Current number of (official) infected:
Confirmed lethal cases:
Currently every 7 days the number of infected & mortalities double, therefore it's very easy to estimate on numbers if the trend stays where it's currently is:
(NAIVE!!!) Timeline of the near future based on the current trend:
29.03.: 600.000 ___________ 26.000 (+1 week)
05.04.: 1.200.000 _________ 52.000
12.04.: 2.400.000 _________ 104.000
19.04.: 4.800.000 _________ 208.000
26.04.: 9.600.000 _________ 416.000
03.05.: 19.200.000 _________ 832.000 (+1 week)
31.05.: 307.200.000 _______ 13.312.000 (+4 weeks)
28.06.: 4.915.200.000 ____ 212.992.000 (+4 weeks)
03.07. 100% global infection reached; since the median recovery from SARS-2 is an average of 2 weeks the number of fatalities will still keep rising...
With so many deaths in such a short frame of time I wonder if we'll get problems with other infectious diseases as well, and how many will people will starve or die from crime/violence or else because of the huge global societal breakdown.