In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

Its a symptom of a larger antisocial issue you have, you refuse to form a sharing community with those you don't like. You are a slave to your conditioning and incapable of personal evolution, unable or unwilling to come to terms with the true nature of reality. You live in a subjective world and lack any real objectivity, everything is transactional what's in it for me.
Wrong. I talk about nationalism and the need to form a sharing community based around contributing to the community, not around race or whether or not people like each other. I am a huge fan of the us unemployment system as it is better than what we have here. We need to protect our interests as part of this community (country) and that involves things like restrictive merit based immigration.

Make no mistake - if you want the best for your country, and for your children, you want only the best immigrants. That is an objective fact based view. Sorry not sorry. Reality can be shitty you know. One day you will realize the world is not so idealistic and you have to see it as it is not as you wish it was.

Edit: and of course everything is transactional. Why do people do things? Because it benefits them. If it makes you feel good or builds social capital that's still transactional. Time and money for chosen output. Nothing about a transactional view of the world is invalid and nothing about it assumes a zero sum competition (which I think you meant rather than transactional nature).
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Not leading from the beginning fool, who the fuck do you think you are kidding here? Yourself?
If ya got an answer that explains it better than the blm protests post it already. Graph clearly shows daily new cases dropping until the blm riots are scheduled and excused by health professionals and dem politicians everywhere. June 6 peak of rioting. Months after trump was telling people to wear masks and socially distance.

Wrong. I talk about nationalism and the need to form a sharing community based around contributing to the community, not around race or whether or not people like each other. I am a huge fan of the us unemployment system as it is better than what we have here. We need to protect our interests as part of this community (country) and that involves things like restrictive merit based immigration.

Make no mistake - if you want the best for your country, and for your children, you want only the best immigrants. That is an objective fact based view. Sorry not sorry. Reality can be shitty you know. One day you will realize the world is not so idealistic and you have to see it as it is not as you wish it was.

Edit: and of course everything is transactional. Why do people do things? Because it benefits them. If it makes you feel good or builds social capital that's still transactional. Time and money for chosen output. Nothing about a transactional view of the world is invalid and nothing about it assumes a zero sum competition (which I think you meant rather than transactional nature).
What do you mean by nationalism? You live in a modern multicultural society that is a genetic melting pot. When people come to America and Canada, they don't climb off a boat anymore and forget the old country and culture, they bring it with them now. They come by plane and can fly back home for family events, the internet and TV services allow them to live in their native cultures while living next door. They will speak English for work and their kids will be American/Canadian, but will know a lot more about where they came from.

Offshoring and technological change is where the jobs are going, there are not that many good jobs for uneducated people anymore and soon the educated ones will follow as automation increases. In a few decades most people will end up as communists, living the good life as machines do much of the work, or as useless mouths to feed, you decide.
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If ya got an answer that explains it better than the blm protests post it already. Graph clearly shows daily new cases dropping until the blm riots are scheduled and excused by health professionals and dem politicians everywhere. June 6 peak of rioting. Months after trump was telling people to wear masks and socially distance.

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What about the maskless Trump rallies and his discouraging of masks? You are filtering out a lot in an effort to make a highly specific and largely irrelevant point. People hit the streets spontaneously all over the world in response to the horrific slow motion murder of George Floyd and police murder in general, a common occurrence, no one organized it. There is no one to blame, except the police and Trump, who should have calmed things down and not inflamed them with racist rhetoric.

You are just another racist slim ball and enemy of humanity.
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In a few decades most people will end up as communists, living the good life as machines do much of the work, or as useless mouths to feed, you decide
Delusion the post. Call me when they can reliably make a robot walk over stuff and open a valve (darpa challenges). They won't even have self driving cars within two decades. I bet you think all these machines are somehow gonna be powered off solar and wind energy too!

Also re culture. That is all good stuff. As long as they have good work ethic and contribute who cares what their culture is. Sharing culture only makes us all richer. But I stand by my original statement that if you want the best for your country and your children then you need only the best immigrants as measured by the ability to rise to to the top of their countrymen.
murder of George Floyd and police murder in general, a common occurrence
1) fentanyl floyd overdosed as confirmed by two autopsies. He also has a history of eating drugs to get rid of them when facing arrest for violent crimes.

2) you keep saying police murder is common but the police kill only about 300 people of any race in a year that aren't actively threatening someone with a weapon, and only about 100 people a year of any race that are unarmed. In 2018 and 2019, less than 40 (34 I think 15 and 19 but I'm not looking up the exact number, might be 36) unarmed black men were killed by cops. Meanwhile 50 black men are shot by other black men every weekend in chicago, and that's just one city!

You don't care about the black people being killed as evidenced by your willingness to look the other way to the real problem (gang culture) and instead demonize the only community members working against it.

People hit the streets spontaneously
Wrong. As pointed out above "BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization". It is owned by a jewish man and nothing about the protests were spontaneous.
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Delusion the post. Call me when they can reliably make a robot walk over stuff and open a valve (darpa challenges). They won't even have self driving cars within two decades. I bet you think all these machines are somehow gonna be powered off solar and wind energy too!

Also re culture. That is all good stuff. As long as they have good work ethic and contribute who cares what their culture is. Sharing culture only makes us all richer. But I stand by my original statement that if you want the best for your country and your children then you need only the best immigrants as measured by the ability to rise to to the top of their countrymen.
I didn't say it would be easy until we get there, this is really the first stages of a resource war as the technological and globalization factors lick in. Even in China they lay off tens of thousands of people due to automation and white collar jobs are on the line with AI. Electric vehicles have greatly simplified drive systems and the only moving parts are the wheels and built in motors and they can be swapped out in less than an hour. Electric trucks mean no more gear shifting, they can be diesel electric too and long haul trucks are a prime target for driverless vehicles, a driver can get on board when it gets outside town for now. What will humanoid robots look like in 20 years? Maintenance guys will be the last to go, humans will have their uses for many things, but less than you might think, even in the creative fields.

Don't get me wrong though, it will be a rough road to utopia, but the trend is clear and has been for a long time. We are on a technological ride and there is no getting off, it's what we do with the wealth and fruits of that inevitable technology of the future that matters. Are most people not working and enjoying golf and a jobs are highly prized and more short term and shared more, or something else? A small elite governing the masses by force and living in luxury while everybody else is warehoused and feed something to keep them alive, people chow or something the can hork down.
1) fentanyl floyd overdosed as confirmed by two autopsies. He also has a history of eating drugs to get rid of them when facing arrest for violent crimes.

2) you keep saying police murder is common but the police kill only about 300 people of any race in a year that aren't actively threatening someone with a weapon, and only about 100 people a year of any race that are unarmed. In 2018 and 2019, less than 40 (34 I think 15 and 19 but I'm not looking up the exact number, might be 36) unarmed black men were killed by cops. Meanwhile 50 black men are shot by other black men every weekend in chicago, and that's just one city!

You don't care about the black people being killed as evidenced by your willingness to look the other way to the real problem (gang culture) and instead demonize the only community members working against it.

Wrong. As pointed out above "BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization". It is owned by a jewish man and nothing about the protests were spontaneous.
Why are you here
1) fentanyl floyd overdosed as confirmed by two autopsies. He also has a history of eating drugs to get rid of them when facing arrest for violent crimes.

2) you keep saying police murder is common but the police kill only about 300 people of any race in a year that aren't actively threatening someone with a weapon, and only about 100 people a year of any race that are unarmed. In 2018 and 2019, less than 40 (34 I think 15 and 19 but I'm not looking up the exact number, might be 36) unarmed black men were killed by cops. Meanwhile 50 black men are shot by other black men every weekend in chicago, and that's just one city!

You don't care about the black people being killed as evidenced by your willingness to look the other way to the real problem (gang culture) and instead demonize the only community members working against it.

Wrong. As pointed out above "BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization". It is owned by a jewish man and nothing about the protests were spontaneous.
Tell ya what, I'll let others refute you point by point.

If you think what people saw happen over 9 minutes of torture and murder by a psycho cop didn't affect people, there is a reason for it and it lies within yourself.
You're underage then? Remember 2000 and 1996? Elections are frequently decided in the new year by lawers. Nothing new here. Nothing wrong or unprecedented about his approach. What is whining but more than 15 different impeachment attempts over 3 years? Never forget that instead of tabling bipartisan bills the democrats would rather screech "collusion" and "impeach" rather than collaborate.

Oh DIY. I have never been a trumper. Everyone knows he's an idiot. Just the better choice once again. All my posts are about *individual* agency about choosing what's best *for you and yours*, and about going to primary sources as much as possible in order to draw your own conclusions rather than blindly following so-called "trusted sources". I am open to changing my mind on everything I talk about, that's *why* I talk about it. I fear a lot of people only talk about things to gain acceptance and social capital.

And my spelling is not that bad btw ;)
Trump killed or blm killed?
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I wonder.what happened in June? According to the ny times
"The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6"

Out of how many countries that have significant air travel and accurate testing/reporting though?
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'But BLM'.
My take on all this arguing back and forth............................................................we are going to kill each other. It will be the only way. This is what trump wants. He has incited his base to the point of breaking. All he has to do now is say it...................................."Get your guns ready my people................we are going to war. I am still president and the dems cheated. I am not leaving."

That's all he has to do and we will be at war with each other. That's all it would take IMO. I'll be honest here.......................I'd much rather kill republicans than argue with them. Sorry, not sorry for being honest. We will NEVER see eye to eye again. Not after the brain washing trump has done to them.
My take on all this arguing back and forth............................................................we are going to kill each other. It will be the only way. This is what trump wants. He has incited his base to the point of breaking. All he has to do now is say it...................................."Get your guns ready my people................we are going to war. I am still president and the dems cheated. I am not leaving."

That's all he has to do and we will be at war with each other. That's all it would take IMO. I'll be honest here.......................I'd much rather kill republicans than argue with them. Sorry, not sorry for being honest. We will NEVER see eye to eye again. Not after the brain washing trump has done to them.
That’s fucked up. My dad is a republican. That’s what’s wrong here.
My take on all this arguing back and forth............................................................we are going to kill each other. It will be the only way. This is what trump wants. He has incited his base to the point of breaking. All he has to do now is say it...................................."Get your guns ready my people................we are going to war. I am still president and the dems cheated. I am not leaving."

That's all he has to do and we will be at war with each other. That's all it would take IMO. I'll be honest here.......................I'd much rather kill republicans than argue with them. Sorry, not sorry for being honest. We will NEVER see eye to eye again. Not after the brain washing trump has done to them.
I disagree.

I think that the trolls are making it seem like this is the case, and when people are far to face with the very real world people sucked into this cult it makes it extremely hard to not have your bodies chemicals fire up and trigger people to go right into the pattern of escalation that it does online faster than our brains can downshift.

As soon as Trump does that and these loons show up and start shooting, it immediately gets put on TV and people will be faced with the humanity of what is otherwise a internet induced illusion, and they will change the channel.

Hate has never won when it has been put up to a vote, and it didn't this time either. Most people see it.

The ones that don't are a danger, no question.

And once we get them calmed down and turn our heads to the ones who pushed them into their violent episodes, I really hope that the citizens of our world won't have to pay the price for their stupidity and over confidence in their grip on power.

The people who are brainwashed are under the illusion that the other side molests and murders babies and anything else it is that varies in stupidity and intensity of belief that it took to get them to think that voting for Trump is the right thing to do.

A lot of those people who were just confused or not paying attention at all got bailed out by the upwards of 80 million Americans who thankfully were enough to vote Trump out of office.

Im waiting to see how 2022 falls before I freak out too much.

Let's see what 2 years does with dragging out all the lies that people were programmed to believe shakes out and gets measured in the 2022 elections. Hopefully that will bring a lot of sanity (in the form of a Democratically controlled senate and House) to fix a lot of the issues and 2024 will be a time for us to catch up to where we should have been back in the 80's.
I disagree.

I think that the trolls are making it seem like this is the case, and when people are far to face with the very real world people sucked into this cult it makes it extremely hard to not have your bodies chemicals fire up and trigger people to go right into the pattern of escalation that it does online faster than our brains can downshift.

As soon as Trump does that and these loons show up and start shooting, it immediately gets put on TV and people will be faced with the humanity of what is otherwise a internet induced illusion, and they will change the channel.

Hate has never won when it has been put up to a vote, and it didn't this time either. Most people see it.

The ones that don't are a danger, no question.

And once we get them calmed down and turn our heads to the ones who pushed them into their violent episodes, I really hope that the citizens of our world won't have to pay the price for their stupidity and over confidence in their grip on power.

The people who are brainwashed are under the illusion that the other side molests and murders babies and anything else it is that varies in stupidity and intensity of belief that it took to get them to think that voting for Trump is the right thing to do.

A lot of those people who were just confused or not paying attention at all got bailed out by the upwards of 80 million Americans who thankfully were enough to vote Trump out of office.

Im waiting to see how 2022 falls before I freak out too much.

Let's see what 2 years does with dragging out all the lies that people were programmed to believe shakes out and gets measured in the 2022 elections. Hopefully that will bring a lot of sanity (in the form of a Democratically controlled senate and House) to fix a lot of the issues and 2024 will be a time for us to catch up to where we should have been back in the 80's.
Well this was better than calling me an asshole. Thanks :blsmoke:
My take on all this arguing back and forth............................................................we are going to kill each other. It will be the only way. This is what trump wants. He has incited his base to the point of breaking. All he has to do now is say it...................................."Get your guns ready my people................we are going to war. I am still president and the dems cheated. I am not leaving."

That's all he has to do and we will be at war with each other. That's all it would take IMO. I'll be honest here.......................I'd much rather kill republicans than argue with them. Sorry, not sorry for being honest. We will NEVER see eye to eye again. Not after the brain washing trump has done to them.
You have to out vote them and hammer the people who manipulate and con them, go after the info ecosystem of alternative reality fueled by lies and conspiracy theories. There are lots of ways forward large and small, give this some time to sink in a year or two, the numbers will whittle down over time for a host of reasons. The government is not and cannot be neutral here, governments must suppress social division and foster unity and these media organizations are a public menace. Their content concerning the covid crises will be thrown in their faces and will cause their removal from the public sphere under existing FCC regulations and law. Facebook will be regulated by the FCC as will other large media companies.

People need to understand, there are no conservative judges, most of the political organization that underpinned their support of the republican party evaporated, most are like other never Trumpers, patriots. They watch the news and should know that the truth is a basic human right and people have a right to the truth and not be snowed under by bullshit, even if they want to hear it. If they want bullshit and manipulative propaganda, there's the fiction section, just don't sell it as fact or news. This is one of the key problems facing America and my country too, controlling disinformation and selection bias by the public.