Ill get back to that on sunday, I had exactly this case this summer on two kushs which had a landrace as father. Did some research back then but most of the info isnt in english so itll take a while to translate. However, tomorrow will be a busy day...
Did none of you ever self a plant? its the same process. Itll create a seed thats 100% genetically identical, bar a few random -mostly- point mutations (which will always occur).
Theres even a snake which only reproduces by that.

I have unintentionally had selfed plants many times outdoors. But never had anything good come from the pollen or seed.
Bananas or nannas, the result has been much the same ime.
Experience is all i have to go by and some growers have likely grown more plants in a year, than I have my whole life, so I guess there's that.

of course. its proven -beyond any doubt- in vivo in mus musculus domesticus for quite some time

It certainly seems to be and thank-you for giving me the curiosity to explore it.

For the life of me, I haven't personally experienced apomixis. Which refering to the page I found, led me to believe it was a rather rare occurrence.

Very interesting though and have found a new topic to delve into.
Much appreciated @Kassiopeija
Not without chemical intervention in ways that anybody basically outside of an AG lab can reproduce.
could it be that this was directed at me; bc you seemed to have misquoted... ?

That was the result of a chemical exposure of a Nucleic Acid or a chemical that mutates the actual gene's in the nucleus of cells.
its not the effect of genes whatsoever but a chromosomal aberration.... are we even talking the same subject?

It would also seem to be relatively rare. Most commonly observed in large populations.
it depends, actually this "herming" as growers call it is kind of very natural and esp. in higher evolved plants occurs regularily. Its a strong mechanism for survival. It's seen often in landraces, just ask @Avinash
However, in large populations usually there's no need for this as they'll get pollenized early on.

When plants do herm, its not like their doing just bananas and pollenize themselves, they also can use Apomixis at the same time. Even before/after a nanner did come out. Growers who don't know about that and find seeds in their stash may come to false conclusion they've overlooked a nanner, when inreality there never was one, or not opened yet

But never had anything good come from the pollen or seed.
only seeds can use Apomixis. With strains that are bred for fast flowering (2-3 months as compared to 4-6 months for pure landraces) there#s simply not enough time for a seed to develop healthily if it happens indoors. Most of them are just white ont he outside. But even if it would finish - no need to preserve the genetic of a plant that displays a behaviour which actually should've been selected out by breeders.

You're right it won't affect potency in such a way as trichome count, single trichome mass, etc pp... but buds will not swell anymore so fromt his point of view potency will not grow to its fullest potential.

Very interesting though and have found a new topic to delve into.
Much appreciated @Kassiopeija
Try also out the german wikipedia, it holds more info's/links on that particular subject than the english one. Google translator should do the trick. Its all well explained.

Good luck & happy learning :D
could it be that this was directed at me; bc you seemed to have misquoted... ?

its not the effect of genes whatsoever but a chromosomal aberration.... are we even talking the same subject?

it depends, actually this "herming" as growers call it is kind of very natural and esp. in higher evolved plants occurs regularily. Its a strong mechanism for survival. It's seen often in landraces, just ask @Avinash
However, in large populations usually there's no need for this as they'll get pollenized early on.

When plants do herm, its not like their doing just bananas and pollenize themselves, they also can use Apomixis at the same time. Even before/after a nanner did come out. Growers who don't know about that and find seeds in their stash may come to false conclusion they've overlooked a nanner, when inreality there never was one, or not opened yet

only seeds can use Apomixis. With strains that are bred for fast flowering (2-3 months as compared to 4-6 months for pure landraces) there#s simply not enough time for a seed to develop healthily if it happens indoors. Most of them are just white ont he outside. But even if it would finish - no need to preserve the genetic of a plant that displays a behaviour which actually should've been selected out by breeders.

You're right it won't affect potency in such a way as trichome count, single trichome mass, etc pp... but buds will not swell anymore so fromt his point of view potency will not grow to its fullest potential.

Try also out the german wikipedia, it holds more info's/links on that particular subject than the english one. Google translator should do the trick. Its all well explained.

Good luck & happy learning :D
This doesnt really do it for me. Do you have some kind of actual information that says a female marijuana plant can pollinate itself in the absence of pollen? Wiki is not a valid resource.
Fancy words not required. I am genuinely curious.
This doesnt really do it for me. Do you have some kind of actual information that says a female marijuana plant can pollinate itself in the absence of pollen? Wiki is not a valid resource.
Fancy words not required. I am genuinely curious.
what kind of reference do you need when you state "actual information" - what's this?

Wikipedia is fully comliciant with the rules of science - which you can read about if you go to the wikipedia article "science". That means that basically everything you read in wikipedia is a quote/citate or referred from a scientific journal, study or academic textbook.

I also didn't state that it can "pollenize itself without pollen" as thats a logical contradiction. The cited articles actually inform you that plants which have these two small fancy leaves (dicotyl) as first pair of leaves can grow a seed simply from its female genetic code - omitting the male chromosome, it doesn't need it.

This summer I had 2*Misty Kush from Nirvana (The Misty x AfghanKush landrace) clones in a tent with 5 Bahia BlackHead (KC606 x Brazil) sporting 2 different phenotypes. Around week 5 both MKs hermied. I've clipped away all nanners but still after harvest the weed from MK was full of seeds (plus buds didn't develop properly). There was no seed - not a single one - on any of the Bahias.
I had a 50W oscillating fan + 1 15w fan directed at the HPS in that tent. Just think over it - with such sheer windforce - wouldn't you think that if pollen would fly around all the other plants would have been pollenized as well? especially since there were still more than 4 weeks of harvest left, and I did harverst in 2 steps - because these plants were large so I harvested the first 30cm tops, then let the rest flower for another 2 weeks for a total of 10 weeks flowering. More than enough time for pollen to fly around. Anybody with experience can tell you that an osci fan is going to pollenize a whole tent in a single day if just enough pollen is there...

simple solution: apomixis.
what kind of reference do you need when you state "actual information" - what's this?

Wikipedia is fully comliciant with the rules of science - which you can read about if you go to the wikipedia article "science". That means that basically everything you read in wikipedia is a quote/citate or referred from a scientific journal, study or academic textbook.

I also didn't state that it can "pollenize itself without pollen" as thats a logical contradiction. The cited articles actually inform you that plants which have these two small fancy leaves (dicotyl) as first pair of leaves can grow a seed simply from its female genetic code - omitting the male chromosome, it doesn't need it.

This summer I had 2*Misty Kush from Nirvana (The Misty x AfghanKush landrace) clones in a tent with 5 Bahia BlackHead (KC606 x Brazil) sporting 2 different phenotypes. Around week 5 both MKs hermied. I've clipped away all nanners but still after harvest the weed from MK was full of seeds (plus buds didn't develop properly). There was no seed - not a single one - on any of the Bahias.
I had a 50W oscillating fan + 1 15w fan directed at the HPS in that tent. Just think over it - with such sheer windforce - wouldn't you think that if pollen would fly around all the other plants would have been pollenized as well? especially since there were still more than 4 weeks of harvest left, and I did harverst in 2 steps - because these plants were large so I harvested the first 30cm tops, then let the rest flower for another 2 weeks for a total of 10 weeks flowering. More than enough time for pollen to fly around. Anybody with experience can tell you that an osci fan is going to pollenize a whole tent in a single day if just enough pollen is there...

simple solution: apomixis.
Not really an answer to my question.
Thanks for making no attempt at a simply worded response.
I will try again.... Do you have a source somewhere that actually has information on this immaculate conception by cannabis?
Not really an answer to my question.
Thanks for making no attempt at a simply worded response.
I will try again.... Do you have a source somewhere that actually has information on this immaculate conception by cannabis?

I found a link and posted it.

It isn't immaculate conception at all, it seems chromosomal.

Cannabaceae family was listed as known to show it. Both type A and D.

There are many references below the page as well.
I found a link and posted it.

It isn't immaculate conception at all, it seems chromosomal.

Cannabaceae family was listed as known to show it. Both type A and D.

There are many references below the page as well.
Didnt see any reference to marijuana.
I am guessing a stray nanner in a bud was the cause.
how about you order yourself this snake and then see 4 yourself how she replicates herself without being immaculated? btw this snake only has females - no males exist for this species at all. what do you say about this? or the fact that the earth is a round "ball"? TROLL
how about you order yourself this snake and then see 4 yourself how she replicates herself without being immaculated? btw this snake only has females - no males exist for this species at all. what do you say about this? or the fact that the earth is a round "ball"? TROLL
Not growing snakes. Back up your shit
Got any pics of your self pollinating plants?
PM your address I send you some MJ that contains the seeds, you can then grow this plant, and see for yourself. I witnessed it 3 times by myself. And because its 100% genetically identical you'll also be able to see it. This will be the absolute best proof above all other proofs. You dont have to rely on others, only on the things you see for yourself, and do yourself.