GANGAS 2020 garden

That is how I usually do it but this yr I'm switching it up to 5 gallon buckets with the air tight screw on lids. Seems like no matter how well I try to seal the damn Turkey bags air still gets in

I like to use a paper towel with a little olive oil and wipe the seals and threads. Hammer the ring down with a rubber mallet or rubber dead blow hammer. I had the threads stick pretty good the first time I used it ;)

I also like the vac'n'seal bags......just seal no vac works awesome.
That was my exact concern about the turkey bags.. only a tie as a sealer doesn’t seem right. I saw someone post something about buckets that Kind of deterred me.. that a static charge could somehow strip them of the goodness. But I’ve seen a guy on YouTube show how he cures in buckets and an air compressor manifold on a timer to burp. I’m still up in the air about the cure. Fella above has an interesting option w the seal but no vac. Going to look into that
That was my exact concern about the turkey bags.. only a tie as a sealer doesn’t seem right. I saw someone post something about buckets that Kind of deterred me.. that a static charge could somehow strip them of the goodness. But I’ve seen a guy on YouTube show how he cures in buckets and an air compressor manifold on a timer to burp. I’m still up in the air about the cure. Fella above has an interesting option w the seal but no vac. Going to look into that

I grow it for me the bags make it so I can put about a z in each vac'n' can make them as big or small as you like and put a lot in each can also have multiple strains in each bucket if you's always nice and consistent. Pull a bag and put it in my mason jar for use. Finish that jar and repeat, always good bud. It was basically a evolution from having so many glass jars it was driving me nuts lol
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That was actually directed at gg. Sorry should have properly replied. I am interested in your way here though too. So to burp you just cut, shake around and reseal in ~45 min? Sorry to blow up ya spot gg lol
Oh no... this is all interesting ...its all about the learning ... anyone can feel free to share info. It's all for the better good ;)

On a side note tho.... eeeeekkkk and I wont even be able to make it out to see them til like 3pm. I'm not worried about most of them except for the jelly pie. They don't seem to like the cold at all....
That was actually directed at gg. Sorry should have properly replied. I am interested in your way here though too. So to burp you just cut, shake around and reseal in ~45 min? Sorry to blow up ya spot gg lol

After a proper dry I still put it in jars for a few days to make sure it's stable. Then it goes in the bags and the buckets till it's firey death.

I guess you could turkey bag it and then put it in a bucket. That was my original idea.......turkey bag would be more of a bucket liner. But then evey time you get some more out your changing the rh and maybe by the end you might notice it, don't know I went straight to the vac n seal. It just seemed logical.

This is just my way that works good for me :)
Oh no... this is all interesting ...its all about the learning ... anyone can feel free to share info. It's all for the better good ;)

On a side note tho.... eeeeekkkk and I wont even be able to make it out to see them til like 3pm. I'm not worried about most of them except for the jelly pie. They don't seem to like the cold at all....
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Yeah its freaking chilly this morning!
Depends on the strain but in general I shoot for mid to late oct.
ok i was told cannabis was pretty resistant to frost maybe i can shoot for this range too, my cannabis is about the same development stage as yours and it seems a bit small for the 18th of september imo. Seems like its taking forever to bulk up but I never grew outdoors so its hard for me to tell and it seems like the last couple of days things are moving again. I am so hopefull for a good yield the strain i am growing looks awesome.

Good luck to you