Fucking spidermites!!!!!


Active Member
A couple days ago I noticed a couple of my leaves have yellow speckles which were not that noticeable cause I’m 2 weeks from harvesting 1 of my 10 plants and this particular plants leaves are starting to fade. I didn’t think much of it, but today I decided to look closer with my microscope and noticed spider mites. I only see a couple mites and only on 1 particular cola. The colas next to it I didn’t see any but found a few leaves with specks on them. I removed all the affected leaves and cut that particular cola off and sprayed the plant down with alcohol soap water diluted. I’m running a somewhat perpetual harvest with multiple plants in different stages in one tent I just wanted to know is it possible that my other plants aren’t affected? I don’t see any other signs anywhere. If caught early is it possible the mite haven’t spread. I ordered a product called “trifecta” off amazon which is supposed to take care of pest and is safe to use before harvest. This is my first time dealing with mite any help would be appreciated thank u
I’ve been checking my plant out for the past 3 hours I’ve only seen like 5 live one and a couple dead ones after I sprayed is it possible it was only minor and I got all of em . It hasn’t affected bud development ( well probably will now, now that I’ve cut a cola off and removed 20% of the leaves )fuck my life
I've been dealing with them for the last month. Thought I got rid of them, but nope. You gotta spray everything dude, we'll try not to spray bud sites but evvvveeerrrrything
...tent and all....like ocd that bitch...I've got 3 plants to go and I'm so tired of fighting them. I'm gunna ocd my space and lay diatomaceous earth underneath and maybe the soil for next grow
While you cant use these chemicals on flowering plant, it WILL totally devastate Spider Mites.

As mentioned above Avid.

Avid is best used in the earliest stages, and applied 1 time each week, for 3 weeks,,, and then they are treated with either Floramite, or Forbid.

I myself, since they are probably past the earliest stages, you be the judge though, Id hit the cabinet ect with Floramite, use as directed, and then I would use Forbid.

But again. This shit cant be used on flowering plants, and you need to give the plants 70 days to be rid of the chemicals.

ALso remember Mites are Spiders/Arachnids, and are not insects, and most products listed to kill Insects, are Useless vs Spider Mites though Miticides may also kill insects, the reverse isnt true.

Also the reason to use 2 chemicals is immunity to the chemical. Anything that survies ( which really isnt likely ) will be immune, as will the ofspring. So rotating keeps them from becoming immune.

Id look into this person as a source of Floramite/Forbid/Avid.

He sells all 3 for $40 + Shipping.
Seller information
organicbti (5646 )
99% Positive feedback

Avid-Forbid-Floramite sells for up to $800 - $1000 a Gallon, but this guy sells small amounts, starting at 1/2oz, and all 3 for $40 is a great buy.
Get the 3 x 1/2 oz Bottles for $40. I dont think you will need to use more than 2 treatments, 3 weeks apart.
These chemicals have at least a 28 days residual effectiveness, and the life cycle of a Spider Mite is 21 days.
Id start with the Floramite, and then Forbid.

Remember you dont want your buds to even look at this stuff.
While you cant use these chemicals on flowering plant, it WILL totally devastate Spider Mites.

As mentioned above Avid.

Avid is best used in the earliest stages, and applied 1 time each week, for 3 weeks,,, and then they are treated with either Floramite, or Forbid.

I myself, since they are probably past the earliest stages, you be the judge though, Id hit the cabinet ect with Floramite, use as directed, and then I would use Forbid.

But again. This shit cant be used on flowering plants, and you need to give the plants 70 days to be rid of the chemicals.

ALso remember Mites are Spiders/Arachnids, and are not insects, and most products listed to kill Insects, are Useless vs Spider Mites though Miticides may also kill insects, the reverse isnt true.

Also the reason to use 2 chemicals is immunity to the chemical. Anything that survies ( which really isnt likely ) will be immune, as will the ofspring. So rotating keeps them from becoming immune.

Id look into this person as a source of Floramite/Forbid/Avid.

He sells all 3 for $40 + Shipping.
Seller information
organicbti (5646 )
99% Positive feedback

Avid-Forbid-Floramite sells for up to $800 - $1000 a Gallon, but this guy sells small amounts, starting at 1/2oz, and all 3 for $40 is a great buy.
Get the 3 x 1/2 oz Bottles for $40. I dont think you will need to use more than 2 treatments, 3 weeks apart.
These chemicals have at least a 28 days residual effectiveness, and the life cycle of a Spider Mite is 21 days.
Id start with the Floramite, and then Forbid.

Remember you dont want your buds to even look at this stuff.
Thanks Ill be looking into it tonight I have 2 that’s 5 weeks flower and the affected plant that’s 7 weeks flower the rest are just starting to flower but wat im really worried about are my 4 in-house seedlings. I’ve ordered trifecta which are supposed to work for spidermites and uses all natural ingredients. Has anybody had any experience with this product and would I spray my seedlings as well
What about the other plants you mentioned?
None of the other plants seem to show signs of them but I only checked the one closest to the affected plant . Even the plant that has spidermites only had it on that one cola (which I chopped off)but I did find a couple speckled leaves on the adjacent colas but couldn’t find any mites and I’ve LST’d that plant early on so all the colas are separated and defoliated. I know it unlikely I got rid of them but since it was a minor infestation I’m hoping I can get rid of them easily
Trifecta has to be used 3 times a week, and will only control them. Not totally eradicate them.

It can be used on buds though, and I wouldnt hesitate to use it to knock down some of the mites. It will knock them down, but will not cause total eradication. Id use it when lights go out.

Id also look into the Nuke Em. It may have less affect on taste.

But on anything that aint budding, Floramite, and Forbid they would get. Along with where ever they are growing, and the surrounding area. When all is budded, Id, clean, and drench the budding area with Floramite, and Forbid.

Take any, and all plants out that aint weed. Treat the seedlings.

Dont think you can get rid of these fuckers easily. Act like this is worse than the 1918 flu pandemic. 5 alarm fire.... Never underestimate your opponent, especially when theyre fucking bugs. Theyre as bad as a virus.
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Fuuuuuuck!!!! 3 times a week I have a long time till that tent is finished and trifecta is too eIs it possible the other plants don’t have them? Then I can spray the affected plant 3 times a week till harvest and spray the others only as a preventative measure
Yes, I guess its possible the others dont have it, but I would assume they do. My motto is when in doubt, assume the worst, and hope for the best.

Im really not the guessing type of person, and if I was to give an honest opinion, I would err on the side of caution, and pretend they are in full pandemic mode, and must be addressed. If I recommended anything less, I feel I would be negligent in my advice. I really hate to guess about anything. But my guess is they are infected. Just because they cant be seen, or havent caused damage ( Yet ) doesnt meant it wont happen.... Theres no such thing as overkill, in a crisis situation. Id throw everything I have at the little fuckers.
Yes, I guess its possible the others dont have it, but I would assume they do. My motto is when in doubt, assume the worst, and hope for the best.

Im really not the guessing type of person, and if I was to give an honest opinion, I would err on the side of caution, and pretend they are in full pandemic mode, and must be addressed. If I recommended anything less, I feel I would be negligent in my advice. I really hate to guess about anything. But my guess is they are infected. Just because they cant be seen, or havent caused damage ( Yet ) doesnt meant it wont happen.... Theres no such thing as overkill, in a crisis situation. Id throw everything I have at the little fuckers.
Yea that’s wat I thought just wishful thinking I guess....fuck!!!! I’ve never had mites And didn’t think I’d ever have to worry about them. I know it’s stupid but I live in nyc there’s only other building near me . Where the fuck did they come from .
Avid is best used in the earliest stages, and applied 1 time each week, for 3 weeks,,, and then they are treated with either Floramite, or Forbid.

I myself, since they are probably past the earliest stages, you be the judge though, Id hit the cabinet ect with Floramite, use as directed, and then I would use Forbid.

You only cross use these if your problem is RUSSET or BROAD mites.

Skip FLORAMITE altogether... Not a nice chemical.

I start with FORBID first..... This can be used in very early bloom. IF you sell to a disp......your screwed anyway. They're going to look, and find, dead mites! NO SALE!

F4 has a half life of about 30 days in a plant that is at 6.5 pH. The higher the plants pH...the shorter the half life...
Update: so I’ve sprayed with trifecta totally soaking the leaves then letting dry then spraying the leaves again especially the bottom of leaves the next morning I checked the plants and found 1 on a different plant so Sprayed again. I also found out how I got spidermites . I have an outside grow with a couple plants I check on once every 2 days for maintenance I notice those plants were getting these stupid spidermites and found some strings of webs and one of them with powdery mildew ....fuck my life!!!!! These bitches must have went on my clothes then jumped into my tent
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If it doesnt work get some "Phytoseiulus persimilis" that is how i got rid of all my spider mites, i tried everything else pretty mutch without luck before the mite killers :)
A couple days ago I noticed a couple of my leaves have yellow speckles which were not that noticeable cause I’m 2 weeks from harvesting 1 of my 10 plants and this particular plants leaves are starting to fade. I didn’t think much of it, but today I decided to look closer with my microscope and noticed spider mites. I only see a couple mites and only on 1 particular cola. The colas next to it I didn’t see any but found a few leaves with specks on them. I removed all the affected leaves and cut that particular cola off and sprayed the plant down with alcohol soap water diluted. I’m running a somewhat perpetual harvest with multiple plants in different stages in one tent I just wanted to know is it possible that my other plants aren’t affected? I don’t see any other signs anywhere. If caught early is it possible the mite haven’t spread. I ordered a product called “trifecta” off amazon which is supposed to take care of pest and is safe to use before harvest. This is my first time dealing with mite any help would be appreciated thank u
You could also have leaf septoria, It’s caused by an adequate airflow End it is a fungus that can turn your plant yellow to black the dead if you don’t address it
If it doesnt work get some "Phytoseiulus persimilis" that is how i got rid of all my spider mites, i tried everything else pretty mutch without luck before the mite killers :)
Is it safe to spray flowering plants my outdoor grow has about 3 weeks to go and 2 of them r getting it bad I’ve seen 1 pulling thread from 1 plant to the other smh