Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

I used horse grass tea last year to kill the PM infection on ALL My gardens including Zucchini. The squash literally died of old age. Does this thing kill the infection in the plant or just cover it up? PM is everywhere in the environment. It's NOT a mold, but a sickness of the plant that travels when the spores are released from the infections on the leaf surface (the powdery stuff). That is why it can come into a grow room within clones or suddenly appear on otherwise healthy plants. No matter how many times you Hp wash the clones. before bringing them in. You can never know if the plant is infected, so you kill the infection by boosting the imunity of the plant to fight off the PM disease.
Mold is different and can be controlled with environmental measures.
This machine sounds like the most expensive snake oil ever to Me.
Horse grass can be found in most back yards for free and is simple to make into tea for spraying.
I had 100% success with it.
Cost Me nothing.
I do think that Powdry Mildew is a mold.
It is a funghi.

There is no simple sollution to prevent or beat PM.
The winegrowers in France suffer millions of damage every year thanks to PM. If there was a simple solution, they would use it every time.
PM is also a serious disease in greenhouses with different types of vegetables. Universities are still researching how best to treat it.

And yes, you can treat or prevent it with environmental measures.
Look for example at this research paper

The reason that a device or product is very expensive has often to do with the fact that the research & development costs have to be recouped.
And then if the product is also used in a niche market, the price can be even higher.
So simply because the R&D costs are high and the sales market small = high price.
If more people start buying AirRos, the price will likely drop at some point. Because if there is more demand, competitors will also enter that market. Patent or no patent.

If this device is snake oil...
I don't think so because it seems to me to be a variant or extension of existing systems.
Systems, such as ozone, with which demonstrable results have been achieved.

Here are videos that show how to change the consumable parts:
This link did no work for me.
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My AirROS came in over noon, I just paid for it on Friday. Excellent delivery.

There is a smell that gives me a bit of a head ache, hopefully nothing toxic.

I've got a lot of hope for this machine, both Renfro and Michael helped me a lot on this purchase, thanks to both of you and goodbye to powdery mildew!



Great to see more people trying this out!
Did you suffer from botrytis and mildew a lot?

Could you not switch it off 15 minutes before you enter the room?
Perhaps that will make you feel better.
Did you suffer from botrytis and mildew a lot?

Could you not switch it off 15 minutes before you enter the room?
Perhaps that will make you feel better.


I had a case of powdery mildew in my last grow, two of the four plants were too infected to vape. It's heartbreaking to grow plants to harvest then see that they're ruined, if this machine works like it should I'll be done with that.

I've been battling the PM with a CleanLight UVC sterilizer but it wasn't totally eliminating the PM.


The flower tent with the AirROSS has an exhaust that vents to my living room (my lung room) so I get the reactive oxygen species regardless, unfortunately there's no benefit to turning the machine off.

The flower tent with the AirROSS has an exhaust that vents to my living room (my lung room) so I get the reactive oxygen species regardless, unfortunately there's no benefit to turning the machine off.
Have you reported this to the manufacturer?

I'm contacting them today about screen setup, I'll bring up the smell issue.

Thanks Keesje!


Renfro I've had my AirROS going for almost a week now and I'm getting a breakout on one of my plants that looks like the start of PM.

The attached picture is the best focus I could get, the circles that I think are PM are on the bottom half to the right of middle.

It's just one of my four strains that's breaking out - the Blue Dream. The strain that had the worst PM breakout last harvest is still clear of PM (Slurracane). The other two strains, OG Kush and Lemon Haze, had no PM last grow and are clear so far this grow.

Do you know if it takes time for the ROS to kill off PM or is it more immediate but it takes longer for the PM to break down?





Renfro I've had my AirROS going for almost a week now and I'm getting a breakout on one of my plants that looks like the start of PM.

The attached picture is the best focus I could get, the circles that I think are PM are on the bottom half to the right of middle.

It's just one of my four strains that's breaking out - the Blue Dream. The strain that had the worst PM breakout last harvest is still clear of PM (Slurracane). The other two strains, OG Kush and Lemon Haze, had no PM last grow and are clear so far this grow.

Do you know if it takes time for the ROS to kill off PM or is it more immediate but it takes longer for the PM to break down?



View attachment 4690630


I would make sure you have enough air circulation around that one plant. Maybe it's in a "dead zone" where it's not getting any ROS? I was told that good air flow is critical to distributing the ROS.

Might want to give Michael a call and see what he has to say on the matter.

Hi hot box enthusiast!

last week and the week before I`ve harvested two plants, OG Kush and Blue Dream, and both were mildew free. No visible sign of mildew and no smell. I find that powdery mildew bud has a sickly pine odor and taste.

I`ve got two plants still in flower, Lemon Haze and Sluracane, and both look and smell great! Faint lemon and stronger berry smell, no pine like last harvest on the Sluracane. I lost 265 grams of dried bud when I discarded that plant, hurts for a small grower.


Renfro I didn`t add any extra fan but I did turn the power up to 50% from the preset 20%.

I have to say that the AirROS is a fantastic little gizmo that`s worth the money I paid for it. $3,200 USD shipped or $5,200 Canadian after sales tax and conversion. Not for the faint of heart but it may save your grow.


Hi hot box enthusiast!

last week and the week before I`ve harvested two plants, OG Kush and Blue Dream, and both were mildew free. No visible sign of mildew and no smell. I find that powdery mildew bud has a sickly pine odor and taste.

I`ve got two plants still in flower, Lemon Haze and Sluracane, and both look and smell great! Faint lemon and stronger berry smell, no pine like last harvest on the Sluracane. I lost 265 grams of dried bud when I discarded that plant, hurts for a small grower.


Renfro I didn`t add any extra fan but I did turn the power up to 50% from the preset 20%.

I have to say that the AirROS is a fantastic little gizmo that`s worth the money I paid for it. $3,200 USD shipped or $5,200 Canadian after sales tax and conversion. Not for the faint of heart but it may save your grow.


Right on brother. I wish that you never lay eyes on mold / mildew on your plants ever again. That shit is fucking tragic.

Unfortunately my last plant was infected with PM on the lower buds on all the colas.

The upper buds are clean of PM and I'm contemplating testing each cola before harvesting, putting the clean bud in one tray for vaporizing and bake the infected bud to kill the PM, then use what's left for edibles. How does that sound for a plan?

It's the same strain that had PM so bad I has to chuck it last grow, Slurracane from clone. I've pulled the strain from rotation so I should be better of next grow with Gorilla Glue, Blue Dream and Lemon Haze.

There was much less PM than last grow, and there was none on the Blue Dream which I lost most of last harvest.

This plant was 5 weeks into flower when I got my AirROS, probably well developed PM already. I had done a sulfer burn when these plants were 3 weeks old as well.

I'm not giving up hope on my AirROS yet, I'll see how it does next grow.

I'm sorry to hear that Hobbes. I really appreciate you updating the thread with real world feedback. These systems are a lot of money, and its good to get multiple user reports.

Unfortunately, your comments support my Bayesian priors which say "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is". I would gladly pay $4K to guarantee against PM in my crop. However if the system is more like "it is part of a comprehensive program..." but not truly effective, then the price/reward is way off.

I won't give up on considering a purchase. its important you note that the crop was started before your AirROS. The related rabbit hole has to do with the fact that there is debate whether PM is systemic or not, and so a question of whether AirROS can be effective if a genetic is prone to it. Again, if its efficacy is not so close to 99.9% then the price tag is hard to justify *for a hobbyist*. On the other hand, if you start a next crop with clean strains, use it from the go, then maybe there is promise.

For myself, I just harvested a bunch that were fighting off PM, and although they were mostly cleaned, I decided to to a peroxide wash. I have a pheno hunt, and want to make sure I can sample all the strains. Honestly the bud all looks great, so I am feeling optimistic about it.

As for the new plants I put into flower, I did my first sulfur burn (that was kinda stressful as my house started to smell outside the room, and I couldnt get into the room to check since I planned it all badly lol), and am going to keep watching the exchange rate and pondering the AirROS. I haven't ruled it out yet.

Hot Box I was just talking to Michael at Sage Industries. He's going to look over my grow for obvious problems and he had me make some adjustment to my power and O3 settings.

The O3 is up to 0.1 from 0,03 overnight and should sterilize the inside of my tent, get rid of those mold spores.

I see this as a minor setback, I believe in the technology just need to fine tune my garden. I'll be sure to keep this thread updated.

I would like to see how this device compares to hydroxyl generators, as they are cheaper to produce (uvc lamp with TiO2 mesh around it and in air that is 60-90% humid), and without any long lasting radicals (ozone last about 20 minutes, hydrogen trioxide about 16 minutes in room temperatures, hydroxyl radical about nanoseconds in air)... I cannot see any benefit from sterilizing surfaces, as in my opinion: sterilizing intake and outake air in air sealed environment should suffice for pm prevention, and weight of ros damage on living tissue is too much compared to using some other methods of dealing with pm when it catches on... If you have a headache, run mate, they are very harmful for us, altough our cells produce some of used ros in airros for immune activity and sterilization, they have mechanisms to balance them, any excess might be harmful (cancer inducing, as they destroy rna and cell walls)...