Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Here's my arsenal of dry herb vapes and concentrate batteries, plus I have an Arizer and that's what got me started vaping with the bags. my friend that introduced me to it brought over a couple of turkey cooking bags that are like 50% bigger than the bags that come with it, but I like the originals personally.IMG_20210203_130001.jpg
I currently have a love/hate relationship with cedar right now.......my allergies are going nutz....where are those allergy meds...ugh..

lunch leftover...baked chicken with cream of mushroom, mash taters, and green beans....that will put some meat on ya....
Road trip!!! My dad has an old cooey rifle and a shotgun. I fired the cooey a bunch of times when I was a kid, I don't know how big it was but the bullets were tiny compared to the shotgun.
Shotguns shoot....shot. There are a bunch of different sizes of shot depending on what you are shooting, there are also slugs that are as big in diameter as the shells.