How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Just an update. Been in critical care for a few days now. Improving fast. Hoping to be out of here in under two weeks.

Thank you to all for the support and wishes. Appreciated very needed last week. Still using starting from now.

My boy says my girls are very healthy. PM in the cucumbers again.

We shall be together again soon.
Get well brother !
I've picked all of the Flint in the three beds at the riverhouse. (I still have some in the sandhill garden) Just a few were soft enough for corn on the cob. It was not too bad. There were about 20 ears that look nice enough to save for decoration, the rest will be used for seed or parched to eat. (the sweet corn had more of an effect than I thought it would. I need to pick out all the yellow seed for next season and see how that comes out)

Lessons learned from planting corn, beans and squash in the same bed. Make sure the squash are on the sunny side. All the plants in the middle of the row are pretty much gone. A couple at each end are still going.035.JPG
My memory is letting me down again. Today is the best above ground planting day for this moon cycle, and I just now looked. 100% chance of thunderstorms, (and it's 100 percenting right now) so I'll take some seeds with me to the riverhouse tonight and put a few down in trays. At least I can skip the last part of my planting ritual, the watering.
So this is my first year of all organic. Nothing but EWC I made. Compost I made. KNF and JADAM methods.

Tassels are starting to show with the corn. Most of it is growing really good. Better than it ever has. You can see how it's not as robust on the end that didn't get as much of the compost and EWC worked into the soil. The plants are much smaller. There's a few yellow pear volunteer tomatoes on the end as well. Tomatoes seem to naturalize where I'm at really well.



The beans are climbing up the corn. I'm cramming as much into the space I have as I can.


The beans in the Bean Machines are starting to climb. I ran a bunch of twine for them to climb on and the next day the squirrels had taken half of it down.


The rutabagas I planted after harvesting the Yukon Gold potatoes are coming up. Some beets going to seed in the background. I should be eating rutabagas by October. Two crops from one spot. Next year I'm going to plant something around the sides like broccoli raab or maybe Lincoln peas which don't get very tall but produce really well and get even more food from that small bed.

It's too late now but i'm going to start weighing what I get from that bed and see how many pounds of food a year I can get out of it.

One of the Volunteer sunflowers is 8.5 ft tall. I ended up with a bunch of them this year. They all started with some old seeds that came from Ft Vancouver back around 2000. I planted them and 2 grew even though the seeds were over 15 years old. They've been coming back for 4 years. I also have a bag of seeds I collected. It's an heirloom variety they grew at the Fort. They have one main flower and a bunch of smaller ones. The seeds are small not like the larger ones they sell to eat.

The artichokes I left for the bees are blooming. They're basically a giant thistle but they look nice and the bees love them. That's why I didn't eat them all. Gotta keep my bees well fed.



I guess I should take down my ghetto structure I set up real quick to cover the tomatoes for the 116° record heat we had. It's not tall enough anyway as the tomatoes have gotten taller. I think the heat still slowed them down but they're setting fruit now and there are a few early decent sized fruits in that overcrowded mess I planted. Maybe I'll start the tomato season with fried green tomatoes.


Some of the pears look like they got scorched but they should be ok. The skin will just have some blemishing. I'll just be happy to get a fresh pear. I will peel them anyway. I've been waiting years for this tree to produce.


Blueberries to the left are just loaded. We've just started picking them. The peach tree is a bust this year but at least the peach leaf curl didn't come back. I'm going to go easy on the pruning this year. Last year I had to hack the hell out of it because of PLC. I bet next year it will be loaded.

I got my cucumbers in pretty late but they're really moving now. I'm going to string them up so they grow vertical. Should be picking by the end of the month. They go fast once they get going.

I harvested the rest of the kale and am going to plant beets in that spot and as soon as I yank the radish seed plants in a couple days I'll plant lettuce there. I'm also going to plant some more peas for a fall harvest. But everything could go to crap real quick if we get smoke that blocks out the sun for 10 days like we had last year.

My garden isn't nice and neat but I like it this way. Not a drop of chemical pesticide or fertilizer. It's all KNF and JADAM. I'm still learning those methods and I made some mistakes but everything is doing pretty good. As I build the soil into a living thing it's only going to get better.


Happy Gardening :peace:
What’s the deal with these onions? First time growing. These are sets not starts. They grow pretty quickly then the green just falls over. I’ve cut some of the greens for chives they don’t seem to re grow?57F15604-1118-41DE-942E-DB6BEC86D3AF.jpeg
here an update, the garden is growing nicely.. tomatoes are all over the place.. here some of my tomatoes bed

Some san Marzano (my favorites tomatoes along with beefsteak)

some beefsteak one: along with beets, carrots

lettuce and onions behind
some napoli grappe tomatoes
minibell peppers, sweet banana peppers, thai peppers and aji rico peppers
Sigh...had to be out of town for a week, it wound up hotter than expected, will see if the cucumber and squash plants stand back up....along with a few weed plants.

Come on nature, let's see some magic. Flip side was everything not in containers looked great and I forgot how much stuff can grow in a week.

Oh...and missed a bunch of flowers blooming, at least they made it.
What’s the deal with these onions? First time growing. These are sets not starts. They grow pretty quickly then the green just falls over. I’ve cut some of the greens for chives they don’t seem to re grow?View attachment 4942134

A couple of them with flowers have bolted. When the tops fall over they're pretty much done growing. My onions didn't do much this year either. I planted some from sets I bought and some from seeds I started. I'm not using sets again as most of the ones I planted from sets bolted. The same thing happened last year so from now on I'm just starting from seed in trays during the winter.
A couple of them with flowers have bolted. When the tops fall over they're pretty much done growing. My onions didn't do much this year either. I planted some from sets I bought and some from seeds I started. I'm not using sets again as most of the ones I planted from sets bolted. The same thing happened last year so from now on I'm just starting from seed in trays during the winter.
Thanks. First time so wasn’t sure. Good for chives as they grow so quick. I’ll pull them up and see what I got.