Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?

I made another thread about this awhile ago. A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?

Problem with the question is you can't trust the science coming from any government agency, tRUmp has corrupted them all. The head of the CDC believes AIDS in punishment from god on gay people, how the fuck can you trust these nut jobs,you can't so I will not be their guinea pig.
Considering millions of healthcare pros and eldery will get it first and effectively function as test cases, probably yes.

A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

Normally it takes that long. An average that likely doesn’t apply to covid.
Considering millions of healthcare pros and eldery will get it first and effectively function as test cases, probably yes.

Normally it takes that long. An average that likely doesn’t apply to covid.

If you feel its safe. Im waiting at least a year until ill take it. Because it's being rushed and the fact that there are two versions of covid (Type D and Type G), ill let other people be the guinea pigs the first year.
Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?
kind of a hypothetical question. The difficulty I will have is deciding if I can trust the science and clinical trials. That is the deciding factor, so if you are asking if I will take a safe and effective vaccine? Then, yes. Just like I did for tetanus and the flu.
That’s what I said, sort of anyway. 1 year is not 10-15 year though.

Yeah, 1 year after they release it should be enough time for them to iron out the side effects. Especially if millions are willing to risk the first public run of the vaccine.

The thing that worries me the most is the permanent heart damage caused from the virus. Doesn't matter if you are old or young.

Lol! Me too. Good
Point. I have been getting the flu shot every year for like 15 years. I can not wait to get the Covid 19 vaccine. I will take more then one of the vaccines if available. I would prefer getting the vaccines and shots then living the life I am now.
I’ll tatoo my forehead “vaccinated” if it gets me out!
