$2T Bailout package

well, fuck Kristin Tate and the horse she rode in on.

Median income per worker is $33,000/yr. Median household income is $55k. I mean, sure save if you can but those wages make her calling people "irresponsible" make me want to break the fingers she used to type those words. Not when the gains in wealth in this nation has been flowing to the top 90%.
I wonder what happens when nobody gets a check.

It's like a government shutdown but w/ no money to go around.
Everybody will get a check, no problem, Mitch and his senate buddies are riding Donald's coattails down the path of electoral perdition and is in a weak position. Besides the republican senators are dropping like flies from coronavirus cause they associate with pigs like Rand Paul. They will come through with the cash and lots of it too, election season is here and the GOP will want to buy as many votes as they can, its only your money after all, not theirs.

Yep, Black or white, republican or democrat, everybody is gonna be on the Trump government dole, while they are doing Trump Time, because Trump fucked up the response to the Trump flu. He owns the branding and the GOP senate and house own him, by the time november comes he will stink really fucking bad and the republicans will have the smell all over them.
Not in time for jack shit though. Democrats keep holding it up because transgender windmills aren't decorated in union sparkles.