Legalize Nature
Active Member
The only hydro shop in town sells it for that price, but it's 20.99 if you buy 6 or more. That's pretty expensive, no?
The only hydro shop in town sells it for that price, but it's 20.99 if you buy 6 or more. That's pretty expensive, no?
its expensive but IMO worth it.. Its a big bag and I can fill 2 5 gallon pots with 1 bag and still have about 1/2-1 gal left over. If i were you i would pick up fox farms Light Warrior as well and use a mix of 2to1 ocean forest to light warrior. From personal experience, i just picked up light warrior but i have been using just ocean forest with great results. Dont use ocean forest for your seedlings though, Light Warrior is the best for that, then transfer into ocean forest when you repot. I highly recommend picking some up to try. plus the soil already has all the additives you need in there except you can mix dolomite lime and just add 2 cups of the dolomite lime to each bag of ocean forest and it will and you will rarely see problems under good conditions because it keep the soil from getting to acidic, therefore keeping the ph stable. Fox farm all the way.
i do read a lot of people on here saying it's too hot for seedlings, but i think a lot of them are just repeating what they've heard from other people and don't really have any experience with it themselves..
You need to get rid of the miracle grow asap! It has all kinds of chemicals it it that while is perfectly safe for food bearing plants, you for sure don't want to smoke themDamn bro thats a lot, I'm currently using MG moisture control. My plant is growing pretty good so far. I got the soil from Home Depot, cheap price.