I was bored one night while my girl was watching a chick flick so I made a little spreadsheet to track my coco watering times. This will be handy for future implementation of an auto watering system.
It also makes it so I don't have to think much (mental math is not my strong suit) about when the next watering should be. It uses the interval between the last watering to calculate and estimated time for the next watering. Of course I know that the plants will change if I drop the humidity for example I need to check a little early. I also know the plants will increase drink at certain point and suddenly slow down at some point and I watch for that and adjust timing accordingly. The log allows me to track the room average with multiple strains. Then in the future my auto watering schedule can be setup to match the predicted plant needs. Of course I will have to build some sorta project like an audrino or something to handle that I suppose.
Contrary to common belief coco can be over watered. It doesn't stay over saturated as long as soil and shouldn't be allowed to dry out as much as soil but it does need to dry out some. You don't have to be nearly as precise with watering coco when you err on the side of not letting it dry out but when the plants suddenly slow down on drink, usually somewhere around day 52 of 12/12, you can get root rot if you keep watering at the same frequency that you were when the plants were in thirsty mode. Opposite can be said earlier in flower when they suddenly speed up on drink. Strains vary of course but knowing that it will happen around a certain time allows you to watch for it and be ready to adjust your timing.
Anyways here is my little spreadsheet.
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I just enter when I water in the "Watered column" and it does the math. I can make a chart with the watering interval numbers. I can put notes when things happen like if daylight savings time happens or if I notice the plants are speeding up or slowing down on drink... I also have a column for my RH% setting because changing that has an effect on watering frequency. Honestly I added columns for pH and feed mix too lol. It calculates the flower day too. I even used some "IF" statements so it wouldn't show bogus numbers below the row data has been input. Has a sheet for room A and room B.
Gotta love excel, probably the most handy program for growers (other than a web browser lol).