Best auto flower breeder


Well-Known Member
Im looking into grabbing some autos for the first time to run outside this summer....

Is there a consensus on the topautoflower breeder/breeders..... I usually just run Bodhi
I just checked their site! They are still down. I am also looking for an auto supplier located in the US. Does anyone have any suggestions??
Gorilla seeds. Great customer service. Dutch Passion and Royal Queen are both excellent breeders.
Magic and Ronin have stuff in stock on their site, last I checked. Look up Magic Strains and Binary Selections and I'm sure you'll find the site. I don't remember if it's ok to post links here or not. Pic is Nurple at either 51 or 52 days from sprout. 20200512_183950.jpg
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seedlings: are you referring to gorilla-cannabis-seeds or real-gorilla-seeds or some other one. There are a bunch that come up if your google gorilla seeds. Neither one or US based, by the way.

I don't think royal queen or dutch passion are either. I think they are all British. Do you have them mailed to the US??
Yes its Gorilla Seed co. They are in the UK but mail here. I'm waiting on a package as I type. I know of none in the US. I am not in a grow state.
Pineapple Express @ 70 days
Gorillagasam@ 64 days
Hawgdog: are you referring to magic

Are there any good USA seeds banks for auto flowers.
Hawgdog? LOL No. Magic Strains and Ronin Gardens and their collaboration Binary Selections. Google search those and I think you'll find the site. US-based. Web page is Magic Bean Company or something similar. EDIT: And that plant above was at 53 days. Just checked.
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Also Wicked Pissah Seeds, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be out of stock on everything for a few months.