Companies are entitled to make vaccination a condition of employment.

OMG. My two teenagers are withering inside the bubble we live in. School never fully opened this year. I cut my work hours so that I could help them get through this year of online learning. They can do the work but getting them to stick to it is a real challenge. They should be out and about, disobeying my rules and learning the lessons we all need to learn outside of parental control. I took some classes in education on my own because I crashed and burned at being a teacher's aide early on. They helped but I am not cut out for a role as an educator. The kids were doing pretty good in school before they shut down. Now, holding the line at "pass all your classes" has become the bottom line. Basically, "show up to your online classes and do your homework". It's not enough but my kids aren't handling online learning very well.

My place of work, by the way, is asking when I'll be coming back full time. I work online and prioritized my work so that we can keep key projects going at about 30 hours a week. I think maybe in June I'll be able to step up to full time, but I haven't discussed that with my boss yet. It's not as if we don't need the money either.

So, yeah, I'm ready for that vaccine. I'm ready to watch my kids walk out the door on their way to school and get on with their own lives. I'm ready to dive back into work and not worry about my hours. I like my job and miss interactions with the people I work with too. Our story isn't even extreme and still I feel like we are suffocating. Other people have it much worse than I do.

We need about 70% vaccinated and this epidemic will be done. I have zero fucks to give for people who say wearing masks interferes with their freedom. I have zero fucks to give to people who fear the unknown risk when the very real one is overwhelming our hospitals and morgues. Unless we break out of this epidemic we can't really be free. So, vaccinate m'effers.

I hope every place of employment requires a certificate of vaccination or a valid medical excuse. Produce one or the other or go find some job in the gig economy. Speaking of which, the last time I used an Uber ride was the last time I'll use one until this is all over. Even the gig economy depends on our breaking this epidemic.

A cold beer at the rail of a titty bar. lulz. Miss that too. Get vaccinated bitches.

That last sentence about the rail at the tittie bar... Be careful of what you can catch in that tittie bar. :bigjoint: And if you're in Oregon you know that they're not like the tittie bars in Texas or other states. No pasties, it's full nude and they put their stuff inches from your face. I've been to the Acropolis, Magic A Gogo, Mary's Club, etc... but that was years ago. I still remember the Pink Pearl. Haven't been in a nudy joint in almost 20 years.
Same in N Carolina, but where I lived in Virginia, near Norfolk NAS, they basically wore bathing suits. The were a lot of nudie bars just across the border...
Why would you want a drug to be forced on anyone?
You and Rob are the type of people causing this thing to hang around. Other countries have eliminated it but they were willing to put their pride aside for the betterment of society. That won’t be happening in the US.
That last sentence about the rail at the tittie bar... Be careful of what you can catch in that tittie bar. :bigjoint: And if you're in Oregon you know that they're not like the tittie bars in Texas or other states. No pasties, it's full nude and they put their stuff inches from your face. I've been to the Acropolis, Magic A Gogo, Mary's Club, etc... but that was years ago. I still remember the Pink Pearl. Haven't been in a nudy joint in almost 20 years.
Good heavens. Oregon's strip scene is wonderful and f off with the "dirty women" line.

Also, if you are afraid of getting close to pussy, you probably ought not go to those places.
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Why would you want a drug to be forced on anyone?
nobody is forcing anybody. An employer has the right to require a vaccine as a condition of employment. The reason is workplace safety. if you don't want a vaccine, fine. Go off and be poor but righteous in your inability to understand competing risks. Religious freaks and Trump cultists don't have the right to force me to get covid. The way to fix this economy is to first deal with the virus. It's not one or the other. Luddite antivaccers can starve while begging for help at freeway entrance ramps for all I care. I'll drive past them with my windows rolled up. Determined ignorance has a price that I'm not willing to pay.
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Or you get benefits on refusal to be forced to take drugs?
It's possible, I don't know what the rules would be if a person refused the vaccine, lost their job because of that and then applied for unemployment benefits. Given the stupid attitude our right wingers have towards this epidemic, it will happen. All depends on what the laws are on unemployment benefits. I've seen worse.
These states can fire you with no reason at all. Only medical conditions and religious beliefs will get you out of the vaccine if you don’t want it and your employee insists you get it.

Right-to-Work States

StateYear Constitutional
Amendment Adopted
Year Statute
Georgia 1947
Idaho 1985
Indiana 2012
Iowa 1947
Kentucky 2017
Louisiana 1976
Michigan 2012
Nevada 1952
North Carolina 1947
North Dakota 1947
South Carolina 1954
South Dakota19461947
Tennessee 1947
Texas 1993
Utah 1955
Virginia 1947
Wisconsin 2015
West Virginia 2016
Wyoming 1963
Sources: U.S. Dept. of Labor, state websites

State Legislative Action
2015 Legislation
Wisconsin became the 25th right-to-work state, with a bill that was signed into law on March 9, 2015. Track 2015 legislative bills in our collective bargaining database.

2014 Legislation
Summary: During the 2014 legislative session, bills related to right to work were introduced in 20 states but no additional states became right-to-work states. The only state to enact a related law was Tennessee, which adopted a right-to-work statute in 1947. The 2014 law prohibits any unit of government from enacting ordinances or regulations that infringe on rights guaranteed under the National Labor Relations Act, including provisions related to collective bargaining.

2013 Legislation
Summary: Right-to-work legislation was introduced in 21 states during the 2013 legislative session, as well as in the District of Columbia and the U.S. Congress.

That last sentence about the rail at the tittie bar... Be careful of what you can catch in that tittie bar. :bigjoint: And if you're in Oregon you know that they're not like the tittie bars in Texas or other states. No pasties, it's full nude and they put their stuff inches from your face. I've been to the Acropolis, Magic A Gogo, Mary's Club, etc... but that was years ago. I still remember the Pink Pearl. Haven't been in a nudy joint in almost 20 years.

~30 years ago I got a few weird calls from women at night who would call me by name, and my wife would be like "who's that?" and I'd say "wrong number I guess" and hang up
Turns out I share my real name with a convicted felon who was a bouncer at a titty bar
We even have the same middle initial
I found this out when I tried to buy a gun and got "pended" because I didn't give my social
These states can fire you with no reason at all. Only medical conditions and religious beliefs will get you out of the vaccine if you don’t want it and your employee insists you get it.

Right-to-Work States

StateYear Constitutional
Amendment Adopted
Year Statute
North Carolina1947
North Dakota1947
South Carolina1954
South Dakota19461947
West Virginia2016
Sources: U.S. Dept. of Labor, state websites

State Legislative Action
2015 Legislation
Wisconsin became the 25th right-to-work state, with a bill that was signed into law on March 9, 2015. Track 2015 legislative bills in our collective bargaining database.

2014 Legislation
Summary: During the 2014 legislative session, bills related to right to work were introduced in 20 states but no additional states became right-to-work states. The only state to enact a related law was Tennessee, which adopted a right-to-work statute in 1947. The 2014 law prohibits any unit of government from enacting ordinances or regulations that infringe on rights guaranteed under the National Labor Relations Act, including provisions related to collective bargaining.

2013 Legislation
Summary: Right-to-work legislation was introduced in 21 states during the 2013 legislative session, as well as in the District of Columbia and the U.S. Congress.

View attachment 4773808

Actually, there is another thing that "will get you out of a vaccine" , quit your job.

Tell them why and then start a competitor company and put your former employer out of business. People are allowed to start and run businesses aren't they ?

It's not like people need permission to open and run a business, this is a "free country" right?

People could also band together and walk off job sites etc.
You and Rob are the type of people causing this thing to hang around. Other countries have eliminated it but they were willing to put their pride aside for the betterment of society. That won’t be happening in the US.

You might want to read about Belarus and covid. Not to mention even the WHO is making noises about flawed tests now.

Of course if tests give false positives (many do) the "casedemic" , mask orders, lockdowns etc. should be suspect, even for the most obedient fear embracing people.

You might even be able to come out from under your bed and breathe, maybe grab a meal with Gavin Newsome or something.

If this were about pride, more people would be questioning why vaccine makers have legal immunity.
Put your pride aside! Do it for everyone in the country omg your so bad.
Come on man! just do it. Destroy your country lock everyone and everything down. Listen to my science. Just give up your rights it will only be for a lil bit we promise! We'll give you $600.
Actually they cannot compel you to be vaccinated until the vaccine is no longer authorized on an emergency basis only or if it is considered experimental. Well at least not in Massachusetts. We were notified by the state of that last Friday
I get my jab Sunday Morning. I think it's a fine Christmas present and I can't wait. Looking forward to the second jab even more.
Put your pride aside! Do it for everyone in the country omg your so bad.
Come on man! just do it. Destroy your country lock everyone and everything down. Listen to my science. Just give up your rights it will only be for a lil bit we promise! We'll give you $600.
sometimes a vaccine is just a vaccine.
Actually they cannot compel you to be vaccinated until the vaccine is no longer authorized on an emergency basis only or if it is considered experimental. Well at least not in Massachusetts. We were notified by the state of that last Friday
I get my jab Sunday Morning. I think it's a fine Christmas present and I can't wait. Looking forward to the second jab even more.

If all people are born with the same rights and you and I never had the right to force a vaccination on anybody, how could we delegate that nonexistent right to anybody else claiming to "represent" us ?

While I respect your right to chose a vaccination or not, I won't be willingly vaccinated and contend that I have the right to defend myself against a forcible vaccination.

Besides, The State of Massachusetts is just a legal fiction, it's really just people pretending to be empowered with rights you don't have. Like a religious cult, except more dangerous and more widely accepted by people who embrace two opposing beliefs at once. It was the first State to force government schools on it's populace, a real bastion of freedom. ;)
If all people are born with the same rights and you and I never had the right to force a vaccination on anybody, how could we delegate that nonexistent right to anybody else claiming to "represent" us ?

While I respect your right to chose a vaccination or not, I won't be willingly vaccinated and contend that I have the right to defend myself against a forcible vaccination.

Besides, The State of Massachusetts is just a legal fiction, it's really just people pretending to be empowered with rights you don't have. Like a religious cult, except more dangerous and more widely accepted by people who embrace two opposing beliefs at once. It was the first State to force government schools on it's populace, a real bastion of freedom. ;)

I'm not really following the Massachusetts tangent Rob. People pretending to be empowered with rights we don't have? Like a religious cult? Accepted by people who embrace two opposing beliefs at once? I must be missing something and I would genuinely like some clarification.
As far as forcing government schools on the populous what's the alternative? I do know that that good old Horace Mann was instrumental in developing the public school system in this country.
Massachusetts's position in vaccines came about as a result of the city of Cambridge having a smallpox outbreak with one individual declining. The court ruled that the well being of the many outweighed the rights of the individual. That was subsequently overturned apparently because the state could mandate the jab but could not forcibly vaccinate the individual jthemselves.
I don't think you get it. Half of this country knows this is all bullshit. I know my employer isn't going to force me to get this rushed big pharma vaccine, and I grow cannabis I don't think anyone is going to ask me to get vaccinated either.
Put your pride aside! Do it for everyone in the country omg your so bad.
Come on man! just do it. Destroy your country lock everyone and everything down. Listen to my science. Just give up your rights it will only be for a lil bit we promise! We'll give you $600.
Sorry...I should have said “never had a *real* job, eh?”

You have no idea how completely hijacked you are...but too bad for you, you make sure everyone *else* knows: you bark on cue, you bark in sync, and you stay on script. Only experience can teach you now....