Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of a Dodger's game I attended two years ago where two girls kissed on the Kiss Cam and were kicked out the park, that is discrimination. Being a minority I know how homosexuals feel about the situation they are in, and I am backing them 100%. We proved that the country is maturing in this election and we help the gay community, they are Americans too!


Well-Known Member
If i see someone pissing in public, i teach my kids its immoral and disgusting, same as 2 women or men kissing in a sexual manner and ill teach them its against nature and God as well. And these people are not Equal , They are immoral deviants that dont deserve to breathe the same air. And if all these Pollitically correct liberal panzy's had any back bone at all it would have never even come to this. Guess we know what kind of parents brought most of these liberals up. Oh wait, parents didnt bring them up, the village or daycare did. Talk about forgeting about whats important.:finger: And sideburns looks just like he sounds, a dipshit traitor. Actually, theres most definately coal in that wood pile with hair like that.


If i see someone pissing in public, i teach my kids its immoral and disgusting, same as 2 women or men kissing in a sexual manner and ill teach them its against nature and God as well. And these people are not Equal , They are immoral deviants that dont deserve to breathe the same air. And if all these Pollitically correct liberal panzy's had any back bone at all it would have never even come to this. Guess we know what kind of parents brought most of these liberals up. Oh wait, parents didnt bring them up, the village or daycare did. Talk about forgeting about whats important.:finger: And sideburns looks just like he sounds, a dipshit traitor. Actually, theres most definately coal in that wood pile with hair like that.

alright im going to propose a situation for you...

what if you had a mole on your stomach,,,

and suddenly it was against the law for you to get married if you had a mole on your stomach

you cant do anything about

a law was created by people whom the law does not affect, preventing you from getting married just because you have a mole on your stomach

and some how idiot rednecks like yourself lock yourself in the circle argument that "OH MAN TEH BIBLEZ SAYS ITS IMMORAL SO IMA LISTEN TO SOME TEXT CAUZE GAWD ROTE IT!!_111"

dude grow the fuck up

people like YOU are immoral sir, taking away the freedoms of others because they are different


Well-Known Member
If i see someone pissing in public, i teach my kids its immoral and disgusting, same as 2 women or men kissing in a sexual manner and ill teach them its against nature and God as well. And these people are not Equal , They are immoral deviants that dont deserve to breathe the same air. And if all these Pollitically correct liberal panzy's had any back bone at all it would have never even come to this. Guess we know what kind of parents brought most of these liberals up. Oh wait, parents didnt bring them up, the village or daycare did. Talk about forgeting about whats important.:finger: And sideburns looks just like he sounds, a dipshit traitor. Actually, theres most definately coal in that wood pile with hair like that.
Lol, who are you? Dennis Hopper in True Romance? You can read blackness in people? It's a shame you didn't get raised by a village or a day care where they at least know what a dictionary is. But it must be rough having your worldview ignored by an entire country. America elected a black man! You couldn't be disrespected any more than that! By an entire Country! People laugh at you and then ignore you. LMAO!



Well-Known Member
Im sorry for this country. Too many laws have caused an decrease in deaths by natural selection. This means too many idiots that should be dead are still alive. This can be the only explanation for Obama's win. Yes , Obama yea he will change things, he's going to try and take our guns, expose our children to immorral perverts, & RAISE TAXES.
Here we go again, Another idiot who thinks it takes a village to raise a child. It does not take a village, what it does take is parents that are not always multi-tasking, that Are paying attention and disciplining the way they should(if a child does something it knows it shouldnt, spank the hell out of the little terd). Time OUts are good practice for PRISON. I can gaurentee my child will be schooled with firearms from the time he is big enough to hold a gun and he will RESPECT what they do. Not like all these wanna be gangbangers that these villages today are raising.
Another thing that really gets me steamed up is all of these pussyfied panzy's in this country today. They shout about Rights when all they want is for everyone to be Quiet and have it they're way. Well this isnt BurgerKing. If your an Asshole and mouth off , you should get your teeth knocked out, but too many pussies call 911. What happened to finishing what you started.
Again too many pussy's in this county today, women and fags who should have never had the right to vote in the first place.
Some say Lincoln was our greatest president for giving the right to vote to everyone, I say he was our greatest traitor and the first political pussy to sell out his race. Look back, thats when this country started going to hell.
Looking forward to the replies. Lets see if there are any other Finish What You Start people out there. Oh, and if Obama wants my guns, he can have them lead first. I think im going to start hanging my american flag upside down. And yes, we are in distress, This country is full of bureacrats and pussy's.
OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE, CHANGE MY ASS, we're in for more democrap big government and socialism. I just really want to kick the shit out of the next disrespectful, little gangbanger I see. These little wannabes shouold be used for target practice. There should be a GANGBANGER season just like any other animal. Whats Obama going to do about this problem, NADA. He might offend some blacks or mexicans if he tells them to pay attention and discipline they're kids(use a belt and put them over your knee if yo have too) instead of letting them run like wild dogs. And dont think im letting all these little white kids who are wannbe's off. They are the worst, I make fun of them every chance i get and they are all panzy's. It really is funny to watch them thinking they are cool and then "check" them, ohh boy ,watch'em run!
A little story about gangbangers and redneck( me being the redneck). One night in a place far,far away(lol). I was sleeping when something in my carport woke me. I run out to find a young punk(black) tring to get away with my tool box. he sees me, drops it and runs. I corner him in a field and why i am standing on a corner so i can see if he leaves the field either direction. A little honda drives into my nieghborhood(only 1 way in & out) full of teenagers. A little suspicious at 3 in the morning. when they drive back out they get mouthy about me shining my flashlight at them and when i say i have a burglar suspect cornered in this field and they better leave before the police get there, one of the little dumbass's leans out the car window and yells "better watch it man, you'll get a cap popped in your ass". Well, i never knew a honda civic could burn rubber like that. when the little peckerhead said that i pulled my .38 from behind my back and fired 1 in the air. They left they're little buddy behind & got the hell out of dodge. My nieghborhood has been pretty quiet since. So fair warning to wanna-be gangbangers in northern california and elsewhere, Rednecks have guns and we hit what we aim AT.:twisted:

Quite the rant! Well done!

Why so hot under the collar, bro? Did your wife wash your white hood 'n' robes with your lucky red hat again?


Well-Known Member
i dont want to see that disgusting crap and i dont want my kids to have to see it. Let alone be taught about it in school and thats its ok or normal. It is not NORMAL OR OK just because a bunch of liberal pussies say it is and the rump rangers and carpet munchers say they love each other. Ahhhhhh, sick to my stomach just thinking about how liberal bullshit is f'ing up this world. Cant wait for the Revolution, im a great shot, like most of us rednecks. Hope to see you soon.
And how come a White man cant be about white pride when its ok for black pride, asian pride, mexican pride, ect....???:finger:
Who were the first people to own slaves ? african tribes people, they only started whining when they weren't the ones doing the slaving. And now todays white people ares till paying for it. Well get over it already.
And no my white hoods just fine. Yea, and voted in my a bunch of un-worthy's.


Well-Known Member
If i see someone pissing in public, i teach my kids its immoral and disgusting, same as 2 women or men kissing in a sexual manner and ill teach them its against nature and God as well. And these people are not Equal , They are immoral deviants that dont deserve to breathe the same air. And if all these Pollitically correct liberal panzy's had any back bone at all it would have never even come to this. Guess we know what kind of parents brought most of these liberals up. Oh wait, parents didnt bring them up, the village or daycare did. Talk about forgeting about whats important.:finger: And sideburns looks just like he sounds, a dipshit traitor. Actually, theres most definately coal in that wood pile with hair like that.

Your a piece of work, did someone touch you when you were a kid? Why do I ask, you would never admit it. You know, usually in most cases the homophobic guy in the room acts the way he does because he is gay and would be embarrassed and most likely disowned from his crazy family. It's okay if your gay.
Seriously though, I am 99% sure you were abused as a kid.


i dont want to see that disgusting crap and i dont want my kids to have to see it. Let alone be taught about it in school and thats its ok or normal. It is not NORMAL OR OK just because a bunch of liberal pussies say it is and the rump rangers and carpet munchers say they love each other. Ahhhhhh, sick to my stomach just thinking about how liberal bullshit is f'ing up this world. Cant wait for the Revolution, im a great shot, like most of us rednecks. Hope to see you soon.
And how come a White man cant be about white pride when its ok for black pride, asian pride, mexican pride, ect....???:finger:
Who were the first people to own slaves ? african tribes people, they only started whining when they weren't the ones doing the slaving. And now todays white people ares till paying for it. Well get over it already.
oh so its disgusting cause you dont agree with it, its immoral and wrong beacuse you dont agree with it

shouldnt you be off having sex with your daughter some where?


Well-Known Member
i dont want to see that disgusting crap and i dont want my kids to have to see it. Let alone be taught about it in school and thats its ok or normal. It is not NORMAL OR OK just because a bunch of liberal pussies say it is and the rump rangers and carpet munchers say they love each other. Ahhhhhh, sick to my stomach just thinking about how liberal bullshit is f'ing up this world. Cant wait for the Revolution, im a great shot, like most of us rednecks. Hope to see you soon.
And how come a White man cant be about white pride when its ok for black pride, asian pride, mexican pride, ect....???:finger:
Who were the first people to own slaves ? african tribes people, they only started whining when they weren't the ones doing the slaving. And now todays white people ares till paying for it. Well get over it already.
You are so ignorant. Get an education.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to see that disgusting crap and i dont want my kids to have to see it. Let alone be taught about it in school and thats its ok or normal. It is not NORMAL OR OK just because a bunch of liberal pussies say it is and the rump rangers and carpet munchers say they love each other. Ahhhhhh, sick to my stomach just thinking about how liberal bullshit is f'ing up this world. Cant wait for the Revolution, im a great shot, like most of us rednecks. Hope to see you soon.
And how come a White man cant be about white pride when its ok for black pride, asian pride, mexican pride, ect....???:finger:
Who were the first people to own slaves ? african tribes people, they only started whining when they weren't the ones doing the slaving. And now todays white people ares till paying for it. Well get over it already.
And no my white hoods just fine. Yea, and voted in my a bunch of un-worthy's.
:?Your not really this ignorant right? Are you so angry because most of the country views you as below them? The same way you feel about gays? But now you have finally realized that this is your place to be and not theirs? That you are the minority that disgusts the people of this country? That you are now the butt of every joke and everybody laughs when they see you and your family? The only difference is that you should be looked down upon, because you are below the average American, and that means gay and black too. You dont realize that the revolution you speak of only exist with a remote ignorant few that havent quit caught on to the real world. Re-read everything that you wrote and you will realize why that one day there will be vote a for banning redneck marriage, possibly breeding altogether.
And you want to talk about disguisting
rednecks - Google Image Search

ill take 2 chicks kissin anyday. Oh yea i voted Obama, so did my brother, my roommate and my girl who was a repub before this election:hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
too easy to predict youre arguments. im a homo because that stuff sickins me. oh i was abused because i have morals and discipline. i guess people that get sick at the sight of blood must be Vampires by your theory.
Excuses are like assholes , everybody has 1. Liberals seem to be able to regenerate theres.
Wait till its your kid coming home, "did you know jack can marry jack ? or jill can diddle jill ? ohhhhhhh, thats right, fags dont get to have kids. Only if a liberal pieces of shit in some office gives them one, which should never be done.************************************************************* yea, sorry sometimes i go overboard. that was distasteful


Well-Known Member
too easy to predict youre arguments. im a homo because that stuff sickins me. oh i was abused because i have morals and discipline. i guess people that get sick at the sight of blood must be Vampires by your theory.
Excuses are like assholes , everybody has 1. Liberals seem to be able to regenerate theres.
Wait till its your kid coming home, "did you know jack can marry jack ? or jill can diddle jill ? ohhhhhhh, thats right, fags dont get to have kids. Only if a liberal pieces of shit in some office gives them one, which should never be done. A kid is better off dead than raised by queers.
Thar last line proves everything i said. Your not smart enough or rational enough for your views to matter. Now go give your sister a good fucking. Wait, do you think that fucking your own kin is ok. Im looking for a serious response


Well-Known Member
Redneck's got a lust for big black cock
Redneck's got a love of big black cock
Let your love be free get ready to dock
With the truncheon affair that's a big black cock.

Redneck didn't know when he went to jail
That his bitter white ass would be impaled
It came as a shock when it stiffened his cock
Now he's Tyrone's bitch and he's altered his walk.

Now redneck knows how a good fag feels
rolling his hips and sporting his heels
the pimpliest bitch doing big Ty's deals
black man protein supplementing his meals

Red's impending release filled him with strife
Never mind said red 'i'll murder my wife
And hey Tyrone we'll be lovers for life
safe in the love of Jesus Christ.

Idiot thread starter and your allies, it's a wee song for you. I could have gone all fuckin night. It's been fun playing with prison darkness in my mind. Racist pricks.


Well-Known Member
SHIMMER, you ought to put that to music. Rap it and youll make millions. But it sounds like you have a little tooooo much INSIDE information on the subject. Guess your a racist prick too, just a different color.


Well-Known Member
This country faces so many challenges that sexual orientation pales in comparison and is not a threat to my freedoms. Pick your battles wisely. This one is not worth fighting, and ultimately is not winnable.

I am all about the rights of the individual and it is not the job of the government withhold freedoms based on prejudice. The Constitution does not condone depriving individuals the right to equal protection under the law for any reason.

If two women loving each other is a threat to any marriage, that marriage was never on solid footing in the first place.

And gay men? Bless them all. Each one increases the JohnnyOrganic:Single Straight Female ratio in my favor.