Ive found the best spot to germinate ur seeds!


Well-Known Member
Plain and simple, the top of ur fridge near the back of it. :)

Dunno about anyone elses, but my fridge puts off just enough heat at the top of it to keep my seeds in their moist paper towel nice and warm , not too hot , just perfectly warm.
I have an older fridge tho , so new ones might not put off any heat at all.

I keep a glass bowl over top of the seeds to keep em in a dark place and keep the moisture in. Works perfectly! Feel the top of ur fridge, if its warm, try it!


Well-Known Member
i used the top of my light hood :) paper plate on top with the seeds wrapped up in a moist paper towel. 1 drop of superthrive per seed ;)


Well-Known Member
i just started using my cable box and its working wonders.
This is what I've always done. Shallow glass plate with your seeds wrapped in the wet paper towel, all snug as a bug in a rug, covered with a piece of Saran wrap. You can feel the top of the box and find a spot that is just the right temp and place the plate right on it. One or two days and they pop.


i've always found that the pot/soil im gonna grow em in is the best place to germinate my seeds.... but maybe im old fashioned...


Well-Known Member
Top of my modem has been my spot, so far I am batting 100%. I am flowering my third grow right now.


see thats my thinkin... if it aint broke dont fix it!

then why all this paper towel crap??? i hate that method...tried it twice; failed miserably... never had a problem with just planting a seed in some dirt and watering it... dont see what is so complicated about that....

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
then why all this paper towel crap??? i hate that method...tried it twice; failed miserably... never had a problem with just planting a seed in some dirt and watering it... dont see what is so complicated about that....
because it works... ive never tried just planting in soil and let em go and im a fan of if it aint broke dont fix it my way aint broke so i aint fixin it... i was merely stating that if it works for you then keep em comin!

n to be fair it aint complicated to do any of the different ways of crackin the seeds open its just personal preferance... towels dont work for you they do for me!


because it works... ive never tried just planting in soil and let em go and im a fan of if it aint broke dont fix it my way aint broke so i aint fixin it... i was merely stating that if it works for you then keep em comin!

n to be fair it aint complicated to do any of the different ways of crackin the seeds open its just personal preferance... towels dont work for you they do for me!

not bashin you; but i still dont understand why everyone feels the need to add extra steps to a rather simple, straightforward process??? my opinion only:eyesmoke: