Election Night 2020

I was watching the election campaign and it seems impossible to me that Trump broke all records in number of voters and then Biden with no campaign and who really looks and acts like a clown, broke Trump's record. The people who elected Biden elected against Trump and not for Biden. I think that Trump won and that there is massive fraud. Anyway I never came here to argue, just to state my opinion.
You can't argue, because your opinion is not based on facts, it's based on what you want to believe because you have been raised a racist and a bigot. You apparently never had the intellectual or emotional resources to rise above this, so you have become a sucker for conmen, a loser who believes lies and ignores reality.

If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities, you'd better get your head around that simple fact of life.
Did you ever watch a full Biden speech or just edited clickbait clips?


Ok, so just edited clips.

If you were in America you would have seen a lot more of Biden. I am guessing he didn't run a lot of TV ads in other countries for our elections here in the states.

By a lot. Because Trump never broke any records outside of maybe things like most turnover in his staff, super spreader events, hate crimes in counties he held rallies, dollars funneled into his pockets from foreign dictators, allies arrested for being criminals, etc.

I am ok with that. Trump was such a turd that yes more people voted against him than anyone has ever had before. More people wanted him out of office than anyone ever before. That is a nice record for the one term president who is a loser and only got elected in the first place because a foreign military was helping him.

If that was true you would use your ignore feature. And your 'opinion' is completely faulty and has no basis in reality.

Facts are not opinions. That is something people like yourself seem to not understand.

This was a very important election, because we wanted our little would be dictator voted out of office.

Nope, poison is poison.
I don't watch tv on TV. I thought that Trump got more than 70million votes. Did previous presidents get more? I thought that was a record that was broken by Biden with 80million? I chose to give my opinion, and i never would state anything as absolute fact. Anyway I appreciate the more polite language since all i see in political thread is people insulting each others, and this is a plague. I think that the number 1 priority is that everyone respects other opinions the rest is all debatable and subject to change.
Fox is by far the biggest, then you have things like Brietbart, Newsmax, OANN, all of those con-artist televangelists...
Fox vs all corporations and fox was not committed anything close to ALL other networks. CNN ABC CNBC washington post times etc.. etc... plus twitter facebook google social media platforms. Whenever you see all big corporations so committed to remove Trump, you should ask yourself why. Anyway, I might be wrong about Trump, I never idolize any politician because I have more experience with them than that. I just think what I think at this time and it all doesn;t really matter, it must me a smooth human debate.
I don't watch tv on TV. I thought that Trump got more than 70million votes. Did previous presidents get more? I thought that was a record that was broken by Biden with 80million? I chose to give my opinion, and i never would state anything as absolute fact. Anyway I appreciate the more polite language since all i see in political thread is people insulting each others, and this is a plague. I think that the number 1 priority is that everyone respects other opinions the rest is all debatable and subject to change.
trump never had record votes

Obama had record votes, then Biden. But never trump

Trumptards for civility and politeness, good one. I laughed
Fox vs all corporations and fox was not committed anything close to ALL other networks. CNN ABC CNBC washington post times etc.. etc... plus twitter facebook google social media platforms. Whenever you see all big corporations so committed to remove Trump, you should ask yourself why. Anyway, I might be wrong about Trump, I never idolize any politician because I have more experience with them than that. I just think what I think at this time and it all doesn;t really matter, it must me a smooth human debate.
no one is buying your act, retarded foreigner
Fox vs all corporations and fox was not committed anything close to ALL other networks. CNN ABC CNBC washington post times etc.. etc... plus twitter facebook google social media platforms. Whenever you see all big corporations so committed to remove Trump, you should ask yourself why. Anyway, I might be wrong about Trump, I never idolize any politician because I have more experience with them than that. I just think what I think at this time and it all doesn;t really matter, it must me a smooth human debate.
You seem to know about American media, I'm a Canadian and we get most American media, we share TV networks and that's kinda like being in the same living room. We know why they want to get rid of Trump, it's the same reason a majority of American voters wanted to get rid of Trump, he is a malicious sociopath with a professionally assessed IQ of 78 and a verified database of over 20,000 lies. He is also responsible for over 11 million of the 14.8 million American covid deaths, just compare Canada to America for your answer.

Would you like someone like Trump running your government and protecting you and your family?

So, here is your choice, you are either biased, or you are an idiot, there is a third possibility however and that is you are both.
I was watching the election campaign and it seems impossible to me that Trump broke all records in number of voters and then Biden with no campaign and who really looks and acts like a clown, broke Trump's record. The people who elected Biden elected against Trump and not for Biden. I think that Trump won and that there is massive fraud. Anyway I never came here to argue, just to state my opinion.
Its not that hard to understand really. republicans tended to vote in person. Two reasons in the main. One they dont belive Covid is real and Two trump told them to.
Democrats belive in Covid so voted by mail. A smart thing to do despite Trump removing post box's and counting machines as we already new coming up to the election.
So Trump had more votes until they starting counting postal ballasts, which were of cause a bigger % of those for Biden.
Its great that such a large % voted. maybe that will be a trend. Im in Australia and we see a 97% turn out for an election. Woud be awesome if America did to as then the population is taking notice of politics.

It doesnt matter why they voted for someone other than Trump. What matters is who got the most electrol college points. Interestingly enough Biden won those and the majority vote (something Trump failed by more than 6 million votes in 2016). In at least one of the recounts Biden actually increased his lead..

There was no fraud. The White house said it was "The most secure election in history". If there was fraud then we would be seeing the prof in the 40 plus court cases that have been thrown out of court due to no proof of claims. Hell even Trumps own lawyers who dont want to go to jail for lying in a court of law say in the court room that their is no fraud.....

Majority of Top republicans say there is no fraud.

Trump lost fair and square. How he ever became a President in the first place is amazing. The Apprentice must of been popular.

Give this a watch.
Its not that hard to understand really. republicans tended to vote in person. Two reasons in the main. One they dont belive Covid is real and Two trump told them to.
Democrats belive in Covid so voted by mail. A smart thing to do despite Trump removing post box's and counting machines as we already new coming up to the election.
So Trump had more votes until they starting counting postal ballasts, which were of cause a bigger % of those for Biden.
Its great that such a large % voted. maybe that will be a trend. Im in Australia and we see a 97% turn out for an election. Woud be awesome if America did to as then the population is taking notice of politics.

It doesnt matter why they voted for someone other than Trump. What matters is who got the most electrol college points. Interestingly enough Biden won those and the majority vote (something Trump failed by more than 6 million votes in 2016). In at least one of the recounts Biden actually increased his lead..

There was no fraud. The White house said it was "The most secure election in history". If there was fraud then we would be seeing the prof in the 40 plus court cases that have been thrown out of court due to no proof of claims. Hell even Trumps own lawyers who dont want to go to jail for lying in a court of law say in the court room that their is no fraud.....

Majority of Top republicans say there is no fraud.

Trump lost fair and square. How he ever became a President in the first place is amazing. The Apprentice must of been popular.

Give this a watch.
You could explain that, clearly and in simple terms, until the sun burns out and they will never agree to see the truth. It’s a cult. Their party and its glorious leader can do absolutely NO wrong. Anyone who says differently is a Suppressive Person and must be destroyed.
You could explain that, clearly and in simple terms, until the sun burns out and they will never agree to see the truth. It’s a cult. Their party and its glorious leader can do absolutely NO wrong. Anyone who says differently is a Suppressive Person and must be destroyed.
I had what i thought were normal American friends on FB admitting they wanted a Trump Dictatorship. They were happy to admit facts didnt matter. They didnt care.
Very Cult.
I had what i thought were normal American friends on FB admitting they wanted a Trump Dictatorship. They were happy to admit facts didnt matter. They didnt care.
Very Cult.
In America that is literal treason, legal treason is in the constitution and requires a declaration of war, something nobody does these days because of the UN, they fight undeclared wars, so it needs an update too.

If you support the destruction of the constitution, rule of law, democratic processes and institutions and the very founding ethos of the nation, then you might not be a legal traitor, but you are a literal one and that is just as bad from a moral and ethical POV. Sedition is a crime, perhaps they had better start charging and imprisoning people for it, lots of people, after trials by judges and juries, if they broke the law, apply the law. Don't be afraid, judges only hear cases if there is evidence and a case to be made, juries decide innocence or guilt, so there is no need to fear going after traitors. If Trump could have done it, Obama, Biden, Harris and Clinton would be in prison right now, he put extreme pressure on the most corrupt AG in American history and he didn't even bother to try and get to the courthouse door.
I don't watch tv on TV. I thought that Trump got more than 70million votes. Did previous presidents get more? I thought that was a record that was broken by Biden with 80million? I chose to give my opinion, and i never would state anything as absolute fact. Anyway I appreciate the more polite language since all i see in political thread is people insulting each others, and this is a plague. I think that the number 1 priority is that everyone respects other opinions the rest is all debatable and subject to change.

Up yours
I don't watch tv on TV. I thought that Trump got more than 70million votes. Did previous presidents get more? I thought that was a record that was broken by Biden with 80million?
This is like someone that wins a silver medal in the olympics pretending like they broke a record if they ignore the fact that they were still beaten by someone who did far better.

I chose to give my opinion, and i never would state anything as absolute fact.
Facts are facts. Opinions are great but just because some possibility may or may not exist doesn't make them equally likely outcomes.

Anyway I appreciate the more polite language since all i see in political thread is people insulting each others, and this is a plague.
Because militarized trolling is a very real problem. And too many 'people' online are trolls trying to get people to believe stupid shit. I am polite because I try to help people see this fact.

I think that the number 1 priority is that everyone respects other opinions the rest is all debatable and subject to change.
I have to disagree here. Opinions are manipulated with the constant trolling. It is too easy to convince people to believe all kinds of stupid shit because of this. Facts are not 'subject to change', you can add to them, but it doesn't change those previous facts.

Fox vs all corporations and fox was not committed anything close to ALL other networks. CNN ABC CNBC washington post times etc.. etc... plus twitter facebook google social media platforms.
Trump crying that everyone is out to get him is not the same as everyone being out to get him. Because he is a liar.

Reporting accurate facts showing how shit of a job that Trump has done and horribly damaging things he says from the loudest megaphone in human history is not an attack on him, it is just reporting.

Whenever you see all big corporations so committed to remove Trump, you should ask yourself why.
Agreed. It is because Trump has cost our economy trillions with his childish 'only I can do it' mentality. Businesses can't operate in a nation that they cannot plan long term because any temper tantrum from the White House could alter your projections.

Anyway, I might be wrong about Trump, I never idolize any politician because I have more experience with them than that. I just think what I think at this time and it all doesn;t really matter, it must me a smooth human debate.
It really does matter. Trump and this push towards dictatorships that the Russian military has been working towards by hacking our democracies is very real, and very dangerous. As we can easily see with the hundreds of unnecessary deaths we have had in this last year thanks to Trump's inability to do a good job in the only real job he has ever had.
Whenever you see all big corporations so committed to remove Trump, you should ask yourself why.

Agreed. It is because Trump has cost our economy trillions with his childish 'only I can do it' mentality. Businesses can't operate in a nation that they cannot plan long term because any temper tantrum from the White House could alter your projections.

Kind of have to ask yourself how good Trump is at business when business dont want him..
hanimmal my opinion doesn't really matter since i am not even american or living there. Respecting opinions is very important. Facts are not always blunt facts especially in politics. I have seen politicians mess up so badly, believe me that you might one day be disappointed with the ones that you chose so much that you would regret voting for them. This happens regularly in politics.
Kind of have to ask yourself how good Trump is at business when business dont want him..
The biggest monopolies are the ones unified against him. These only care about their profits and more taxes on the regular people and more regulations that make it impossible for small individuals to start a business. That's classical leftism, we can go on all day about it, it is just my view on things, the left is not good for the economy.
The biggest monopolies are the ones unified against him. These only care about their profits and more taxes on the regular people and more regulations that make it impossible for small individuals to start a business. That's classical leftism, we can go on all day about it, it is just my view on things, the left is not good for the economy.
Bullshit on all fronts.

Australia for eg is way to the left of American politics. Lets face it its a Social Country. Our Economy is one of the most robust in the world. If you want to look further left then Vietname has been doing exceptional for over a decade, and then theres China who is way left its opressive (like far right is) and its out capitalizing America and is the worlds number one trading partner and the second biggest economy in the world (for now).

You should really be taking more notice of worlds news and current affairs and get off whatever loony sites ur on.

Business dont want him as they need to show "green"ideals to their shareholders. They also need to show them a dividend. They seek a slowly controlled rise in profits over decades not a rock n roll show that is hurting American business. Which it has been for awhile.
They dont operate like trump does. He is the self proclaimed : The King of Debt. They cannot afford to borrow borrow borrow until no one will lend to them like Trump does. Their shares would tumble with the % of profit vs debt that Trump has.
Trump is bad business for them. has been for years its why no American Bank will deal with him.
hanimmal my opinion doesn't really matter since i am not even american or living there. Respecting opinions is very important. Facts are not always blunt facts especially in politics. I have seen politicians mess up so badly, believe me that you might one day be disappointed with the ones that you chose so much that you would regret voting for them. This happens regularly in politics.
I don't think of political leaders as anything other than what anyone else are, human.

I am not looking for a Dear Leader, just someone competent and can listen to the specialists in their areas best advice prior to acting whenever possible. We have far better information today than at any other point in human history, with that comes the ability to make better choices, and more transparency when the world gets to see their mistakes.

It is up to us citizens to use this information to make better choices.

The problem comes when militarized propaganda machines like the Russian military is using to spam our citizens into information bubbles that they use to create false realities in an effort to make them think that a 'opinion' is important. But when those opinions are built on false premises they become dangerous.

Like you do in this next post:
The biggest monopolies are the ones unified against him. These only care about their profits and more taxes on the regular people and more regulations that make it impossible for small individuals to start a business. That's classical leftism, we can go on all day about it, it is just my view on things, the left is not good for the economy.

1. The companies you listed are not monopolies.

2. You saying that they want 'more taxes on regular people' is not reality. Nor do they want 'more regulations that make it impossible for small individuals to start a business'.

And you use these false premises to make the conclusion a political one that somehow it is a 'leftist' problem, which is asinine, and only serves a political agenda that has caused recessions in every Republican presidential administration in my lifetime here in America. Time and again you can see that the Democratic 'lefty' economic agenda has performed far better than the alternative.

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If you are not a paid troll (you don't seem like one) you should rethink where you are getting your information, because to believe what you seem to, you are getting lied to.