What did you accomplish today?

@doublejj how much you paying per lb these days?
Ugh well, i really hate to say it but IDK..exactly. My agreement with the crew is 50/50 split (after expenses), so they have brought in family members and girlfriends to help with harvest to keep expenses down. Because of Covid I am not spending much time out there right now, the crew is pretty much running everything.
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Minimum is 18" here.
Stripers/Hybrid White Bass, shad do really well in those large inland impoundments, usually use different waters than largemouth or pike.
They add a lot of life to different strata of the manmade lakes that would otherwise go unfilled, keep the yellow perch in control.

28"-35" is the notch limit for sea run stripers here, really something to see them hit a mackerel or pollock school with the incoming tide, or watch them work with whales offshore.
They round them up, the whales hit them from below, stripers pick off fleeing fish easily, then the whales wait for them to regroup the bait ball.
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Reminds me of a bar my Aunt told me about called the Oar House!
A few yrs back, Me and my buddy went down to this Sort of hard to get to spot on a Local river. We heard what sounded like a few dredges just down around the corner. There was a Clamper who sort of took care of the area and we went up to him and I asked. “Is this area claimed up, sounds like theres a mining operation going on”. The Clamper said “ ha! How bout you MINE your own business”
We all got a kick out of that. He was just kidding. We were on BLM land and was cool to bust out our sluice. We would occasionally go back down there and i’d kick the old clamper some bud and some beers. Not sure if Sam made it out from the fire. I don’t know how he could have he had no car :|