Answer me this


New Member
i have a friend that has a friend that is cool. but he knows this dude has mad bank, and he wants to take some cash from his stash.

there is about 500$ in his stash

would you take it?:joint:


Active Member
I dont believe in karma but i do believe that money is something that is a valuation of your worth to the world. If you have to steal money to get by you are worthless to all of society. But if you dont care about that, good luck and dont get shot in the face.


Active Member
Don't do it, stealing is so fucked up and its shady. Do the right thing earn it yourself, i got no respect for thieves.


New Member
i got that, i'm just saying i'm not stealing shit i'm 5'7 125 lbs.
and the dude he is trying to fuck with is his size: 6'0 200lbs
i'm asking for my dude, not for me haha.


Active Member
Haha. O, ya I'd tell your bud not attend such stunt :blsmoke:. Sounds like he's asking for a little much. Lol

Peace, :joint::blsmoke:

Someones prolly gonna get hurt. haha