Anyone on Rollitup have Coronavirus?

Apparently iv caught it roughly 2-3 weeks ago, recovered but developed a bacterial chest infection because of it, just feel drained, top of my legs ached for a day then felt like lead for a couple more, tickly cough bit of a temp for 1 day 39+ , it werent so bad, but the chest infection is a bit shitty, in all honesty fresh air & stretches have helped most, all good bro..
what antibiotic did they prescribe for the bacterial infection?
I watched CBC Marketplace episode 5616 about how Taiwan weathered the Covid right from the start last night. A half hour well spent.

It's still airing so couldn't get it on the website but there's other covid info there.

Their gov't set rules about all the stuff the greedy, inconsiderate hoarders in our societies have stripped from the shelves by setting limits right from the beginning. Life never missed a beat there and other than people taking a few extra precautions they have very little infections going on. Nothing closed down, kids going to school, bars and cafes open, not an empty shelf to be seen in any store.

Our societies sure have a lot of assholes suffering from FOMO. Shows a person's true character when the chips are down and they act like they have been. People coming from the cities to our small towns and taking all they can get but our local shops have limits on a lot of stuff now. Talking to the owner of one today and he said they let the limits ride up a bit for locals they know but I got everything I wanted today ecept for some ISO at the local feed store. Got 3 gallon jugs of distilled water at the drug store I'm going to make into colloidal silver to hand out to friends. May try selling some too on the local FB ad page. You think $1/ml is too greedy. ;) $1000/L would be pretty sweet. LOL

Interesting interview on Amanpour and Company with Dr. David Ho too. He's been the lead researcher on HIV/Aids since the beginning and developed the coctail of drugs that make HIV a managable disease and lets sufferers live pretty normal lives and lifespans. Wiki on Dr. David Ho and he's not the guy in the commercials on late night TV. lol

How come when they talk about how many people are getting it and how many die tehy aren't sticking up the Flu stats for this season. Never hear one word about the thousands dead this season from the flu. Makes me go hmmm . . . They even got a vaccine for that, supposedly. I've never had a flu shot so maybe it is all made up. ;)

65 with mild COPD but just too damned cantankerous to be taken out by a little bug like covis. Gonna take at least a 9mm. ;)

Just bogart that joint my friend. Don't pass it over to me . . . :D

:peace: and stay safe!
How come when they talk about how many people are getting it and how many die tehy aren't sticking up the Flu stats for this season. Never hear one word about the thousands dead this season from the flu. Makes me go hmmm . . . They even got a vaccine for that, supposedly. I've never had a flu shot so maybe it is all made up. ;)

I don't know where you're at, but I was hearing a lot about a very bad flu season around here last December.

But they can and do test for flu, they've only very recently been widespread testing for 19.

And drinking colloidal silver isn't recommended, great for making seeds though. I can personally assure you that a flu shot may help, silver will not and might just make you sick. We ingest enough junk and metals as it is, I'm not intentionally adding any.

You can do what you want though, good luck.
I don't know where you're at, but I was hearing a lot about a very bad flu season around here last December.

But they can and do test for flu, they've only very recently been widespread testing for 19.

And drinking colloidal silver isn't recommended, great for making seeds though. I can personally assure you that a flu shot may help, silver will not and might just make you sick. We ingest enough junk and metals as it is, I'm not intentionally adding any.

You can do what you want though, good luck.

I don't plan on drinking much of the CS. lol Spray on surfaces to kill anything and it works long after it dries. Spray on wounds and the wife uses a lot on her chickens. I live pretty clean so don't eat much junk or metals. I've been making CS for near 10 years now and have made a power limiting circuit to make even better CS going forward.

I have STS for spraying my plants. Made my own silver nitrate and it took me forever to get the sodium thiosulfate but finally have a 500g can of that so can make 100s of litres of STS now if I want.

Never had a flu shot and don't recall ever having the flu. If I end up in home someday then it might be a good idea but I've had friends and family get the flu and really sick not long after getting shots that may or may not work that season. Even when they do work they don't work all that well but load you up with those metals and other junk you don't like either. I take zero pharma meds and at my age that's pretty rare. An aspirin once in a blue moon when the arthritis spikes bad but the CBD cocobudder makes that rare too.

I always do what I want anyways. ;)

Apparently iv caught it roughly 2-3 weeks ago, recovered but developed a bacterial chest infection because of it, just feel drained, top of my legs ached for a day then felt like lead for a couple more, tickly cough bit of a temp for 1 day 39+ , it werent so bad, but the chest infection is a bit shitty, in all honesty fresh air & stretches have helped most, all good bro..
I never got tested, but I’ve been sick as hell for the past week or so. After 6 days my symptoms subsided, but now I have what seems to be bronchitis. The pain started in my neck/lymph node and throat. Swelling of the lymph node followed by sore throat, mildly runny nose, and dry cough. Also my uvula swole up the first morning of symptoms. My 6 year old had it the worst. He had a fever of 102 for 48 hrs and 99 for 3-4 days after that. He’s fine now though. It was scary. He didn’t move from our couch for all 6 days other than for me to shower him. Also I believe my wife’s grandfather just passed away from it. It filled his lungs with fluid and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They called it bronchitis and then said that wasn’t it but something was causing the fluid in his lungs and they didn’t know what. Then he died 2 days later. His symptoms went from 0-100 real fuckin quick. He was fine 3 weeks prior when we had visited.
Vaped a little indica last night now this morning I have a deep cough, headache and runny nose. Hoping its allergy related.. Wish our government was trustworthy.. Take care out there..
I don't plan on drinking much of the CS. lol Spray on surfaces to kill anything and it works long after it dries. Spray on wounds and the wife uses a lot on her chickens. I live pretty clean so don't eat much junk or metals. I've been making CS for near 10 years now and have made a power limiting circuit to make even better CS going forward.

I have STS for spraying my plants. Made my own silver nitrate and it took me forever to get the sodium thiosulfate but finally have a 500g can of that so can make 100s of litres of STS now if I want.

Never had a flu shot and don't recall ever having the flu. If I end up in home someday then it might be a good idea but I've had friends and family get the flu and really sick not long after getting shots that may or may not work that season. Even when they do work they don't work all that well but load you up with those metals and other junk you don't like either. I take zero pharma meds and at my age that's pretty rare. An aspirin once in a blue moon when the arthritis spikes bad but the CBD cocobudder makes that rare too.

I always do what I want anyways. ;)

Glad you're not drinking it.

I've been reading online people are ingesting it to 'stay healthy'. Not a good idea.
Apparently sore throat and running nose are not very common symptoms of covid-19 from the studies I've read... Hooker and cocaine study notwithstanding.
COVID-19 basics:
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Some people infected with the virus have no symptoms. When the virus does cause symptoms, common ones include low-grade fever, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. However, COVID-19 can occasionally cause more severe symptoms like high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath, which often indicates pneumonia.

One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is shortness of breath. What does that mean?

Shortness of breath refers to unexpectedly feeling out of breath, or winded. But when should you worry about shortness of breath? There are many examples of temporary shortness of breath that are not worrisome. For example, if you feel very anxious, it's common to get short of breath and then it goes away when you calm down.

However, if you find that you are ever breathing harder or having trouble getting air each time you exert yourself, you always need to call your doctor. That was true before we had the recent outbreak of COVID-19, and it will still be true after it is over.

Meanwhile, it's important to remember that if shortness of breath is your only symptom, without a cough or fever, something other than COVID-19 is the likely problem.
Best thing you can do apart from treating your clothes like a hazmat suit every time you come in, dump it straight in the wash and make a beeline for the shower. Is to have hot drink every hour or so to wash down germs into your stomach where they will be killed by acid.
This is basically what we’ve been doing. We wash our clothes with Lysol laundry sanitizer also. We’ve been using the Lysol clothes stuff for a few months now. I tested it on a moldy rag and it ate straight through the mold spots.
COVID-19 basics:
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Some people infected with the virus have no symptoms. When the virus does cause symptoms, common ones include low-grade fever, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. However, COVID-19 can occasionally cause more severe symptoms like high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath, which often indicates pneumonia.

One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is shortness of breath. What does that mean?

Shortness of breath refers to unexpectedly feeling out of breath, or winded. But when should you worry about shortness of breath? There are many examples of temporary shortness of breath that are not worrisome. For example, if you feel very anxious, it's common to get short of breath and then it goes away when you calm down.

However, if you find that you are ever breathing harder or having trouble getting air each time you exert yourself, you always need to call your doctor. That was true before we had the recent outbreak of COVID-19, and it will still be true after it is over.

Meanwhile, it's important to remember that if shortness of breath is your only symptom, without a cough or fever, something other than COVID-19 is the likely problem.

I think the 2 studies I looked at, mind you both from Wuhan I believe, showed runny nose and sore throat in only about 4-13% of patients.



I'm not a doctor but I would be curious to see if the sore throats are caused by the excess coughing. And what percentage of patients without a cough had sore throats still? Anywho I wish you and your family the best Farmer!
Best thing you can do apart from treating your clothes like a hazmat suit every time you come in, dump it straight in the wash and make a beeline for the shower. Is to have hot drink every hour or so to wash down germs into your stomach where they will be killed by acid.
Got a palatable hot beer recipe? Asking for a friend