Why are my leaves doing this. Overwatering?


Active Member
I'm surprised to see fungus gnats in a coco grow (assuming that is what's on your sticky cards). Is your medium draining well? I've seen bumpy leaves from over watering but like you say, it's hard to over water mature plants in coco.
Medium could be draining better honestly. Each irrigation is roughly 1200’ml per 3 gal 1 timemdaily. Sad to see plants in coco hit the breaks because when there on there on. Wondering if I’m missing something


Active Member
How much are you flushing them? Flushing is 3-4x the pot volume of water.

It takes time during a flush to get those salts out. so the first flush will have a lower PPM than the 2nd or 3rd ‘IF’ salt build up is an issue.

I’d flush one plant and monitor the EC until it has dropped right down or if there is a spike. Eliminates the salt issues. Then give it a balanced pH feed.

Coco as far as I’m aware is more reliant on pHing your input solution.
So on a flush they would get CaMg and recharge and double there usual. So probably 2500 ml. I’m only flushing if I’m seeing build ups in my avg for each 4x4


Active Member
Before you laugh it off look again. Did you look closely?
Maybe those are root aphid and not fungus gnats, can you get some good shots of the sticky paper?
So I will post photos when ligjts
Come on tonight but I appreciate your insight and did some investigating and it looks just like gnats


Well-Known Member
Did you plant the seeds in the final container or up pot and transplant? I ask because coco will become hydrophobic if it dries out. You could have a dry spot half way down the container that is repeling the water. I would think that a good flush would fix that, more than just twice the amount you stated you flushed with. Good luck!

Quick coco watering video explaining the process.


Active Member
Did you plant the seeds in the final container or up pot and transplant? I ask because coco will become hydrophobic if it dries out. You could have a dry spot half way down the container that is repeling the water. I would think that a good flush would fix that, more than just twice the amount you stated you flushed with. Good luck!

Quick coco watering video explaining the process.
they are from clone pure Afghan kush. They started in solo cups — 1 gallons —3 gallons which is there final container


Active Member
Did you plant the seeds in the final container or up pot and transplant? I ask because coco will become hydrophobic if it dries out. You could have a dry spot half way down the container that is repeling the water. I would think that a good flush would fix that, more than just twice the amount you stated you flushed with. Good luck!

Quick coco watering video explaining the process.
I switched to a different watering wand this cycle that is softer in its dispersion. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Could my run off be deceiving me? Again my run off for the last several weeks has been less than my inflow solution


Well-Known Member
I switched to a different watering wand this cycle that is softer in its dispersion. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Could my run off be deceiving me? Again my run off for the last several weeks has been less than my inflow solution
Yes it's exactly what I ran into on my first grow. I had no idea what I was doing with watering lol. I had dry spots and water just wanted to run out the sides of the cloth pots about half way down.


Active Member
No, I think the recommended dose is 3-5ml/gal. I wouldn't even go above 5 ml/gal especially since your plants aren't showing any type of calcium or magnesium deficiency.
Right. At this moment I’ve started finback down below 5 slowly like I did last cycle. Do you think the different watering wand could be causing me to have dry pockets?

shit man I pulled one root hell out today and it was whitehealthy and wrapping. I’m praying


Active Member
No, I think the recommended dose is 3-5ml/gal. I wouldn't even go above 5 ml/gal especially since your plants aren't showing any type of calcium or magnesium deficiency.
I’m going to switch to my old watering wand and possibly and do some good waterings with plenty of run off.

I talked with flora flex rep he convinced me to bum up to Atleast 2.0 ec soI’ll just see what happens. I’m also dropping my temps back down to where I had them last cycle at this point which was the area you’d mentioned. 77-78 55percent.
Do as best I can to watch my run off and environmental swings and that’s all I can really do.
my consistent low ph run off again would lead me to believe build up potentially but I don’t see it in my run off when watering ex—-940 yesterday I’m to receive 760 in run off


Well-Known Member
I will take photos of traps.
I am 99 percent certain I am dealing with fungus gnats. But I will take photos of my traps
Also if everything else seems on point, the fungus gnats could be eating the roots.
I’m going to switch to my old watering wand and possibly and do some good waterings with plenty of run off.

I talked with flora flex rep he convinced me to bum up to Atleast 2.0 ec soI’ll just see what happens. I’m also dropping my temps back down to where I had them last cycle at this point which was the area you’d mentioned. 77-78 55percent.
Do as best I can to watch my run off and environmental swings and that’s all I can really do.
my consistent low ph run off again would lead me to believe build up potentially but I don’t see it in my run off when watering ex—-940 yesterday I’m to receive 760 in run off
If you runoff EC is lower than your input EC you have a problem. Upping your input EC to 2.0 isn't going to solve it, you're only asking for things to get worse.

Best to make minor changes one at a time. Changing a whole bunch of different things ie, temps, RH, feed EC all at once is going to stress your plants more.


Well-Known Member
I just thought this was a thing with cloth pots. What do you do to prevent this?
Runoff should exit the cloth pot from the bottom when properly watered. Fully watering/feeding the entire pot thoroughly from the start will prevent that. That's why I don't think it's a good idea to start plants in their final container. I even transplanted my autos from their starter pots to 3 gallons once.


Active Member
Also if everything else seems on point, the fungus gnats could be eating the roots.

If you runoff EC is lower than your input EC you have a problem. Upping your input EC to 2.0 isn't going to solve it, you're only asking for things to get worse.

Best to make minor changes one at a time. Changing a whole bunch of different things ie, temps, RH, feed EC all at once is going to stress your plants more.
Well I have to be proactive. Health and vigor hasn’t been right since I got them on the floor....


Active Member
Also if everything else seems on point, the fungus gnats could be eating the roots.

If you runoff EC is lower than your input EC you have a problem. Upping your input EC to 2.0 isn't going to solve it, you're only asking for things to get worse.

Best to make minor changes one at a time. Changing a whole bunch of different things ie, temps, RH, feed EC all at once is going to stress your plants more.
Why would I have a problem if my run off ec is lower than my input?


Well-Known Member
Runoff should exit the cloth pot from the bottom when properly watered. Fully watering/feeding the entire pot thoroughly from the start will prevent that. That's why I don't think it's a good idea to start plants in their final container. I even transplanted my autos from their starter pots to 3 gallons once.
My cloth pots actually didn't spill water out the sides nearly as bad with today's watering. Probably just hadn't been watered enough after I transplanted them to the 1 gallon. They'll be in the 3gals before long I bet.
