New Research Shows Flushing may not be needed (unflushed may even be better)


Well-Known Member
Interesting High Times article on flushing and the findings in a blind taste test. The only thing to keep in mind is that this study was sponsored by a nutrient company. If I read between the lines, The test also showed that fading nutrients did not appear to hurt the plant’s yield. For your reading pleasure.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Interesting High Times article on flushing and the findings in a blind taste test. The only thing to keep in mind is that this study was sponsored by a nutrient company. If I read between the lines, The test also showed that fading nutrients did not appear to hurt the plant’s yield. For your reading pleasure.

really? wonder who saw this coming a long time ago....¿ oh yeah, IT WAS ME.....


Well-Known Member
Taste and quality? You are still smoking chemical left in the plant if you are using synthetic nutes.* May not taste or burn different, but you are still smoking it.

"Flower samples taken the day before harvest were analyzed for essential plant nutrients. Overall, there was no significant change in the mineral content of cannabis flower as a result of different flushing treatments."\

It would actually make a difference if this statement that there is still the same mineral/nute amount in both the flushed and non-flushed plant. at harvest is true. That to me is more important, and why you should flush over just taste and quality. If I had shit that tasted bad, I would still smoke it. You think ima throw that shit in the trash? HELLL NO.

I would flush to rid chemical so you don't smoke it, but it still has the same mineral amount either way, then what the hell is the point other then personal pref...
What are these chemicals in nutes?


Well-Known Member
The chemicals used in synthetic fertilizers due to organic ferts not being immediately available to the plant cause they are not water soluble. (or soluble quick enough*)

Somehow, I think you already know this tho.
No thats not how plants work sorry - :-)


Well-Known Member
“Flushing is important because it removes excess nutrients that are leftover within the plant,”

Did you even read the article?
That quote was not from a scientist it was from Danny Danko. While he might be a “famous” grower that does not mean he actually knows everything.

The scientist proved that there was no difference in mineral content in the plants. Which directly contradicts mr. danko and demonstrates that the flushing did nothing to remove minerals from the plants.


Well-Known Member
That quote was not from a scientist it was from Danny Danko. While he might be a “famous” grower that does not mean he actually knows everything.

The scientist proved that there was no difference in mineral content in the plants. Which directly contradicts mr. danko and demonstrates that the flushing did nothing to remove minerals from the plants.
Ya you might be able to leech your media, but you can't pull elements out of the plant.