Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Dont even ask u lot for thank yous for Vietnam or Afghanistan or any of the lots of wars you guys start and we help you with.

Do the ignorant and rasict Americans have a reason they want to be thanked for things that they personally didnt do?
I know. look at u the ignorant racist who knows us aussie are way cooler...

Like u haven't come up with one reason to move to America but have come up with reasons to move here. Tis Gold.
I don't want to convince you to move here dumbass. Didn't you get that from my last post. Please stay where you are for the love of America, lol.

And by the way you might wanna go back to grammar school. U R thee racism. Punctuation helps too. Notice that I said too, and not to or two. Probably way over your head MacGruber.
I don't want to convince you to move here dumbass. Didn't you get that from my last post. Please stay where you are for the love of America, lol.

And by the way you might wanna go back to grammar school. U R thee racism. Punctuation helps too. Notice that I said too, and not to or two. Probably way over your head MacGruber.
View attachment 4598438
I feel sorry for u pad. Hopefully when u grow up you will become a better person.
Yes it is and we paid the French too capitalism is a wonderful thing
capitalism seems to be working out just great for America doesnt it? Id rather my countries much more Social Democracy type govt where the people are meant to come first. But as i said earlyer i couldn't afford to live my lifestyle i have here in America. Aussies have it preety good. From 8 weeks paid holidays a year to Employer paid superannuation, inexpensive health. Mostly Covid free states and territories. Trumps not in power. Decent wages...
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No I've actually found Enlightenment.
View attachment 4598442
Pic reminds of of why American (and Australian) troops went into Vietnam to defend a govt that Buddhist monks were lighting themselves on fire in the streets protesting about.
Just to loose like they loose most wars. When was the last time America actually won a war? They are surrendering to the Taliban atm, so they just lost that one they caused.
Russia would of had Japan to but America had to drop a couple of weapons of mass destruction anyway.
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