True also they’re definitely could be a valid argument that if GGG and archive didn’t make such a big deal about it there’s definitely a good chance Thugpug, in house, etc. wouldn’t have as big of a following if it wasn’t for them complaining about using their work. Honestly it just gave them a bigger spotlight. U never see Orgnkid or Origins TK complaining about people using their work, at least from what i’ve seen. Now if someone says they’ll give/trade/or let you test a cut or some seeds under certain stipulations and U agree to it, and then turn around and break that agreement then that’s bad business and they would have every right to be pissed off. Anyways going to spray the GOG x Zawtz with Neem oil for the last time, and hopefully nothing finds its way in. Might even sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around the pots, and get some sticky traps just to be extra careful. Working in the nursery full of plants that have thrips, powdery mildew, fungus gnats etc. i definitely have to take a lot more precautions.