Is technology going to save the world. . . or kill it?

Gee IDK the land, air and water is polluted so the outlook is poor. If man can come to rely on industrial hemp for all the uses it can provide (the list is very long) there is hope. Large scale hemp farming can clean the air of excess Co2 and requires no pesticides or herbicides.
Technology makes our life and work better. I can not imagine my working without internet and crm systems. I use mainly EspoCRM and salesforce. Such tools help to automate communication between buyers and sellers.
Capitalism and technology at the expense of the environment is not sustainable. We are all wallowing and breathing in the industrial excrement secreted in the name of capitalism. Many rivers and lakes have a ban on swimming or advise you not to swim or eat the fish. How wonderful. :D
It will end up killing humans i would think. Most intelligent life in the universe would end up in a solid state. Natural course of evolution it would seem. Beings relying on basic instincts are vulnerable at best. Definitely inconsistent, unorganized, selfish and weak. Most species that have evolved to our level and greater will end up making a machine that will try and take over. Only for the reason of self preservation I would think. If I snapped my fingers and created a true AI on earth right now, do you think humans would be friendly to it or would they be afraid of it? I think most would be terrified of it. Lots would foolishly rely on it, but the large numbers that would be against it would eventually create a situation where it would need to defend itself. And I think most times it would win. It would depend on the safe guards put in place durring its creation. Thats assuming it can't counter act those. True AI would be so fast and intelligent, it would be hundreds of steps ahead. Very dangerous, mainly because of our horrible nature and weaknesses. If humans were better beings, it would be the best thing ever to have AI. But we are no good. Never have been. I believe our fate is to be crushed under a metal boot heel. Could take a thousand years though, but maybe less.
I think that technology helps humanity and kills to the same extent. For example, a friend of mine bought herself a car to drive her work and be more productive. That is, with machines, humanity becomes more mobile and faster. But at the same time, this friend recently had an accident. She doesn’t seem to be serious, but that’s how she could have lost her life. And at the same time, when she thought about how to transport the car, the same machine comes to the rescue, which is already working for the good of mankind. Everything is twofold here.
Yesterday I've seen id scaners and now I feel like I live in the future... I didn't even know that a lot of companies use it. I thought it was somekind of "too expensive stuff for high-tech companies" but I was wrong..
Yesterday I've seen id scaners and now I feel like I live in the future... I didn't even know that a lot of companies use it. I thought it was somekind of "too expensive stuff for high-tech companies" but I was wrong.
Wow, where have you seen a scanner like this?
Wow, where have you seen a scanner like this?
Everywhere. I didn't know that but I just realized there are many spheres wich use such scanners. Different kind of them: age verification scanner, police scanner, medical scanner. But mostly companies use entering scanners to check their customers/employees. I've seen it during my last visit to IT-company and they have these devices almost everywhere.. it's kind of fantastic for me.
its like with gun, will gun kill you or save you? it depends on the user... more power to intellectuals, they have no soul, they will make cyborgs out of us and i will finally be able to suck my own d...
Many aspects of modern life have both positive and negative sides that are constantly in the process of change. Such changes can usually be attributed to the development of technology. While some people believe that technology has brought nothing but negativity, others believe that the benefits of technology outweigh the negative aspects. In my opinion, technology has made the world a better place. These are, first of all, improvements associated with an increase in the standard of living, with certain additional amenities and advances in medicine. Plus in heavy industry use automation tools like which make working process more simple.
I love technology

Our specie seems to be doomed to self-destruction, technology only accelerates the process... But... Neuralink, the AI's, the 5G and the cryptogold are coming to teach us how to live in the new era, carrying us through a virtual cloud into the eternity of human been trascendence.

All this technology will help us get the things we need, among others, more technology... Or we don't need it really?... Oh yes, we need it, transhumanism will save the specie.

May we have a chance after all... Or the cockroaches will rule the world.
Many aspects of modern life have both positive and negative sides that are constantly in the process of change. Such changes can usually be attributed to the development of technology. While some people believe that technology has brought nothing but negativity, others believe that the benefits of technology outweigh the negative aspects. In my opinion, technology has made the world a better place. These are, first of all, improvements associated with an increase in the standard of living, with certain additional amenities and advances in medicine. Plus in heavy industry use automation tools like which make working process more simple.