Whats the weirdest animal youve gotten high and how did u do it???? haha


My buddies and I used to smoke out an alligator we abducted.We all lived in a massive house in sw louisiana ,Had a tattoo shop in the house and everything.Gypsy m/c club and a few guys and girls who wore hoods on special occasions.

wait... how did i not catch the louisiana part??? which part? thats why you're cool:clap:


Active Member
My friends and I once got the ferret stoned by blowind the smoke in one end of a tp roll, with the ferret's head ib the other end of the roll


Well-Known Member
was gettin ready for a night shroomin, makin shroom honey oj's.

mates cat came along had a few lick's of shroom honey,,we did'nt go out, it was to much fun watchin the cat


Well-Known Member
definitely those friggin yellow jacket bees or wasps or whatever they are...lol. i smoke in the shed outside when its windy...and theres a couple little bee hives in the shed and i didnt want them flying around me...so i just blew a few hits up at them and they just stayed there chillin on their hive lol. and i get my dog high every now and then...lol boxers really seem to like the ganja


Well-Known Member
as of today i got a chicken high, i smoked that chicken out like 3 blunts and topped it off with a shot of hypnotic, the chicken is still not moving but his eyes are still rolling to the back of his head


as of today i got a chicken high, i smoked that chicken out like 3 blunts and topped it off with a shot of hypnotic, the chicken is still not moving but his eyes are still rolling to the back of his head

i've gotten my grandpa's chickens high before.... nobody else to smoke with...:mrgreen: so i grabbed a cat and went by the chickens and had a 3species smokeout


Well-Known Member
Just a few months back my lil puppy broke into my sack. Lil dude jumped over a coffee table onto a shelf to get it (He loves to eat it!) but I caught him after he had already ate a few fatty nugs. For the first few hours he was actually fine but then he got so high he couldnt hold his head up but was still standing. It was so effen funny. He was just standing there with his head straight down. Then he started become lifeless and I actually started panicking a lil bit cause I was researching online how long it will affect him and I was reading all these articles about how pets die from weed overdoses...but hes just fine today.


Well-Known Member
Just a few months back my lil puppy broke into my sack. Lil dude jumped over a coffee table onto a shelf to get it (He loves to eat it!) but I caught him after he had already ate a few fatty nugs. For the first few hours he was actually fine but then he got so high he couldnt hold his head up but was still standing. It was so effen funny. He was just standing there with his head straight down. Then he started become lifeless and I actually started panicking a lil bit cause I was researching online how long it will affect him and I was reading all these articles about how pets die from weed overdoses...but hes just fine today.
haha my pup got intomine too.. what kind of puppy do you have?


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Well-Known Member
ginny pig .. or how u spell.. my ex girl had one.. we smoked it to sleep :D

it woke up the next day :D


Well-Known Member
Just a few months back my lil puppy broke into my sack. Lil dude jumped over a coffee table onto a shelf to get it (He loves to eat it!) but I caught him after he had already ate a few fatty nugs. For the first few hours he was actually fine but then he got so high he couldnt hold his head up but was still standing. It was so effen funny. He was just standing there with his head straight down. Then he started become lifeless and I actually started panicking a lil bit cause I was researching online how long it will affect him and I was reading all these articles about how pets die from weed overdoses...but hes just fine today.
Sucks that he ate your weed but im pretty sure he enjoyed every minute of doing so haha..


Well-Known Member
the kitten; absolutely nothing:mrgreen:... but the chickens (whole pen full of em) started prancing around their cage and cluckin like crazy:lol:
lol ya i have a chicken pen in the back of my property and every once in a while ill go back there and smoke a joint to get away from people and all the chickens will come clucking, there were a few attempts to where the chickens would try to peck the joint out of my hands, curious eager bastards..


Well-Known Member
Oh yea he did, he actually has a good nose for it cuz he scratches at the cabinet I keep it in all the time. Its pretty funny.
well it seems he knows what he wants, i have 5 dogs and only 1 will come up to me when i smoke. As soon as he gets a whiff of the smoke he starts to sneeze, i find it hilarious..