All replies welcome Dromada’s homegrown!


Well-Known Member
She got her 3 week cut early since we hit flowering so fast, she was ready, now to cut minimally and see what happens



Well-Known Member
I just counted 18+ tops, Nice nice. Bro!
She took well to the tweeks!
Hell yeah! Plus a lot of the middle is filled in with some shit. I keep finding new shoots underneath that I keep clipping lol she is doing well!
Now to hope I don’t end up buying a house before she finishes haha


Well-Known Member
All that up to has gotta Match the. Monster root mass down below. By

Now to hope I don’t end up buying a house before she finishes haha
Now to hope I don’t end up buying a house before she finishes haha
That would suck!!
Can imagine that phone call to the agent.. ohhumm hey can we leave it in escrow for a bit longer I’d rather not close for ummm I dunno by the looks of it...7ish more week as. Sorry


Well-Known Member
That would suck!!
Can imagine that phone call to the agent.. ohhumm hey can we leave it in escrow for a bit longer I’d rather not close for ummm I dunno by the looks of it...7ish more week as. Sorry
Haha well I am moving to a legal state so shit will get real fun from there! If only I had the balls to throw it in a uhaul and move it with me haha


Well-Known Member

Man I remember when I was 8, we moved from tampa to Seattle. And when we got to Cali they made us empty the entire 26‘uhual to get to my moms porchplants at the ag check.. I’d be scared to death to drive withour babies!!


Well-Known Member

Man I remember when I was 8, we moved from tampa to Seattle. And when we got to Cali they made us empty the entire 26‘uhual to get to my moms porchplants at the ag check.. I’d be scared to death to drive withour babies!!
so lame you gotta worry about going to prison over a plant


Well-Known Member
Nice job brother!

We happened to pop our seeds, and flip to flower the same Day!

I am also using DWC, but the biggest difference is our lights. I am doing an experiment with Dollar Store 16w LEDs (7x16w) setup that was $48 to build.

I hope you don't mind, I'll be using your grow as a comparison! :bigjoint: