2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

Great job, what would you say their height is at from the level of the rocks right now? Hard to tell how tall that wood wall is..Id guess 3ft? putting the plant canopy at like 4.5-5.5ft right now?

thx dunphy .. the top of the corner posts is 5'9" from the top of the plant bed, the second one in on the left is a couple inches away from reaching the top of the posts ... i'll be extending some of the posts up to about 8 ft and running one continuous net down each row at 5'9" then another at about 8 ft .... there's about 8-9 inches showing of the plant beds above the stone, so i should be able to walk underneath the first continuous netting no problem... if they go much higher than the 8 ft netting I'll have to start extending them out horizontally.... I only have 12' in the center
@stealthfader508 If so, how tall did they end up finishing in the hoop house last year? Wondering if they get crowded out at the top toward end of season. Got a cheap pvc hoop house that is decently large for personal use, but may just put the money up and get something more permanent... Wondering if itll be worth it.

some of my plants finished lower than where these are already ... i got a late start last year and the plants took a back seat to building the greenhouse ... i think my tallest plant last year was a skittlez that hit 7 feet or so
some of my plants finished lower than where these are already ... i got a late start last year and the plants took a back seat to building the greenhouse ... i think my tallest plant last year was a skittlez that hit 7 feet or so

Right on... nice, I think we're after the same idea sort of, want my 2 rows to eventually connect above so I can have a 6 ft tunnel of so, and pots on either side extending above my head, then able to run trellis as a big rectangle across everything. Good stuff. Days are getting shorter already, times actually going by quick considering I havent worked since march.
Been getting lucky the last 12 days.. Probably 3" rain came after i hit em all with 15 gallons of water. Been able to stay away from the patch for nearly 2 weeks and get some fishing done on weekends and after work..instead of being a slave to the patch humping 2 five gallon buckets of water at a time for 4ours through the brush.
Been getting lucky the last 12 days.. Probably 3" rain came after i hit em all with 15 gallons of water. Been able to stay away from the patch for nearly 2 weeks and get some fishing done on weekends and after work..instead of being a slave to the patch humping 2 five gallon buckets of water at a time for 4ours through the brush.
Im loving my 100g fabric pots I've watered twice since they were transplanted in. Basically like they're in the ground. Took my straw mulch off all of them yesterday, laid it out on a tarp in the sun and hit it with a bunch of D.E, dried it all out and tried to kill off any eggs or anything, Then wrapped it back up because the rain was coming, and already had rain so its still no mulch/cover, hit the first few inches with more D.E. and im probably going to hit everything in the yard with neem a little before the next rain... Pests have been having a fest on my back yard this year... I've found fungus gnats, leaf hoppers, aphids, mealy bugs, ants everywhere, luckily no caterpillar or slugs (yet at least..).. I've got power ran out to the plot now though, and going to unplug the cameras for a little bit and get some fans going out there after this rain... Its nice not having to water, but its tough to get a good dry cycle out of the roots. I use like foot long cedar shingles strips as name tags and am able to pull them out and check how deep the moisture line goes, not super accurate, But helps... and shows these pots stay moist pretty long, Good thing Ive got a good amount of perlite and vermiculite in it. Also, stuck a meat thermometer (only has like a 4 inch probe) into the side of the pot, right in the middle and when the temps are high 80s and the hottest days of the year so far, I havent seen that thermometer go above like 75 at most, usually will be 60s even mid day, a couple inches in... Have seen absolutely no signs of heat stress at all so far which another positive of the pots. Hopefully we get through all this rain now and have a relatively dry sept/oct.

Looking forward to the rest of the season...Great job everyone, You guys are making me proud Mass has some great growers.
Cheers :leaf:
Everything is thriving. I have garden stakes coming wednesday and some trellis netting. Going to put my first layer of netting across the photos soon and let them grow through it. The oldest autos are a foot tall. Worst Swedbank I’ve come across is flash auto flowering. I got the Panama lime super auto. So far, far from super. 1 bean didn’t pop, one I pulled bc it was so spindly I couldn’t imagine it growing anything and left with this runt that is 2.5 inches tall. I hit it with some bio live, haven’t given the other anything but roots organic and worm castings. Funny I paid the most for those duds


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Been getting lucky the last 12 days.. Probably 3" rain came after i hit em all with 15 gallons of water. Been able to stay away from the patch for nearly 2 weeks and get some fishing done on weekends and after work..instead of being a slave to the patch humping 2 five gallon buckets of water at a time for 4ours through the brush.

Get a blumats digital moisture meter, you’ll be surprised.
Things are starting to really pop in my garden, now that we have some warm sunny weather! 5 RSC Balkhi, 4 RSC Waziri, 1 RSC Hawaiian Hashbud and 1 Afghan Kush from seed found in last year's grow. Starting to show pre-flowers, happy that so far five have declared female.

Waziri 3 - a female

07-02-2020 10 Waziri 3.jpg

Balkhi 4 - undetermined

07-02-2020 06 Balkhi 4.jpg

Whole grow -

07-02-2020 14.jpg
Curious to see how yours turn out as well. Good luck on them. I couldn't get seedsman to be able to charge my card for some reason.. Idk why but I'd like to try theirs I'll keep an eye on yours and make a note for the future. Thanks. :bigjoint: :peace:

I had to use a Mastercard , my card through Citizens kept flagging fraud and they could'nt fix it.
BUT just an FYI moving forward on Seedsman: you can do bank transfer with them, which I may do if I don't use bitcoin next order (25%discount + 8 free seeds)
use seed supreme they are pretty good
Mataro Blue, Humboldt Dream, Blueberry, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, and GSC...


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cover crop looks beautiful but smother it out with straw to create that A-horizon. Plants will respond accordingly. Looking good man, you def take the award for cleanest setup and everyone strives for setting that example.

thanks t-wreck ... I honestly had no idea what an A-Horizon was, but I just googled it ... interesting ... what I've been doing is every couple weeks I topdress with worm castings, build-a-soil craft blend, and a local rock dust ... i then water it in and when the clover springs back later in the day i mow it down with hedge trimmers ... it's building a great humus layer, and the clover grows right back in ... i never thought of smothering it out though
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Welp...found my first small sign of mold today from all this rain. Luckily I caught it early and removed it but not a good indication of the future to come