

Ursus marijanus
I asked nicely to post here, my first post was over a month ago, and all you guys did was discredit me, so I went away, I already tried to make a polite entrance, sorry that my second initial post wasn't written as respectfully as we might have hoped for, but I figured TNT could handle it.......
You blew your credibility when you said that this virus is a hoax. That’s a Russian troll classic.

I don’t know why you’re here fighting for the enemy in a very real war of disinformation and propaganda with over 170 thousand known casualties in this country alone and millions of wounded.

Don’t speak your corrosive lies here. You are an agent of the enemy.


Well-Known Member
Covid19 is a hoax.

Corona Viruses however, in their many shapes/forms are not.

Many states have been caught exaggerating the covid infection/death counts for their states, it is you that has turned a blind eye to these facts?

Let's make a complete & accurate confirmation of who the Real enemy is before we go choosing sides my friends.

Look at the racially heated politics going on elsewhere for perspective here folks, can you not see that it is the same higher Ups controlling both covid and the blm/floyd LGBT/trans sex(Obama)/me2 (etc) agendas/hoaxes? The same manipulative measures are being taken for each to cause divide and chaos, it's really clear and easy to see, you need to take this seriously, I'm not going out on a limb here at all, I'm a very sane person, and I don't like lying or spreading dis-truths to anyone anywhere, that's not me. (I'm not discriminating against LGBT, just stating facts)

Notice how these two events/scenarios received similar amounts of air play, and/or news coverage, it's a tell tell sign, it's big lie, they are setting us up for something sudden, something is going to happen that makes both issues look like mole hills suddenly, I sense it, I'm trying to warn you, there's a calm right now.......... it's quiet, things just left to sort of simmer along it seems.

Something that changes the scenario once again is coming, something bad, just wait and see.

This isn't funny, I'm not exaggerating, I'm not wrong, not this time. Not that it's completely my idea, plenty of others are having this same exact discussion, I know that as a matter of fact just look at the politics section on bitchute.

Something fishy is going on here, and I beg that you'll allow me to stay and help me educate others about this very real threat, please? Not to be awkward but I'm just trying to share what I'm able, I know this is Real, something unexpected is almost here, I'd never joke I sense danger, listen! Hell is about to break out 1-6months to a even a year, but I really sense something, some kind of war is coming, i sense military force with very bad connotations behind it for what ever reason.

Famine but what else, hmmmm.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Covid19 is a hoax.

Corona Viruses however, in their many shapes/forms are not.

Many states have been caught exaggerating the covid infection/death counts for their states, it is you that has turned a blind eye to these facts?

Let's make a complete & accurate confirmation of who the Real enemy is before we go choosing sides my friends.

Look at the racially heated politics going on elsewhere for perspective here folks, can you not see that it is the same higher Ups controlling both covid and the blm/floyd LGBT/trans sex(Obama)/me2 (etc) agendas/hoaxes? The same manipulative measures are being taken for each to cause divide and chaos, it's really clear and easy to see, you need to take this seriously, I'm not going out on a limb here at all, I'm a very sane person, and I don't like lying or spreading dis-truths to anyone anywhere, that's not me. (I'm not discriminating against LGBT, just stating facts)

Notice how these two events/scenarios received similar amounts of air play, and/or news coverage, it's a tell tell sign, it's big lie, they are setting us up for something sudden, something is going to happen that makes both issues look like mole hills suddenly, I sense it, I'm trying to warn you, there's a calm right now.......... it's quiet, things just left to sort of simmer along it seems.

Something that changes the scenario once again is coming, something bad, just wait and see.

This isn't funny, I'm not exaggerating, I'm not wrong, not this time. Not that it's completely my idea, plenty of others are having this same exact discussion, I know that as a matter of fact just look at the politics section on bitchute.

Something fishy is going on here, and I beg that you'll allow me to stay and help me educate others about this very real threat, please? Not to be awkward but I'm just trying to share what I'm able, I know this is Real, something unexpected is almost here, I'd never joke I sense danger, listen! Hell is about to break out 1-6months to a even a year, but I really sense something, some kind of war is coming, i sense military force with very bad connotations behind it for what ever reason.

Famine but what else, hmmmm.
So what have 170,000+ people died of, malpractice, or as you incorrectly called it homicide?

You are right, there is something very bad going on. It's the fact we have such a large body of intellectually bereft individuals they fall prey to the thinnest of conspiracy theories and revel in their ignorance.

While you have the right to speak you do not have a ticket to this conversation. The mere fact you refer to people strapped into ventilators, given barbiturates and homicide make my case. The problem is you do not know what you do not know and pride in ignorance makes you utter things that would make someone with mere passing familiarity with the subject blush.

Welcome to life in a post-fact world.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Link to research for treating indoor air cheaply:
:arrow: New weapon against COVID-19: Food coloring

"Instead of using expensive medical photosensitizers, we have identified several FDA-approved food coloring dyes that can be used to generate free radicals in visible light. We use ultrasound to generate small aerosols containing the food coloring so that the dyes can float and linger in the air. The aerosols are barely visible, and their small size and short lifespan in light means they don’t stain surfaces.

Photodynamic therapy was first demonstrated as a means of fighting bacterial infection. Oxygen free radicals, specifically singlet oxygen, can also inactivate viruses by damaging the nucleic acids, proteins and lipids that they are composed of. In particular, singlet oxygen is effective at breaking down the lipid envelopes that form protective shells around many viruses. Most of the viruses that are harmful to humans, including SARS-CoV-2, have these envelopes.

Several other disinfection techniques are available, for example aerosolized hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide vapor, ozone, steam and UV-C or “deep UV” illumination. However, these are more appropriate for disinfecting surfaces than disabling pathogens floating in the air. Also, they can be hazardous to humans. For example, deep UV is commonly used as a disinfectant, but is carcinogenic."

Personally, I think it would turn everyone orange.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
N.Y. Nurses Say Used N95 Masks are Being Re-Packed in Boxes to Look New
Source: Newsweek

Nurses working at an intensive care unit in a New York hospital say they discovered used N95 respirator masks in a storage closet that are being made to look new and distributed for use by hospital officials.

The ICU nurses sent a video to News 12 Sunday showing dozens of the N95 masks, which provide the best protection against COVID-19, hanging on a clothesline in a storage closet at the Vassar Brothers Medical Center (VBMC) in Poughkeepsie.

The nurses said the hospital was recycling the masks and boxing them up to make them appear new, something hospital administrators denied.

"All those masks were there to be packed away and saved," VBMC President Peter Kelly told News 12 Thursday, adding that VBMC and other hospitals around the country have saved masks to be sanitized and reused only if there's another national shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), like the one seen earlier this year when the pandemic first hit the U.S.

Read more:


Well-Known Member

Edmonton has more than double the new cases that Toronto has. Edmonton population 980,000 Toronto 6.1 million.

I'm gonna be so pissed if we end up on lock down again. :(
Seems like everybody is pissed these days.

China lied early, the feds didn't take it seriously (but certain gov't officials dumped stock in January after a meeting), it became politicized, everybody who got laid off is pissed, everybody who lost money is pissed, everybody who got sick is pissed, school kids are pissed, sports leagues are pissed, etc., etc.

I don't like it one bit either, but I keep thinking of my parents and grandparents living through a depression that lasted a decade, serving in two world wars, surviving the Cuban middle crisis, the cold war, Vietnam and all of it without ever saying they were pissed about anything. But they were tough people.

Maybe we had it too easy until now and this is the test we have to weather.

We lost a lot of people. I'm just trying not to be one of them. Dying would ruin my day.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Seems like everybody is pissed these days.

China lied early, the feds didn't take it seriously (but certain gov't officials dumped stock in January after a meeting), it became politicized, everybody who got laid off is pissed, everybody who lost money is pissed, everybody who got sick is pissed, school kids are pissed, sports leagues are pissed, etc., etc.

I don't like it one bit either, but I keep thinking of my parents and grandparents living through a depression that lasted a decade, serving in two world wars, surviving the Cuban middle crisis, the cold war, Vietnam and all of it without ever saying they were pissed about anything. But they were tough people.

Maybe we had it too easy until now and this is the test we have to weather.

We lost a lot of people. I'm just trying not to be one of them. Dying would ruin my day.

I was pissed before covid, this just pushed me over the edge.

I can only speak for my generation but I don't think we've had it easy. Previous generations have been shit stewards of the future. Taking every opportunity for themselves alone, keeping us in a perpetual state of war, looting and plundering the economy and environment and screwing their children along the way. You can't survive without a university education, which costs as much as a house, and will take most of your adult life to pay off. Even with a degree jobs are few since most have been shipped overseas, competition is high so salaries are depressed and saving for the future is almost impossible. The future is honestly bleak.

I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to protect my parents and the older generations, just wish they would have done the same for me.


Well-Known Member
You can't survive without a university education
Dr's, lawyers, and CEO's still need their cars, plumbing, and heat/air conditioning repaired and houses built by the trades to live in. Without concrete, electrical, and steel workers the corporations would have no place to do business in. I believe the trades should be better supported by our education system for those people who college may not be a direction they want to go in yet they can still earn an excellent living.