Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?

I doubt blacks would vote a gay in, thats more then 1% of the DEM population alone. Then you have rednecks in the south, a gay vote ain't happenin. I'd say at least 10% of the dems won't vote for a gay candidate. It might be greater then 10%. New Hampshire and Iowa are over 90% white, so this lead Sanders has is temporary.

This Democratic primary in 2020 could be the most critical in US history. Nominate the wrong candidate and 4 more yrs of lawlessness, massive corruption and non stop propaganda/ lies.
Speaking of propaganda & lies did you see the new Bloomberg TV add with Obama ? It’s about reduced gun violence under their administration. Bloombergs numbers were good in NY with that frisk all darkies policy. But Obama didn’t do shit , just look at his alma mater Chiraq lol! They all lie & throw shade , some are just more coy & civilized about how they go about it ! I don’t feel sorry for the sheep , I love to eat lamb .


Well-Known Member
Speaking of propaganda & lies did you see the new Bloomberg TV add with Obama ? It’s about reduced gun violence under their administration. Bloombergs numbers were good in NY with that frisk all darkies policy. But Obama didn’t do shit , just look at his alma mater Chiraq lol! They all lie & throw shade , some are just more coy & civilized about how they go about it ! I don’t feel sorry for the sheep , I love to eat lamb .

You get sheered a lot don't you? Maybe own a red hat?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of propaganda & lies did you see the new Bloomberg TV add with Obama ? It’s about reduced gun violence under their administration. Bloombergs numbers were good in NY with that frisk all darkies policy. But Obama didn’t do shit , just look at his alma mater Chiraq lol! They all lie & throw shade , some are just more coy & civilized about how they go about it ! I don’t feel sorry for the sheep , I love to eat lamb .
And you blow goats. I seen it.


Well-Known Member
I get sheered a lot ? That word has different meaning depending on context ? The only red hat I own is a 49ers hat , I have a matching shirt & jacket too !
Fleeced sound better? You at least (based on he 1st post I saw you make) seem to have bought into the whole Trump mindset.
Fleeced sound better? You at least (based on he 1st post I saw you make) seem to have bought into the whole Trump mindset.
How do numbers represent a mindset? I was talking statistics not politics. Can’t have a “mindset” with numbers, it is what it is . Yes my 49ers jacket is well fleeced , it keeps me warm !
Yeah , I’m a concrete contractor not an English teacher . You sound like a parrot. What is the mainstay for your pathology . Don’t hold back , you’re the king of Caucasian slurs ? Seems like insults are you’re mainstay. Like the Man you hate , you people make him sound like Mister fucking Rogers With the hatful things you post ! Great roll models the lot of you! Thanks internet for turning everyone into a piece of shit , perhaps that whack job Ted Kaczynski had a point when he said technology would ruin society.


Well-Known Member
Yeah , I’m a concrete contractor not an English teacher . You sound like a parrot. What is the mainstay for your pathology . Don’t hold back , you’re the king of Caucasian slurs ? Seems like insults are you’re mainstay. Like the Man you hate , you people make him sound like Mister fucking Rogers With the hatful things you post ! Great roll models the lot of you! Thanks internet for turning everyone into a piece of shit , perhaps that whack job Ted Kaczynski had a point when he said technology would ruin society.
and AI the downfall of humanity..


Well-Known Member
Yeah , I’m a concrete contractor not an English teacher . You sound like a parrot. What is the mainstay for your pathology . Don’t hold back , you’re the king of Caucasian slurs ? Seems like insults are you’re mainstay. Like the Man you hate , you people make him sound like Mister fucking Rogers With the hatful things you post ! Great roll models the lot of you! Thanks internet for turning everyone into a piece of shit , perhaps that whack job Ted Kaczynski had a point when he said technology would ruin society.
So you think the Unabomber was right, honkey? Well, the Unabomber was quite proficient in his language but he also wasn't an English teacher.

With all these pathological composition errors, I will have a very easy time identifying your future sock accounts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah , I’m a concrete contractor not an English teacher . You sound like a parrot. What is the mainstay for your pathology . Don’t hold back , you’re the king of Caucasian slurs ? Seems like insults are you’re mainstay. Like the Man you hate , you people make him sound like Mister fucking Rogers With the hatful things you post ! Great roll models the lot of you! Thanks internet for turning everyone into a piece of shit , perhaps that whack job Ted Kaczynski had a point when he said technology would ruin society.
I blacktopped 29 yrs, tough I am......hearing internet tough guys on here probably skinny 20 yr olds talkin shit is a bit much @ times. Was a NYS prison guard prior to entering the blacktop biz.

My sense of humor isn't always on point, aches and pains these days.....


Well-Known Member
I blacktopped 29 yrs, tough I am......hearing internet tough guys on here probably skinny 20 yr olds talkin shit is a bit much @ times. Was a NYS prison guard prior to entering the blacktop biz.

My sense of humor isn't always on point, aches and pains these days.....
I was a paratrooper from 2001 to 2009. Now I'm a tech diver.