatever he wants to kill his bugs and a grey market "compassion" dispensary will sell whatever they can.

Look for yourself, here's a lab that does the set of standard tests required by health canada for every batch going to market. Looks extensive to me:

"100% clean weed is if you grow your own "

which is what we do here and what we push here
NOT GOVERNMENT Poison SHWAGS that has been sprayed with up to 30 chemicals ON MEDICAL GRADE HERB??!!
Just shken my head here with this idea of it being OK :lol: :)
take a hike
"100% clean weed is if you grow your own "

which is what we do here and what we push here
take a hike

Whys it legal poison? Sounds like your personal bitterness and paranoia with the system. Regulated product goes through rigorous testing. Do you send your home grow to a lab? Obviously growing your own is great, but it's not realistic for plenty of folks. And if weed is actually medicine it needs to get regulated like all other medicines. Why would the government do otherwise.
bittereness? BWAHAHAHAHA
yer a fool...... Just fuck of will ya :lol:
you have NO CLUE what we are about or WHAT WE KNOW and YOU DO NOT!!!!:-D

truth is YOU are not realistic of what can be done is all