Clearwater Genetics

I don't make it a practice of taking pictures and wasting more time on plants that are going into the trash hundreds at a time. But next round I'll make an exception for you.
Let’s see a picture of your set up then, any picture just to verify you’re not just some loser troll who goes on breeders pages talking shit like a little do nothing bitch, cause from where I’m standing that’s precisely what you look like to me. So what packs did you pop? Bro you know you can look at your history and see all the little bitch talking you do right? Not one picture ever posted just hating on other people’s work. Throw some pics up or shut the fuck up...
I own a Rec farm in WA State. We pop a lot of seeds for our greenhouse runs. We pop indoor, select, then run them outside. If you don't like my opinions and experiences, that's your problem.
Own a rec farm lololololol, right bro and you got all this extra time to be on the internet talking shit like a little bitch hahahaha. Let’s see a picture of this farm....
When you order from GLO do they send out shipping confirmation and details, or does one just wait until they show up?

Not in a rush to get them but just don't know how they operate.

I got shipping/tracking for my seeds when they shipped out. It did take a week for him to ship them out. I think i saw a comment the other day saying it is taking 10-14 days to process orders. I am pretty sure he is a one man show. While i have gotten everything i have ordered from him, i think he could use a little help filling orders and what not.
Own a rec farm lololololol, right bro and you got all this extra time to be on the internet talking shit like a little bitch hahahaha. Let’s see a picture of this farm....

I can't vouch for this guy, but plenty of people who have rec facilities all over the country frequent the forums. Many started as closet/basement growers right here on the forums, and still frequent and share info and socialize. It's not like if you own a rec facility you're some loaded millionaire with no time to talk to other people as you laugh your way to the bank lol. Rec facilities can take years to pay off depending on how they were financed, bad crops, bad business partners, changing laws, etc., and in the meantime, the people running them are just people. @detgreenthumb and @Renfro off the top of my head both work with or consult with larger grows (I think, anyway) and still spend time here on the forums talking shop and chatting.
When you order from GLO do they send out shipping confirmation and details, or does one just wait until they show up?

Not in a rush to get them but just don't know how they operate.
Yeah they send process confirmation on like day 7 and tracking number day 8 then its 2 or 3 days depending on the mail
Let’s see a picture of your set up then, any picture just to verify you’re not just some loser troll who goes on breeders pages talking shit like a little do nothing bitch, cause from where I’m standing that’s precisely what you look like to me. So what packs did you pop? Bro you know you can look at your history and see all the little bitch talking you do right? Not one picture ever posted just hating on other people’s work. Throw some pics up or shut the fuck up...
Would you be saying this,if he was praising them without pics?
If not.......STFU
I have 4 more packs coming from glo and if I get that new email more than likely 5 more ..

I have a white hot g in flower about a week in
It took them 2 weeks for them to give me tracking, but it did come in the mail and they do email you tracking! Takes awhile but you will get them. Ordered from them 2 times so far and I'm happy with my orders.
Let’s see a picture of your set up then, any picture just to verify you’re not just some loser troll who goes on breeders pages talking shit like a little do nothing bitch, cause from where I’m standing that’s precisely what you look like to me. So what packs did you pop? Bro you know you can look at your history and see all the little bitch talking you do right? Not one picture ever posted just hating on other people’s work. Throw some pics up or shut the fuck up...
Settle down buttercup. I'll have your pictures shortly. Then you can go back to crying in the sand box again.
Would you be saying this,if he was praising them without pics?
If not.......STFU
I wouldn’t care, but to come and throw shade on another mans work without any proof whatsoever is a little bitch move. And if you don’t think that’s the case you’re a little bitch too, it’s called logic.
I can't vouch for this guy, but plenty of people who have rec facilities all over the country frequent the forums. Many started as closet/basement growers right here on the forums, and still frequent and share info and socialize. It's not like if you own a rec facility you're some loaded millionaire with no time to talk to other people as you laugh your way to the bank lol. Rec facilities can take years to pay off depending on how they were financed, bad crops, bad business partners, changing laws, etc., and in the meantime, the people running them are just people. @detgreenthumb and @Renfro off the top of my head both work with or consult with larger grows (I think, anyway) and still spend time here on the forums talking shop and chatting.
Talking shop and chatting are very different then talking shit with no proof, I really don’t understand why that is hard for anyone to understand.
Settle down Donald Trump. You can't dicktate others experiences and their right to share. You can go back to shedding a tear for "throwing shade on another man's custy hustle"
Wtf Bro I am asking for you to show proof of your claimed experiences, what the fuck does Donald Trump have to do with you being called out for being a little internet beta bitch boy? Still trying to find those pics or what? Never mind the fact you have yet to answer what packs you supposedly ran thru...
I don't make it a practice of taking pictures and wasting more time on plants that are going into the trash hundreds at a time. But next round I'll make an exception for you.
So you’re running through phenos 100’s at a time ha? That must be a huge indoor facility you have also, let me guess you never thought to take a picture of that place either ha? Lol thanks for the laughs bro...