Elizabeth Warren


Well-Known Member
are you asking about dad or son.
If son the appearance alone creates a conflict of interest. We can't say dookie shit about Ivanka and China if we say Biden on the board of directors of a Ukraine gas company. was a good thing. Daddy Joe Biden is working for the Obama administration on Ukraine, his son should not have been on the board of a company there that could be affected by U.S. policy spearheaded by his father. right is fucking right and wrong is fucking wrong.
I can certainly badmouth ivankas slave labor sweatshops while not giving a rats ass about some board position Biden’s son had in Ukraine

what the fuck is the matter with you


Well-Known Member
I can certainly badmouth ivankas slave labor sweatshops while not giving a rats ass about some board position Biden’s son had in Ukraine

what the fuck is the matter with you
Whats wrong with me, is kids getting position due only to fathers position. I stay on the side of right even if it is my side fucking up. and have ZERO problems calling it out. I have to bust my fucking ass to get everything I have in life. My daddy never bailed my out by hiding a crack problem or getting me a job that paid 83,000 a month. I avoid the hypocrite suit. You seem to enjoy wearing. You let me down on this


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with me, is kids getting position due only to fathers position. I stay on the side of right even if it is my side fucking up. and have ZERO problems calling it out. I have to bust my fucking ass to get everything I have in life. My daddy never bailed my out by hiding a crack problem or getting me a job that paid 83,000 a month. I avoid the hypocrite suit. You seem to enjoy wearing. You let me down on this
You’re guzzling some shitty propaganda like ivanka, who runs slave labor sweatshops, guzzles cum



Well-Known Member
You’re guzzling some shitty propaganda like ivanka, who runs slave labor sweatshops, guzzles cum

View attachment 4457411
grow up dude. What point are you making with a cum soak picture of Ivanka to me ? I hate the bitch too. That's some shit I expect from a middle school child not a grown ass married man with a beautiful child. Make your point with words.

Nothing I said was propaganda eveything I said was facts, Very reason I win my arguments on RIU. I STICK WITH FACTS.

Biden wanted my people to serve more time for having crack but yet he covers up his sons addiction. FACT or propaganda.


Well-Known Member
This thread is about Warren so lets also take a peek at her children. Sometimes you can judge parenting skills by how the kids grow. I do believe this.

Amelia Warren is a businesswoman, management consultant, and author. Married 3 children. Has written two books with her mother Elizabeth. Co-founder and president of the placement firm Business Talent Group, a trustee emeritus of progressive think tank Demos, and the co-founder of HealthAllies. Board member for the Fuse Corps which in non profit ( not making 83,000 a month.

Next up

Alexander Warren is a computer specialist married with one child. Assisted his mother in designing and maintaining a database for her research Lives a rather quiet life. Responsible family man.

Neither has smoked crack. or have a drug addiction problem. Awesome job raising your kids Elizabeth. It shows that you have talked to your kids from birth and have read them many a book.


Well-Known Member
are you asking about dad or son.
If son the appearance alone creates a conflict of interest. We can't say dookie shit about Ivanka and China if we say Biden on the board of directors of a Ukraine gas company. was a good thing. Daddy Joe Biden is working for the Obama administration on Ukraine, his son should not have been on the board of a company there that could be affected by U.S. policy spearheaded by his father. right is fucking right and wrong is fucking wrong.
I'm asking what Joe Sr did?


Well-Known Member
I'm asking what Joe Sr did?
not to be mean but just go back and read. we have been talking about this for days now. You can stat with him drafting the 1994 crime bill and while you at it maybe you can answer this. Why did Joe Biden feel crack gets you 100 times more jail time than cocaine ? What ingredient do you need to make crack ? Did you also know Hunter ended up being a crack head. Irony and Karma at it best. Cant make this shit up


Well-Known Member
I'm sadden to see that once again, the disinformation campaign is successfully doing exactly as Russia had hoped and predicted. Its dividing us.
And I don't give a sweet fuck who is on that that democratic ticket. They'll get my vote!
Stop blaming the fucking Russians on everything. No Russian helped Biden write the 1994 crime bill. No disinformation on that. Easy for you to look the other way when it had no affect on you or your people. I spent 22 years of my life fighting for this damn country and it is ALWAYS this damn country that treats me and mine the worst. My vote goes to Warren and I will continue to remind all who care, about the bullshit that Biden did,
Crazy how a man like me shares an honest factful post and gets bullshit like it's some Russian propaganda. GTFO. Fuck Russia, Fuck Biden And Fuck Trump. When the general election come I will cross that bridge at that time. Fuck Biden too old and to behind in the fucking times. Did more to hurt my kind then to help.


Well-Known Member
Did you also know Hunter ended up being a crack head. Irony and Karma at it best. Cant make this shit up
That isn't irony and it isn't Karma. Its just life. The Bidens have had more than there share of sorrow. Neither money nor whiteness changes the turmoil and heartache that come with grief of burying your child.
I can understand the animosity toward the crime bill but the rest? I have to keep checking to make sure I'm seeing the right username.
Hunter testifying in exchange for Bolton? C'mon man. That's a bullshit defense tactic the Republicans are using to deflect from Trumps crimes.
Hunter not qualified to sit on the board of Burisma as a legal consultant? What?
Nepotism is alive and well in every culture. Its just more prevalent for whites but I can promise you, its no different on the rez. Tribal council positions are decided by last name. In some cases even a person "nativeness" is decided by who they're related to rather than quantified by blood.
And a lot of men sought deferments for the Vietnam war. Many sought refuge in Canada. The difference between them and Trump? Trump has used his position to disrespect POWS, war heros (while alive and after death) and Gold Star families.
He's violated the very oath of office he swore to uphold. He's sleezebag lying shitfuck con that needs to go.


Well-Known Member
That isn't irony and it isn't Karma. Its just life. The Bidens have had more than there share of sorrow. Neither money nor whiteness changes the turmoil and heartache that come with grief of burying your child.
I can understand the animosity toward the crime bill but the rest? I have to keep checking to make sure I'm seeing the right username.
Hunter testifying in exchange for Bolton? C'mon man. That's a bullshit defense tactic the Republicans are using to deflect from Trumps crimes.
Hunter not qualified to sit on the board of Burisma as a legal consultant? What?
Nepotism is alive and well in every culture. Its just more prevalent for whites but I can promise you, its no different on the rez. Tribal council positions are decided by last name. In some cases even a person "nativeness" is decided by who they're related to rather than quantified by blood.
And a lot of men sought deferments for the Vietnam war. Many sought refuge in Canada. The difference between them and Trump? Trump has used his position to disrespect POWS, war heros (while alive and after death) and Gold Star families.
He's violated the very oath of office he swore to uphold. He's sleezebag lying shitfuck con that needs to go.
Nepotism is alive and well so keep doing it:roll:.Do give examples of a black man successfully doing this Always ok when they white guy is doing it
I want trump out of office and if it takes a trade of Biden for Bolton Im for it. end of story


Well-Known Member
nepotism -the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

now I'm being told the black man has the power and the influence and practice this. WTF. Can anyone keep the conversation real. or when it comes down to it all fall into bullshit


Well-Known Member
and did this guy really use Natives as an example. If this shit was not so serious it would be funny as hell. Yeah Natives have plenty of power and influence. Good thing they were allowed to have a reservation, because we all know how GREAT life is on a reservation. WTF


Well-Known Member
Back to Warren I like her and she claims to have some Native heritage. glad she doe not practice Nepotism with her kids.

Lining them up to knock them out..NEXT

@abandonconflict trying my best to keep this thread Warren. Kind of hard with all the Biden cheerleaders. Could you start a Biden thread for those who support this old guy who made it so possible for a black man to get locked up and believe weed is a gateway drug


Well-Known Member
Nepotism is alive and well so keep doing it:roll:.Do give examples of a black man successfully doing this Always ok when they white guy is doing it
I want trump out of office and if it takes a trade of Biden for Bolton Im for it. end of story
I didn't say it was OK. Don't put word in my mouth.
And I'm not a fan of Biden but I refuse to perpetuate the disinformation that YES, directly came from Russian troll farms in order to help paint a democratic nominee in an unpatriotic, predatory light when we have a lunatic in the WH that needs to be removed, ASAP

Warren wasnt exactly respectful to my people either but she'll STILL get my vote if she's on the ticket. Tribal counsil addressed her blatant lies about her heritiage. She apologized. Its finished as far I'm concerned.
and did this guy really use Natives as an example. If this shit was not so serious it would be funny as hell. Yeah Natives have plenty of power and influence. Good thing they were allowed to have a reservation, because we all know how GREAT life is on a reservation. WTF
You're really gonna go there? WTF is wrong with you? Tell ya what. Go take that anger out on someone else because I'll be damned if I'm going have this convo. I made a point about nepotism because it hurts my people too.
You keep helping Trump by bashing the hell out of Biden, and I'll keep resisting.
See ya the polls.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was OK. Don't put word in my mouth.
And I'm not a fan of Biden but I refuse to perpetuate the disinformation that YES, directly came from Russian troll farms in order to help paint a democratic nominee in an unpatriotic, predatory light when we have a lunatic in the WH that needs to be removed, ASAP

Warren wasnt exactly respectful to my people either but she'll STILL get my vote if she's on the ticket. Tribal counsil addressed her blatant lies about her heritiage. She apologized. Its finished as far I'm concerned.

You're really gonna go there? WTF is wrong with you? Tell ya what. Go take that anger out on someone else because I'll be damned if I'm going have this convo. I made a point about nepotism because it hurts my people too.
You keep helping Trump by bashing the hell out of Biden, and I'll keep resisting.
See ya the polls.
you do realize for disinformation it has to be false information NOTHING I have said is false. You chose to ignore it because it does not affect you.

Again please share how the black man with influence and power has practice nepotism.

and what is wrong with me are people like yourself who ignore how much Biden fucked the black family.

I would love love love to see you at the polls. Remember vote Warren


Well-Known Member
you do realize for disinformation it has to be false information NOTHING I have said is false. You chose to ignore it because it does not affect you.

Again please share how the black man with influence and power has practice nepotism.

and what is wrong with me are people like yourself who ignore how much Biden fucked the black family.

I would love love love to see you at the polls. Remember vote Warren
You're doing a fantastic job in keeping this thread about Warren.

I'm tired of being told to vote for the old white man because it this best thing for me. FUCK ALL WHO TELLS ME THIS
Umm, ok. So don't vote if Bidens on the ticket. Don't know what to tell ya. Write in Bozo the Clown I guess.
JFC, lol.


Well-Known Member
You're doing a fantastic job in keeping this thread about Warren.

Umm, ok. So don't vote if Bidens on the ticket. Don't know what to tell ya. Write in Bozo the Clown I guess.
JFC, lol.
I might write in my grandfather. UB ;) reminded me nothing against a dead man winning. Im going to attempt to avoid this by spreading the message about Warren and reminding others how fucked Biden can be. Will you help or do you not care how much Biden fucked the black family.
Vote Warren


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was OK. Don't put word in my mouth.
And I'm not a fan of Biden but I refuse to perpetuate the disinformation that YES, directly came from Russian troll farms in order to help paint a democratic nominee in an unpatriotic, predatory light when we have a lunatic in the WH that needs to be removed, ASAP

Warren wasnt exactly respectful to my people either but she'll STILL get my vote if she's on the ticket. Tribal counsil addressed her blatant lies about her heritiage. She apologized. Its finished as far I'm concerned.

You're really gonna go there? WTF is wrong with you? Tell ya what. Go take that anger out on someone else because I'll be damned if I'm going have this convo. I made a point about nepotism because it hurts my people too.
You keep helping Trump by bashing the hell out of Biden, and I'll keep resisting.
See ya the polls.
Cool shit,

Are you Anishinaabe?


Well-Known Member
Cool shit,

Are you Anishinaabe?
Yes. Wabnaki. People of the Dawn
If you have relatives or are curious just shoot me a pm.

BTW, We're STILL gonna vote for Warren and every time Trump drools out the word "Pocahontas" it just strengthens the resovle.

*Awaits the next lame NA sock account* They're about as original as the black buddhah ones.
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