AK Bean Brains

He has great stuff.. a lot of old school crosses with new.
I have his TK/NL5Haze
Moonshine Haze x NL5
Hawaiian Catpiss
Skunk Qabbage x Mimosa
Sunset Octane x Black Domina
Black Domina x TK/NL5Haze
Matty Cakes
Sundae Driver x TK/NL5Haze
Genius Thai x Americanna/NL5

I have Moonshine Haze x NL5 and the Stardawg/NL1xSS in flower now.. I'll dig up some pics
Haha! I have been trying to justify more seeds but holy cow I need to wait a few months. I probably will at some point just because I would love to have some blueberry funk around.
we must be cruisin' in the same ship. I absolutely do not need any more seeds as I'm more into making my own than buying them right now, but I am in dire need of some blueberry. I go through phases, sometimes the garden is all fruit funk, sometimes all funky funk.

oh yeah I threw that potcast on while gardening last night, one of my favorite episodes yet. what a clear, concise speaker, very down to earth and knowledgeable, and he's just about the plant, doesnt seem to give too much of a fuck about the industry. This is a guy I can get behind. :hump: