Well-Known Member
Great job, what would you say their height is at from the level of the rocks right now? Hard to tell how tall that wood wall is..Id guess 3ft? putting the plant canopy at like 4.5-5.5ft right now?
thx dunphy .. the top of the corner posts is 5'9" from the top of the plant bed, the second one in on the left is a couple inches away from reaching the top of the posts ... i'll be extending some of the posts up to about 8 ft and running one continuous net down each row at 5'9" then another at about 8 ft .... there's about 8-9 inches showing of the plant beds above the stone, so i should be able to walk underneath the first continuous netting no problem... if they go much higher than the 8 ft netting I'll have to start extending them out horizontally.... I only have 12' in the center