Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Those who force other humans to do things they don't want to do are called fascists.
Google the description.
Does what you suggest fit that mold?
I'll do one better I'll actual define it, Jezz, sounds just like trump and his supporters!
Anti vaccination is based on one fraudulent study by a self confessed scientific fraud and it has been actively disproven by several subsequent studies. This disinformation harms others and society, it hurts and kills people, you don't have a right to believe as you wish, your beliefs have dire consequences for others and are not harmless if acted upon by you or others. Childhood mortality rates were always tragically and staggeringly high except in recent history, do a little reading and see what a world without vaccinations is like. Nobody used to show that much interest in young children until they got older and their odds of survival got better, it was too easy to end up with not just a broken heart, but a shattered one.

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
At Trumps briefing they talked about a few new huge N95 mask disinfection machines . The machines would be across the country . The machines would disinfect the N95 masks up to 20 times until used. It sounded like a great recycling invention. I’m pretty excited about it. What a long week! One more to go with the peak. We are dealing pretty darn good. Keep up the great work and have a nice weekend.
I haven't seen the @captainmorgan since Mar 28th, here was one of his last posts from that date, he's in Michigan and it's hot there. I'm hoping for the best.

"Well I've had some chest congestion all day and a bit of a scratchy throat, no fever so far. The only way to get a test here is if you need to be hospitalized basically because they are in such short supply. I've had a runny nose mild cold for weeks so I'm hoping it's just part of that".
At Trumps briefing they talked about a few new huge N95 mask disinfection machines . The machines would be across the country . The machines would disinfect the N95 masks up to 20 times until used. It sounded like a great recycling invention. I’m pretty excited about it. What a long week! One more to go with the peak. We are dealing pretty darn good. Keep up the great work and have a nice weekend.
View attachment 4529768
I was going to make a small one for our techs using UVC lights that we have for duct and coils. With out actually testing them I don’t feel comfortable with the possibility of them still being contaminated :(.
I was going to make a small one for our techs using UVC lights that we have for duct and coils. With out actually testing them I don’t feel comfortable with the possibility of them still being contaminated :(.
Have you done any research on it Dudley? If you attempt it, copying an approved design might be a good place to start if you decide to go forward with the project. Like you, I wouldn't feel too comfortable about it either! I imagine a small commercial unit would be as scarce as hen's teeth right now and there might even be a shortage of UVC tubes too.
Those who force other humans to do things they don't want to do are called fascists.
Google the description.
Does what you suggest fit that mold?
So forcing you to not rape children like Rob advocates is being a fascist? Forcing you not to segregate people based on your racist beliefs is being a fascist? Ok you got me! By your definition I guess I’m a fascist.
Crap I almost forgot ......... your an idiot jsyk.
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Have you done any research on it Dudley? If you attempt it, copying an approved design might be a good place to start if you decide to go forward with the project. Like you, I wouldn't feel too comfortable about it either! I imagine a small commercial unit would be as scarce as hen's teeth right now and there might even be a shortage of UVC tubes too.
We have a few duct UV lights in stock and a few hospitals are using bigger units that are untested but the thinking is “better than nothing” yes they do kill virus’s but with out testing I wouldn’t do it. Two swordfish lights on top and bottom of a metal polished box should complete the coverage. I believe we now have enough 95’s to keep a couple of guys outfitted for emergency calls as they occur.
I was going to make a small one for our techs using UVC lights that we have for duct and coils. With out actually testing them I don’t feel comfortable with the possibility of them still being contaminated :(.
Yeah I know what you mean. The xenox cleaning Robot at the hospital is said to zap the used N95 mask clean after its expiration of 8 hours making it good for another 8 hours.i need to find out Who tested that? If it didn’t go through QC , it’s useless to me.
I see on Maddow they are running out of body bags in Michigan, the nurses are striking and being sent home and they are also having sit down protests, they are completely overwhelmed and worked nearly to death. Doesn't the US army and Navy have Doctors and nurses? Who is mobilizing personnel nationally with mobile reserves? Is Donald golfing again this week end? I guess he must be taking the long weekend off, poor dear has been working so hard and deserves the extra rest. It's so sad that more people aren't praising the perfect response, but it's all the Obama's fault....
Here is a pretty good map of covid-19 data, zoom in to your county.

I'll do one better I'll actual define it, Jezz, sounds just like trump and his supporters!
Anti vaccination is based on one fraudulent study by a self confessed scientific fraud and it has been actively disproven by several subsequent studies. This disinformation harms others and society, it hurts and kills people, you don't have a right to believe as you wish, your beliefs have dire consequences for others and are not harmless if acted upon by you or others. Childhood mortality rates were always tragically and staggeringly high except in recent history, do a little reading and see what a world without vaccinations is like. Nobody used to show that much interest in young children until they got older and their odds of survival got better, it was too easy to end up with not just a broken heart, but a shattered one.

fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge
Well that is one side of vaccines, if you would like to discuss this more we can chat in another thread so as not to clog this one up.....LOL
The key word with fascism is control by force.
We can discuss fascism in another thread too if you would like.
So you don’t want to debate something you believe to be credible and provable ......... interesting.
Well that was not my intention.
It is like this..
I came here to talk baseball.
You don't want to talk baseball.
You ask me to talk about football.
But I came here to talk about baseball.
If you would like to discuss that topic I would love to chat in another thread.
So forcing you to not rape children like Rob advocates is being a fascist?
What is the talk of rape, and who the hell is Rob???
Forcing you not to segregate people based on your racist beliefs is being a fascist?
You kind sir have me confused with someone else.
Ok you got me! By your definition I guess I’m a fascist.
Crap I almost forgot ......... your an idiot jsyk.
I found nothing of value in this post.
Well that was not my intention.
It is like this..
I came here to talk baseball.
You don't want to talk baseball.
You ask me to talk about football.
But I came here to talk about baseball.
If you would like to discuss that topic I would love to chat in another thread.
Oh I’m sure OP (DIY) wouldn’t mind veering off topic a bit to debate something as important as the merits of vaccine. And it was you that actually brought it up so I’m assuming you have valid, provable points to add to the subject.