We can be nicer

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I suppose if you want this to be like Sesame Street or Pee-Wee's Playhouse you can just block all of the users that offend you. Of course that will probably eliminate 90% of the good information on here but thats the only way that you are gonna be happy. There are probably at least 25 examples of this thread on this site already and nothing has changed.
I know.

That still shouldn't stop the fact that sometimes a reminder is beneficial.

I came back, I know I have a vile side that comes out unexpectedly and being told that I'm being a jerk is sometimes just what I need to be put back on the right path.

No one can be nice all the time but we can be nicer.

Also, which way to the penis cakes?
Having dealt with you and @.Smoke, both of you are better people. He is a wealth of accurate information. And very helpful. You were respectful and civil. Like to retain the positive impressions.

I do however understand the being a "Richard" routine. Several people around here are just blatantly asking for a verbal berating. I've humored mysely often at the expense of another's ignorance. Likewise I have been the one ridiculed. I've chosen to just leave the thread before creating further animosity. Suggest we laugh and help someone who is trying to learn. Rather than a fool with 6 Chia Pets and an auto under a 60W blurple.

Laugh and be happy. In the end nothing mattered after all . Peace and health to all. And a good stomach cramping laugh to boot.
i agree that people should sometimes do their own research before asking rudimentary questions. If they dont understand or not then they should ask

Maybe its been a while for many here. But I challenge you guys to run a Google search on soil Ph for example.

The information is so incredibly conflicting and to many points inaccurate it is mind boggling.

I chose this particular search because sure it tells you the proper Ph balance however it doesn't tell you about soil being a natural buffer, it doesn't tell you about active vs inactive microbes, and for the most part the info acquired has either brought you to a forum or it is essentially an advertisement for affiliated links to sell unnecessary products.

Many times having a interaction where you can ask questions is really important because a internet search doesn't give solid information
i agree that people should sometimes do their own research before asking rudimentary questions. If they dont understand or not then they should ask
I agree. But the net is full of really bad info and poorly presented methods. It is easier to ask a live person who is doing it. And Karma will repay you for your good deeds. Not to mention we all need to slow down and be a little more patient. Do I know about that.
This isnt about kumbaya, tamure and shit or having an entertainment fantasy about it.
It is what it is, you dont HAVE TO be nicer, you just COULD BE nicer. BE.
Justice for all ditchhhh "KUMBAYAING" atm
yeah that's why i think people should research, and if they are not sure, then ask. I agree that the web is full of bad info and it takes sometimes a long time to find answers
To add to that. You can never be sure you actually got the right answer with so much conflicting information.

Its not easy being new to stuff.

Its even harder not knowing what you dont know.
To add to that. You can never be sure you actually got the right answer with so much conflicting information.

Its not easy being new to stuff.

Its even harder not knowing what you dont know.
i think were on the same page. it took me a solid month to research and reresearch all the particularities of weed, and i had experience with controlled environments for plants and hydro greenhouse growing
Hey folks. Been scouring these boards and so many helpful folks out there. Its truly awesome. But I see alot of "what were you thinking" type of responses.

Thats not very nice of us as a community. We expect new folks to somehow know what info to leave to get help or to know they shouldn't use Ph 9.5 water for they're plants.

For those who know what to do please try to understand that new folks are new. They probably didn't read the read this 1st threads. Which I can understand. Burning questions will be asked 1st then the boards get scoured and they come across those read this 1st threads.

All I am trying to say is were all new. We all didn't know shit, and most of us probably joined to ask a precieved stupid question that we could just "google".

Anyways please try to be nicer to folks. Its good for your and theyre mental health as well as helps build a solid community of like minded individuals.

Make jokes, have a good time, laugh together, but try to refrain if possible from replying with malice.

Have a wonderful day RUI

Dude, I just joined about 20 minutes ago. I'm not sure how I got to this post, but I'm sure glad to see it. Appreciate the kindness, keep being aweome!
TBH the search function here is much better than most forums I've been at. Most if not all the info is prob here but people don't like doing the homework. Young people have had the benefit of the internet to fact check their whole life. I feel its the majority of the older crowd, like my parents, that won't/hate searching things. Not always the case tho. You still get a lot of lazy ass youngins too.
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