Examples of GOP Leadership

Should have done the federal time Steve, state time is bitch they say. BTW a pardon is admission of guilt, a confession in fact!
NY DA Cy Vance Investigating Steve Bannon for State Crimes: Trump's Pardon Can't Help Him Now

Steve Bannon may have won a battle by accepting a Trump pardon to help him get out of his federal prosecution. But Bannon may end up losing the war, as he's now being criminally investigated by New York District Attorney Cy Vance. Importantly, not only is a presidential pardon inoperative against state court prosecutions, but the US Supreme Court has said that accepting a pardon is akin to a confession to the crimes for which you are pardoned.
Meet one of our nation's new congress member.

Nice work Indiana.

Yumpin' yimminy, der foreigners are infiltrating congress.
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Yumpin' yimminy, der foreigners are infiltrating congress.
Im fine with foreigners. Even them running and winning a seat in our government.

But dark money'd far right Putin loving Soviet's ones in congress while we are under a constant attack from the Russian military is just ridiculous.

And she blows as a professor apparently.

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Im fine with foreigners. Even them running and winning a seat in our government.

But dark money'd far right Putin loving Soviet's ones in congress while we are under a constant attack from the Russian military is just ridiculous.

And she blows as a professor apparently.

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I wonder if Ukraine would allow Individual 1, or any foreigner, to run for their leadership. Individual 1 has said he could win in any country of Europe, if he chose to.
What about all that America first stuff they are always saying?

A quick summation of the convention so you can get on with more important work.
CPAC, all-in for Trump, is not what it used to be
The Conservative Political Action Committee's annual presidential preference poll over the years was won four times by Mitt Romney, three times by Jack Kemp and once by George W. Bush. None would be welcome at the conference held this week in Orlando, Fla.
A quick summation of the convention so you can get on with more important work.
CPAC, all-in for Trump, is not what it used to be
The Conservative Political Action Committee's annual presidential preference poll over the years was won four times by Mitt Romney, three times by Jack Kemp and once by George W. Bush. None would be welcome at the conference held this week in Orlando, Fla.
There are no real conservatives at CPAC anymore.
Why The GOP Must Look Past The Trump Era

Following former President Trump's speech at CPAC, the WSJ editorial board encourages the GOP to '...look past the Trump era to a new generation of potential standard-bearers.' The Morning Joe panel discusses the current state of the GOP and what changes it should make.
Josh Hawley Seeks to Overturn Results of CPAC Straw Poll | The New Yorker

Satire from The Borowitz Report
Josh Hawley Seeks to Overturn Results of CPAC Straw Poll

By Andy Borowitz
March 1, 2021
Josh Hawley raising his fist

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A furious Josh Hawley announced on Monday that he would attempt to overturn the results of last weekend’s cpac straw poll, which showed him to be the choice of only three per cent of attendees.
Claiming that there was “widespread fraud” in the way that the straw poll was conducted, he demanded urgent action to “stop the steal.”

“If cpac does not immediately halt the certification of its straw-poll results, people will lose faith in cpac as one of our nation’s sacred institutions,” the Missouri senator said.

Asked to provide evidence of straw-poll fraud, Hawley said, “There was a really cool photo of me pumping my fist in the air that everybody saw. That should be worth way more than three per cent.”

Responding to the senator’s demands, cpac conducted a thorough recount of its straw poll, and found that Hawley had actually received two per cent.
Doctor Ronny (candyman) Jackson, former White House doctor of Individual 1 (said he could live to 200 years old), now a Texas Rep., is under investigation. Only the best people.

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Doctor Ronny (candyman) Jackson, former personal doctor of Individual 1 (said he could live to 200 years old), now a Texas Rep., is under investigation. Only the best people.

To be fair, I don't think I could work for Trump and stay sober either.
Doctor Ronny (candyman) Jackson, former White House doctor of Individual 1 (said he could live to 200 years old), now a Texas Rep., is under investigation. Only the best people.

I heard that on NPR this afternoon. It's a shame the report didn't come out before the election.