nyc diesel---soma seeds


Well-Known Member
i heard that the grapefruit pheno diesel is most likely to be found in resovoir seeds

that true? i wanna put it in my personal grow room


Well-Known Member
soma and resdog are 2 verry different kinds of people somas like a old hippy pot loving breeder while res is a tour rat (dead tour) type more likely to beg barter and steal.more concerned with quantity not quality


Well-Known Member
Im not meaning this mean or anything but some of the tours and concerts are the best places to get seeds and clones. Thats how diesel began. I dont say steal it thats f'ed up.


Active Member
the smoke was the same grapefruit type taste,they were both powerful and long lasting,i expected the diesal to be more soaring and energetic,but they were both kick back and relax,but the more strains i grow,yes im going broke from it,and i just had about 300 dollars worth of seeds die,i find that if you breed at least 4 strains you will have alot of differant pheno types that cover all the strains on the market lol.a friend grew the hog,they were like 400 bucks for the seeds because hightimes said it was the best indica and produced branch breaking buds,well he never got anything close to what was descibed by the breeder,he never got any big fat resin filled buds like the seems they all use the same genetics and when one shows a differant trait,it gets sold with a differant name for an extra 200 dollars,i know alot of hard work and expertise goes into it and i applaud alot of the breeders not all but some.i grew a blueberry that had multiple coke can sized buds with a trippy high,maybe even a touch on the paranoia,the seeds came from a selfed BB.out of 30 seeds that was the only one that even came close to that size and stone to the way i see it you have to grow out alot of seeds to find that special one.when soma tells the story about a guy with dreads down to the floor walking in with a killer clone or seed and he backcrosses it depending on when he got it,i would imagine right around the time high times made it famous,it would take quite along time to get a replica,i guess to make a long story short for the time it takes to grow nycd and the price of the seeds,their are alot of strains out their that have the same taste and high that are cheaper and quicker to flower,but then again i never could understand why somas seeds were so expensive,alot of medical users are on dissability and they couldnt afford his seeds,but i have noticed he has lowerd his prices a bit in the last year.but alot of people love his products and thats what matters,too each their own.
I ordered the hog too. Was complete garbage. Many phenos...all of which were weak to say the least


Well-Known Member
soma and resdog are 2 verry different kinds of people somas like a old hippy pot loving breeder while res is a tour rat (dead tour) type more likely to beg barter and steal.more concerned with quantity not quality
i know a few pot loveing hippies that have the same sneakers and sandals from 30 years ago,they also have a million dollars in the old banksky,i personally dont think soma is any were near the cheapest seed breeder,he might be the most expencive,their are alot of breeders on the west coast that did alot of breeding for him to have what he has today,and they did it for a winters supply of flower and vegitible oil.i buy all my seeds for cheap from west coast breeders and im more then pleased and i pay less then a 100,god bud was some of the most flavorfull weed you will ever smoke it was 70 dollars,the outdoor sativas are 50 dollars they grew through 3 frosts and smoked like a champ.alot of the so called trainwreck type genetics are floating around the west coast fo 60 dollars,some people say the original sour diesel came from a chemo cross,rock bud by soma for a few hundred can be found at jordan of the islands for 75,ive gotten the red pheno from one of their hawiaian/afghani crosses more then a few times and had a knockout punch.thats why i say the grapefruit kush is worth a try for 80 just saying their are some good genetics out their for a cheap price and some bad ones also the same for pricey ones,but im sure you will find a pheno you love in your seeds just make sure you clone them all untill the smoke report is in,good luck.


Well-Known Member
ive got the grapefruit pheno and its amazing.i got a taste like 3 weeks early and was shocked at how good it tasted but its my smallest producer from the strain.I also have some giant producers but they dont have nearly the amount of smell.its similar but much fainter.I was juast wondering howthe other diesel phenos compare to the grapefruit one.and that is all.


Well-Known Member
ive got the grapefruit pheno and its amazing.i got a taste like 3 weeks early and was shocked at how good it tasted but its my smallest producer from the strain.I also have some giant producers but they dont have nearly the amount of smell.its similar but much fainter.I was juast wondering howthe other diesel phenos compare to the grapefruit one.and that is all.
the same for alot of will like the grapefruit one.


Well-Known Member
i still dont understand what your trying to say i know i like the grapefruit pheno.How do the other nycd phenos compare to it? for taste and potencey?are they as good but different or do they not mesure up?


Well-Known Member
yes their are two good phenos that i saw in them,then their were a few tall ones that took along time that were not worth the wait.but the shorter and intermediate phenos and one being the grapefruit was really good.i hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
yes i have 2 verry tall ones and 5 shorter to intermediate.The grapefruit being one.Im saying the tall ones really pack on the weight.But theyarent so hot eh?