Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
A year or so of interruption is not a Lost Genetation
Pretty fucking close.
In my area they went into at home learning in May too a large degree.
Now, they're going 100% and I think/know that they've lost a year of development so far.
My wife simultaneously had to teach 10 students in class & 4 students who were online thru Zoom (They're parents didn't want any exposure at all)
Fucked up for sure, anyway you look at it.
Yea, the loss of social interaction is gone for this year ( at least) forever, and that really, really fucking sucks.


Well-Known Member
Pretty fucking close.
In my area they went into at home learning in May too a large degree.
Now, they're going 100% and I think/know that they've lost a year of development so far.
My wife simultaneously had to teach 10 students in class & 4 students who were online thru Zoom (They're parents didn't want any exposure at all)
Fucked up for sure, anyway you look at it.
Yea, the loss of social interaction is gone for this year ( at least) forever, and that really, really fucking sucks.
Ah, but you are forgetting the effects of Trump University on their civics and political education. Trump University educated a generation of Americans in the value of democracy and political activism. Trust me the experience is one that money just cannot buy and that they can't make up, it's stranger than fiction. This is something a generation will share and carry forward into the future and it might have unintended consequences, we'll see...


Well-Known Member
A year or so of interruption is not a Lost Genetation
Doesn't have to be.

But a year of education is hard to replace without extra effort afterward.

Some studies are showing that many kids are not just losing time but regressing. The kids won't be "lost", we'll know where they are but I learned to read and write in 1st and 2nd grades. By third grade, I was reading fairly complex stories. Also fascinated with Dinosaurs. No way my parents could have filled in the gap if Mrs. Brummer wasn't there.


Well-Known Member
Another fucking Canadian telling you what to do! Ok he's a duel citizen now... Seduced by the big bucks, but he's still obviously a Canadian! They pay in gringo dollars... :wink:
On Coronavirus: ‘Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way’ | MSNBC

The United States is still breaking coronavirus records as President Trump continues to disrupt the transfer of power. With 67 days to inauguration, there are limits to how much President-elect Joe Biden can do to beat the virus. It’s time for President Trump to allow for a normal transition so Biden can bring science back into the White House.


Well-Known Member
Meet Ron, Joe's man and Donald's worst nightmare. This is the guy who will oversee the assembly of a foot high stack of executive orders Joe will sign right on the podium or shortly thereafter. They will be sheets of paper and not fancy leather binders, they will come later and there will be no time to hold them up to the camera, as Joe works on a bad case of writer's cramp.
Full Ron Klain: 'This Is Just The Reality. Joe Biden Won This Election' | Meet The Press | NBC News
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Well-Known Member
10% of Secret Service Officers Sidelined by COVID: ‘These Are The Things They Did Not Sign Up For’

Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig finds that 130 Secret Service officers “have either tested positive for COVID-19 or had to quarantine for 2 weeks” due to exposure.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would put this here, it is worth watching and gives you some insight into the damage Trump's disinformation is doing, the lives it is costing and the compassionate hearts it is breaking.
Trump's Mishandling of Covid Impacts Medical Professionals. An ER Nurse Shares Her Experience.

An emergency room nurse in South Dakota relates her telling experiences with Covid patients who are unwilling to accept their diagnosis because of the continued disinformation from Trump and company. The only way to fix what Trump broke is education, accurate information, empathy and patience.


Well-Known Member
Update on my wifes school situation.
She was told to come in today & when she got there, the school was shut down
Fucking cunts never called her.
She just called me and told me there was an emergency shutdown of the school because 7 teachers had tested positive, one of which was in the classroom next to my wife's classroom.
She was advised to get a test ASAP, which she is doing as I type.
This is extremely fucked up.
If she get's it & I get it, I'm a fucking dead man, seeing as I'm over 60 & have COPD.
Fucking nightmare


Well-Known Member
The only way to fix what Trump broke is education, accurate information, empathy and patience.
Or a fucking bullet between Trump's eyes.
Actually, the damage is done, but it would make me feel a whole lot better.
Motherfucker is the worst fucking Human on the planet Earth.
Can something sue him for manslaughter/criminal negligence, because that's what should happen.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Update on my wifes school situation.
She was told to come in today & when she got there, the school was shut down
Fucking cunts never called her.
She just called me and told me there was an emergency shutdown of the school because 7 teachers had tested positive, one of which was in the classroom next to my wife's classroom.
She was advised to get a test ASAP, which she is doing as I type.
This is extremely fucked up.
If she get's it & I get it, I'm a fucking dead man, seeing as I'm over 60 & have COPD.
Fucking nightmare
Don’t worry , COPD isn’t one of the highest risk factors . Diabetes is. Plus I think you need a large viral lode of the shit and you have been sheltering in place. If I were you I would be using a different room then your wife for sleeping and use another bathroom if you have one . Wear a mask around your wife and limit the time you spend with her. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Update on my wifes school situation.
She was told to come in today & when she got there, the school was shut down
Fucking cunts never called her.
She just called me and told me there was an emergency shutdown of the school because 7 teachers had tested positive, one of which was in the classroom next to my wife's classroom.
She was advised to get a test ASAP, which she is doing as I type.
This is extremely fucked up.
If she get's it & I get it, I'm a fucking dead man, seeing as I'm over 60 & have COPD.
Fucking nightmare
Jim don't get worked up man. Try to stay calm. I have all the bad shit that Dr Amber says is worse. I try not to think about it. I smoke weed all day and stay off the news networks. I wont give in.

Stay safe man and I hope your wife is fine. Keep your fingers crossed cause it's better than thoughts and prayers any day.
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