In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

Im on the fence about ID to vote because it goes against the constitution. But understand its necessary. But what did they do in red states? Closed every highway department that was in black populated areas. That happened in Mississippi. If you lose your id in my state, like i did. Good luck getting a new one. If you were poor and lost ur id in this state, its damn near impossible to get another
I would be more ok with it if the federal government paid for everyone to get a free ID and not have to come to a office to get it.
This a big part of America's problem, bullshit bubbles of alternative realities, that attract those who will believe anything but the truth. A professional journalist's perspective on the bullshit factories, Fox has competition in the nuttyverse that is rightwing propaganda. Fox just ain't crazy enough folks, they still have ties to reality.
Stelter: Fox News has never seen competition like this in its history

CNN's Brian Stelter looks at the TV channels that are gaining in ratings and becoming competition for Fox News
It costs 12-35k to deport one illegal. So we cant afford mass deporting.
Daaaammmnn. Men with guns are looking better by the minute! 20c a "deportation".
Liberal governments are not encouraging rural areas sending them homeless people, that is just ridiculous.
Nobody is sending them. They choose to go where there are more support services. And our govt doesn't remove them from the parks while still claiming that gatherings are going to cause deaths and worst of all taxing us for all expenses paid hotels which they don't even use.

Just to be clear I won't be glad they're in shelters. Just that there will be less drug addicts and needles around.
1) you seem to think trump caused covid. Are you ok?
2) white terrorists killed what a few hundred people worldwide this year, and islamic terrorists? Focus on some real problems instead of pointing out that some deranged nutbags killed less people than die in their bathtubs.
3) Kinda hard to stand up to china where it matters, eg taiwan, south china sea, hong kong. Not like we could put troops there.. Australia will be a bit easier I hope. At least trump gave his voice in support and brought these things to the consciousness of tens of millions. Think biden will do the same?
1) Trump bungled the response to covid. This is an objective fact. The effect that virus has had on other countries that are similar to the US is a fraction of what we had under Trump.
2) The DHS said outright that white and right wing terrorists in the US are a threat to our national security. Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists9 (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.
3) You give excuses for failure when his rhetoric claims success. This is the worst part of Trumpism. You said yourself that Trump "stood up to China". He did not. Now you say "it's hard" because Taiwan(?). The objective fact remains that the trade deficit with China is a record highs, so let us all now point and laugh at your claim that Trump stood up to China. They are counting money while you cite false rhetoric.
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Labor cost being kept low in the industries that use a lot of illegal labor is not the same thing as 'keeping wages stagnant'.
Sure it is. By your own admission immigration keeps labour cost low. In other words without immigration labour cost would go up. That is wage depression defined.
Daaaammmnn. Men with guns are looking better by the minute! 20c a "deportation".

Nobody is sending them. They choose to go where there are more support services. And our govt doesn't remove them from the parks while still claiming that gatherings are going to cause deaths and worst of all taxing us for all expenses paid hotels which they don't even use.

Just to be clear I won't be glad they're in shelters. Just that there will be less drug addicts and needles around.
You really ought to cite references with your claims. Your posts are littered with falsehoods. Nobody believes you any more than they believe Rump won the election.
Daaaammmnn. Men with guns are looking better by the minute! 20c a "deportation".

Nobody is sending them. They choose to go where there are more support services. And our govt doesn't remove them from the parks while still claiming that gatherings are going to cause deaths and worst of all taxing us for all expenses paid hotels which they don't even use.

Just to be clear I won't be glad they're in shelters. Just that there will be less drug addicts and needles around.
You are wrong, you never heard of a 'bus ticket out of town'? Where do you think the end of the road is for those homeless people in the rural areas of our nation?
Sure it is. By your own admission immigration keeps labour cost low. In other words without immigration labour cost would go up. That is wage depression defined.
Bullshit, you are trying to pretend like you know that the offset of the increases in pay due to a artificially low (because businesses are illegally hiring migrant workers under the table) has a impact enough to stop wages for Americans from rising.

That is bullshit and just cult logic that is sold to you because it sounded good (assuming you are not just talking out of your ass).
You said yourself that Trump "stood up to China". He did not.
At least trump gave his voice in support (tibet, ccp differentiated from chinese people differentiated from the country) and brought these things to the consciousness of tens of millions. Think biden will do the same?
In the same post. Dishonest?

Trump bungled the response to covid
How so? I stated in my first posts that I think he was right to protect the republic and let the states handle their responses. Maybe you think it should have been a national emergency but clearly it is just another coronavirus here to join the eight other human endemic coronaviruses.
You really ought to cite references with your claims. Your posts are littered with falsehoods. Nobody believes you any more than they believe Rump won the election.
See what I mean about moral failures? I even think dipshit is a Canadian. :lol:

In the same post. Dishonest?

How so? I stated in my first posts that I think he was right to protect the republic and let the states handle their responses. Maybe you think it should have been a national emergency but clearly it is just another coronavirus here to join the eight other human endemic coronaviruses.
Aren't you a Canadian dipshit?
You really ought to cite references with your claims. Your posts are littered with falsehoods. Nobody believes you any more than they believe Rump won the election.
What don't you believe, that there are groups of homeless camped out in the parks? That we are being taxed for hotels? That the govt. won't remove them?

I can take a pic for you tomorrow to prove 1 and 3 if you want. 2 has been in the news on and off.

Maybe you don't believe they are coming of their own volition. Do you believe they are sending the immigrants then, the ones that don't stop at the first asylum country? What's easier to believe, that the immigrant/person goes to the country/city with the most benefits for them or there is some sinister plot to send them there? Qed
What don't you believe, that there are groups of homeless camped out in the parks? That we are being taxed for hotels? That the govt. won't remove them?

I can take a pic for you tomorrow to prove 1 and 3 if you want. 2 has been in the news on and off.

Maybe you don't believe they are coming of their own volition. Do you believe they are sending the immigrants then, the ones that don't stop at the first asylum country? What's easier to believe, that the immigrant/person goes to the country/city with the most benefits for them or there is some sinister plot to send them there? Qed
Where is the legislation to help these people out when they get rounded up like you seem to think is going to solve the issue?

The Republicans have cut funding any chance they have had to help solve these issues with homelessness being sent to our cities by our rural areas of the nation.
Dark humour? Good humour always touches the pragmatic truth of reality and how we wish it wasn't. But no I don't believe they should just be killing people because it's easier. Life has a value - I am a Christian.

You are wrong, you never heard of a 'bus ticket out of town'? Where do you think the end of the road is for those homeless people in the rural areas of our nation?
Can I say "Good" here without being hated? Like I said above I truly believe that these people are killing themselves. The addicts that die in our winters die because you can't do drugs in a shelter and they choose drugs over warmth. It's their choice in the end.

In the same post. Dishonest?

How so? I stated in my first posts that I think he was right to protect the republic and let the states handle their responses. Maybe you think it should have been a national emergency but clearly it is just another coronavirus here to join the eight other human endemic coronaviruses.

The objective fact is that our trade deficit is at record levels with China. It's also an objective fact that the Chinese government's repressive actions in Tibet, Hong Kong and with the Uighur population has continued. You trumpet rhetoric. Meaningless rhetoric in the face of the facts.

Regarding Trump's bungled covid response, the results speak for themselves. Hundreds of thousands are dead who would have lived if Trump had responded differently. What you describe is failure by the national government to work with the states, not some moral high ground. The states were begging for help in sourcing PPE and other supplies. He abused his position as a leader as well. Trump mocked the use of masks and turned the CDC's guidelines into a political issue. His administration failed at every level.

Are you ok? You seem to be detached from reality.
What don't you believe, that there are groups of homeless camped out in the parks? That we are being taxed for hotels? That the govt. won't remove them?

I can take a pic for you tomorrow to prove 1 and 3 if you want. 2 has been in the news on and off.

Maybe you don't believe they are coming of their own volition. Do you believe they are sending the immigrants then, the ones that don't stop at the first asylum country? What's easier to believe, that the immigrant/person goes to the country/city with the most benefits for them or there is some sinister plot to send them there? Qed
Let's start with Trump stood up to china.

Tell me, how well did that go? Did it help our economy? Did it stop the Chinese government from doing anything in its drive toward hegemony in Asia? We sold fewer soybeans to them. That's not exactly a win.

Cite references, your words have no value.
Dark humour? Good humour always touches the pragmatic truth of reality and how we wish it wasn't. But no I don't believe they should just be killing people because it's easier. Life has a value - I am a Christian.
I always have to remind myself that anytime I have to say 'I was joking' it was almost always because I was being a dick.

Can I say "Good" here without being hated? Like I said above I truly believe that these people are killing themselves. The addicts that die in our winters die because you can't do drugs in a shelter and they choose drugs over warmth. It's their choice in the end.
You can say whatever you want, but it doesn't make your entire premise anything other than bullshit bigotry. Just because you don't care to understand the very real issues of mental illness doesn't make it a reasonable argument to hate the Democratic party because these people exist and the Republican party has stopped their ability to help them.
Regarding Trump's bungled covid response, the results speak for themselves. Hundreds of thousands are dead who would have lived if Trump had responded differently
Are you seeking an Australian completely totalitarian style lockdown in the us? Scary man. Also when you look at deaths per capita us is 10th. After the uk. Way ahead of spain but really pretty average. Don't believe the hype.

Tell me, how well did that go? Did it help our economy? Did it stop the Chinese government from doing anything in its drive toward hegemony in Asia? We sold fewer soybeans to them. That's not exactly a win.
You pretend it's all out war or useless. How will joe protect our interests. I think it went well. For the third time it brought tibet, hong kong, and the ccp into the minds of millions of americans. Clearly your goal is simply to sell as much stuff as possible morals be damned.
Just because you don't care to understand the very real issues of mental illness doesn't make it a reasonable argument to hate the Democratic party because these people exist and the Republican party has stopped their ability to help them.
Mental illness should not be a political issue. There would be less addicts if there were less drugs on the street and bad influences growing up and more working fathers in more households. There would be less addicts if life as an addict was hard. There are no addicts on the streets in mexico.