Angry the next morning

It seems that the next morning after smoking marijuana,Marijuana, have serious anger issues,anybody else have this problem and what can I do about it? I usually hit the pipe once or twice on an occasional weekend,im not a heavy smoker. Any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
It seems that the next morning after smoking marijuana,Marijuana, have serious anger issues,anybody else have this problem and what can I do about it? I usually hit the pipe once or twice on an occasional weekend,im not a heavy smoker. Any help would be appreciated
Any time I feel that way I smoke more and it goes away.


Well-Known Member
Your brain misses the dopamine and serotonin boost.
Just be conscious of it, and enjoy a little more pot.
It’s kind-of a “hair-of-the-dog” thing.
Don’t let people shame you for getting (even a little) high. Everyone has their favorite way to boost serotonin and using a weed that you can grow yourself (hopefully) is better than a lot of other alternatives.


Well-Known Member
You only like big cocks, V256.420 ? OP was asking about weed where you seem to be trolling for your next mouthful.
You didn't get the South Park angry man with small penis reference. It's ok. I understand your feelings. When you have small penis you talk all big and bad because of it. It makes you angry inside. Don't worry bro cause they have help for that. Get some soon :eyesmoke: